Curves Lecture 5 Kdu Sri Lanka

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Previous Lecture
By P.S.L.Gajanayaka
Different forms of Curve


Horizontal Vertica
Curve l

Simple Compound Reverse Transitio

Curve Curve Curve n Curve
Transition Curve/ Spiral Curve

A Curve of varying radius is known as a Transition


Fast moving Vehicles

Centrifugal Force

W Weight of the
vehicle V Speed of the
vehicle R- Radius of the

P = WV/gR
b = Width of the road in meters
G = distance between centers of rails in meters
R= radius of the curve in meters
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 ms
V = speed of the vehicle in meters per second h = superlevation

Wsin = wv/gR
When is very small sin = tan = h/b

W * h/b = wv / gr
h = bv / gr for roads
h = Gv / gR for railways
Centrifugal Ratio
The ratio between the centrifugal force and the
weight of the vehicle is known as centrifugal ratio.

Centrifugal ratio (CR) = P/W = wv/( g R * w) = v / g

Allowable value for CR in roads = 1/4
Type of Transition Curve

Cubical Spiral
Cubic parabola
The Lemniscate Curve
Cubical Spiral

The standard equation of cubic spiral is x = l / 6RL

Where :
L = Total Length of the transition
Curve R = Radius of the circular
l = Distance measured along the curve
x = Perpendicular offset from the
Cubic parabola

The standard equation of cubic parabola is x = y / 6RL

Where :
L = Total Length of the transition
Curve R = Radius of the circular
y = Distance measured along the tangent
x = Perpendicular offset from the
The Lemniscate Curve

The standard equation of Lemniscate Curve is

Where :
r = p / 3 sin2
r = radius of the curvature at any
point p = polar ray at any point
= polar deflection angle
Basic Requirements for design of an
Ideal Transition curve
Tangential to the straight.
Also meet the circular curve tangentially.
Zero curvature at the beginning.
The radius of the transition curve should
be equal to that of the circular curve
exactly at the junction.
The rate of increase of curvature along the
transition curve should be the same as that
of superelevation
Condition of an Ideal Transition curve
Super elevation should be increased with
increase of centrifugal force at a constant rate.
a) speed of the vehicle
The centrifugal is assumedtotothe
force is proportional belength
of the
transition curve
WV/Gr L here W,g and V are constant
1/R L
LR = Constant
a) The superelevation (h) is to the length of the
transition curve.
h L WV/Gr
1/R L
Characteristic of Transition Curve
Length of transition curve
By adopting a definite rate of superelevation
By considering arbitrary time rate of superelevation

By considering rate of change of radial acceleration

Characteristic of Transition Curve
By adopting a definite rate of superelevation

The length of the transition curve may be calculated by

assuming a definite rate of superlevation . This rate
is normally various from 1: 300 to 1:1000 .

L = nh/100 m

L Length of transition Curve

h Amount of superelevation in centimeters
1: n Rate of superelevation over the transition
Characteristic of Transition Curve
By adopting a definite rate of superelevation

Calculate the length of the transition curve required in order to

attain a maximum superelevation of 15 cm , assuming the rate
of superelevation to be 1 in 400.

Length of the transition curve ,L = 400* 15/ 100 m

L = 60m
Characteristic of Transition Curve
By considering arbitrary time rate of superelevation
The length of the transition curve may be calculated
by assuming a suitable time rate say x cm per

Time taken by the vehicle to travel a distance L = L/v Sec

L = hv / x
Superlevation =

L Length of transition Curve in meter

V - average speed of the vehicle in m/ sec
h Amount of superelevation in centimeters
X time rate , where x varies from 2.5 to 5.0 cm per
Characteristic of Transition Curve
By considering arbitrary time rate of superelevation

Calculate the length of the transition curve required in order to

attain a maximum superelevation of 15 cm , assuming the rate
of superelevation of 3 cm/s.the speed of the vehicle is 50 Km/h.

V = 50 * 1000/(60 * 60)
V = 500/36 m/s
Length of the transition curve ,L = h* v/ x
= 15 * 500/(3 * 36)
= 69.44m
Characteristic of Transition Curve
By considering rate of change of radial acceleration
Radial acceleration on circular curve = V / R
Time taken by vehicle to cover transition curve = L/V
s If Km/s be the change of radial acceleration ;
Time taken to attain maximum radial acceleration

= V /(K * R); L/V = V /(K * R)

L = V /(K * R)
Characteristic of Transition Curve
By considering rate of change of radial acceleration
Calculate the length of the transition curve , When rate of radial
acceleration is 30 cm/s , allowable speed on curve is 60 km /h
and the radius of the circular curve is 200m.
V = 60 * 1000/(60 * 60) = 16.66 m/s
K = 30 cm/s = .3 m/s
R = 200m
Length of the transition curve ,L =v / K * R
= (16.66)/ .3 * 200
= 77m
Intrinsic Equation of an Ideal Transition
TA Initial tangent
T Starting point of transition curve
D point of junction between transition curve and circular curve
B any point on transition curve
r radius of curve at B
R radius of circular curve
Spiral angle
1 angle between tangent at B
and tangent TA
I distance between point B and T
L Total Length of transition curve
x x co-ordinate of any point B
y y co-ordinate of any point B
- deflection angle of at point B
Intrinsic Equation of an Ideal Transition

The fundamental requirement of a Transition curve (Spiral) is that the radius of

at any point be inversely proportional to its length .

1/r = m
Intrinsic Equation of an Ideal Transition
For any curve, Curvature is;
d/ d = 1/r
d =m* d
Integrating = m/ 2
So, At
T, = 0 and = 0
Then, = m/ 2
At the point = L , r = R and =
D 1/R = mL
= / 2RL radian
= L / 2RL = L / 2R
(Spiral Angle) = L / 2R radian
Coordinates of the point on the Transition Curve

The fundamental requirement of a Transition curve (Spiral) is that the radius of

at any point be inversely proportional to its length .

1/r = m
Coordinates of the point on the Transition Curve

Back Tangent is assumed as Y axis, X axis is perpendicular to it.

T is the Origin of the axes. x,y are the coordinates of the point A
Then, the cdts of point B are + ,
= = sin

= .
= . 5
sin - a

3! +
Also 1/25!and by

- b
2 1/
= 2
Then, substituting b to a,
.. 5/2
1/2 +
2 6 12
Coordinates of the point on the Transition Curve

By Integrating,
2 4
= 3/2 1
3 14 +

1 440
By substituting the value = 1/2 , ( =

3 2 )
= 3
+ 8
144 8

By substituting the value 2 ,

k= 3 4 8
1 +
6 56 2 7040 4
= 2 4

Coordinates of the point on the Transition Curve
From Right-angled triangle

= cos >>> = ; cos 2 + 4

= . 1 ! !
By substituting the value ,
2 1/
= 2 3/2
= 2.2
2 ! ! 2 4
By Integrating this y= 1/2 1 10 +

By substituting the value = 216
2 4
1/2 , y= 1

10 +
4 8
By substituting the value = ; +

10 216
y= 2 1 4 8
4 8
By substituting the value 22; y = 1 +
2 3456
k= 2 4

Modification for the Ideal TCve
The standard equation of cubic spiral can be derived by
considering sin = and ignoring all other minor terms
x = l / 6RL
The standard equation of cubic Parabola can be derived by
neglecting all other terms except the first
Now substituting to x equation (x = l / 6RL)

x = y / 6RL
Deflection Angle of a TCve
The deflection angle of the TC can be computed and setup by
using the theodolite as follows.
Let the
The Polar deflection angle for any point;
2 4
3/2 1 14 +

tan = 440
1 1/ 2 4
= 1 10 +
3 216
= + +
3 105

Deflection Angle of a TCve
T similar to
tan /3 = + +
; tan
; 3

1 2 18
=3 = 6 0
2 x


Element of combined curve

AB Rear or back tangent

BC Forward tangent
T1 First tangent
T2 Second tangent
point Deflection
I Angle of intersection
Spiral angle
T1E or T2D Length of the transition curve
The arc EPD Length of the circular
T E1 or T2D1 Shift of the curve

BT1 or BT2 Total tangent length

Setting out of combined curve

Main C Cve is shifted

distance S inward.

Back Tangent is Y-axis and X-

axis is perpendicular to it.

DE=x, T1D=y


So the length of arcEB=R.


So, EG=EM=L/2

i.e. the t1B bisect the transition curve at

G. cos
S=t1B = t1M-BM = DE- (OB-OM); = x

= x-R (1-cos) ; = x-2R( 4 )

Setting out of combined curve

By Substituting the values for x=3 /6 and 2


Setting out of combined curve

Length of the transition curve L= V / KR (K-m/s be the change of radial

acceleration )
Shift of the curve s = L / 24R
Tangent Length of the combined curve (for cubic
parabola) BT1 = BT1 + T1T1 = OT1 tan /2 + L/2
= (R +S) tan /2 + L/2
Spiral Angle
= L/2R radians = L*180/2R * degree
Central angle for circular curve = ( 2)

Length of the circular curve = R ( 2) / 180

Length of combined curve = T1E1 + E1E2 + E2T2

= L + R ( 2) / 180 + L
= R ( 2) / 180 + 2L
Change of point of commencement of curve
Setting out of combined curve

Chainage of E1 = chainage of T1 + Length of Transition curve

Chainage of E2 = chainage of E1 + Length of Circular curve

Chainage of point of tangency T2 = Chainage of E2 + Length of Transition

Setting out of transition curve

l. According to the deflection angle

The deflection angle at any point on the transition curve = 573I / RL
mins Check : total deflection angle = 1/3
ll. According to the rectangular co-ordinate
The coordinate of any point on the transition curve y = x / 6R L
Setting out of combined curve

Field procedure.

I . By calculating deflection angle

The deflection angle at any point on circular curve = 1719 * c/R
mins Check: Total deflection angle = 1/2 * central angle
II. By taking offset from the long chord
III. By taking offset from the chord produced
Setting out of combined curve

Two straights AB and BC intersect at chainage
1000m , the deflection angle being
is proposed to insert a circular curve of radius
300m with a transition curve of length 90m at
each end. Calculate all data necessary for
setting out the curve by the deflection angle
method, taking a peg interval of 20m . Prepare
the setting out table , taking the least count of
theodolite as 20 .
Setting out of combined curve
Shift of the curve = L / 24R = (90)/24*300 = 1.125m
2. Tangent Length = (R+S) tan/2 + L/2 = (300+1.125)tan 20
= 154.6m
Spiral Angle () = L/2R radian
= 90/(2*300) *180/ = 8 36
4. Central angle = ( 2) = 40 - 2* 8 36 = 2248
5. Length of the circular curve = *300*2248 / 180 = 119.38m
6. 1.Chainage
Chainage of 1st TPoint = 1000- 154.6 = 845.4m
2. Chainage of 1st junction point = 845.4 +90 = 935.4m
3. Chainage of 2nd junction point = 935.4 +119.38 =
4. Chainage of 2nd TPoint = 1054.78+90 = 1144.78m
Setting out of combined curve
7 . Deflection angle for transition curve
The chainage of the first point on the curve is taken as 850.0m
distance of 1st point from 1st TP =850.0 845.4 = 4.6m
distance of 2nd point from 2nd TP = 4.6 + 20 = 24.6m
distance of 2nd point from 2nd TP = 24.6 + 20 = 44.6m
distance of 2nd point from 2nd TP = 44.6 + 20 = 64.6m
distance of 2nd point from 2nd TP = 64.6 + 20 = 84.6m
distance of 1st junction point = 90.00m
Setting out of combined curve

Deflection angle for 1st point , 1 = 573 * (4.6)/300 * 90 = 0027

Deflection angle for 2nd point , 2 = 573 * (24.6)/300 * 90 = 01250
Deflection angle for 3rd point , 3 = 573 * (44.6)/300 * 90 = 04213
Deflection angle for 4th point , 4 = 573 * (64.6)/300 * 90 = 12834
Deflection angle for 5th point , 5 = 573 * (84.6)/300 * 90 = 23153
Deflection angle for junction , E = 573 * (90)/300 * 90 = 25154

Check :
Total Deflection angle = 1/3 = 1/3 * 836 = 252 which is correct
Setting out of combined curve

Point Chain Chord Deflection Angle to Remarks

edge(m) length to Angle be set
T1 845.40 0 0 0 Starting point of
1ST Point 850 4.6 0027 0020 LC = 20
2nd Point 870 24.6 01250 01300
3rd Point 890 44.6 04213 04220
4th Point 910 64.6 12834 12840

5th Point 930 84.6 23153 23200 End of

1st Junction Point 935.40 90 25154 25200 transition curve

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S e t ting o u t VERTICAL
c u r ve
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