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What is Game Sense?
Game sense is the process of allowing students to
take control in their learning. It is the social
process of involving the whole person to navigate
their learning experiences (Reid & Harvey, 2014).
Game sense allows students to understand what
to do before they understand how to do it (Pill,
2011). Its the new and improved method of
student learning in PDHPE, making the students
the teacher and the learner!
Game Sense Model
The Game Sense Model represents
numerous stages. Each stage is vital for
the whole model to work and have a
positive impact on all students. By
following through this cycle, aims to help
students become better participants in the
present and future (Pope, 2006). This
model allows students to express
themselves and their understanding of the
sport/game they are undertaking.
Students are encouraged to become the
whole player through their thought
processes and the deconstruction of the
game according to them
Figure 1- Bunker and Thorpe's Game Sense model (Pope, 2006).
What does Game Sense look like?
Students learning from one another representing collaboration with
one another
Students are coming up with their own interpretations of games
Students are taking control of their learning journey
Students ask more questions related to the topic
Students develop an understanding about playing the game/sport
and not only being able to perform techniques isolating from the
game (Light, 2013)
Game Sense aims to promote students thinking processes when it
comes to the physical aspects of PDHPE. This model allows educators
to experience their students thinking processes which represents
aspects of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Game
sense represents numerous factors within the Australian Professional
Standards for Teachers, in particular represents how teachers will Know
their students and how they learn (Australian Institute for Teaching and
School Leadership, 2014). Teachers are able to facilitate the discussion
throughout the activities monitoring students level of understanding on
the content, how to play the game and the skills involved.
What are the benefits of Game Sense?
Game sense promotes an Inquiry Based learning, where students become the
teachers and learn from one another and their experiences
Promotes self confidence
Increases motivation and level of engagement
Enhances performance
Allows students to express themselves and their understanding of the game
Builds on the knowledge of the game and then the skills involved within the game
How does this fit in with the Syllabus?
Game sense promotes aspects of the Personal Development, Health
and Physical Education K-6 Syllabus (PDHPE). The skills which
students gain through Game sense are; moving, problem solving,
communicating, interacting and decision making, which are the skills
within the PDHPE syllabus. These skills will not only be represented
throughout the syllabus strand of games and sports, but it will allow
students to gain skills which they can take with them and apply them
to their everyday lives. Game Sense promotes these skills in a
manner which students actively uses their creativity while
subconsciously experimenting with the numerous skills within the
PDHPE syllabus.
Reference List
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Limited. (2014). Australian professional standards for teachers. Retrieved from

Board of Studies, NSW. (2007). Personal Development, Health and Physical Education K-6 Syllabus. Sydney: Board of Studies

Light, R. (2013). Game Sense, Pedagogy for performance participation and enjoyment. Third Avenue, New York: Routledge.

Pill, S. (2014). An appreciative inquiry exploring game sense teaching in physical education. Sports Education and Society, 21(2), 279-297.


Pope, C. (2006). Once more with feeling: affect and playing with the TGfU model. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 10(3), 271-286.


Reid, P., & Harvey, S. (2014). Were delivering game sense arent we?. Sports Coaching Review, 3(1), 80-92.


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