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Chapter 7-9 Panels

Carolina Molina, Courtney Fleurionord, and Yeni Rubio

Chapter 7 (pt.1)

Incorporates all of the steps

into an apple
The more you bite in the
closer you get to the seed
Great example of how the 6
steps work
Chapter 7 pt.2

Great representation of the 6

The apple is a pretty good
example because most people
choose artwork based on the
surface(how shiny the apple is),
but on the inside the apple
might be hollow (lacking
ideas/purpose, form,etc.)
Chapter 7 (pt.3)

One of the first things McCloud talks

McCloud introduces the few way we
use art and how it is incorporated in
our everyday lives
Emphasizes on the idea that people
create art for survival (money) but also
for passion and to assert their identities
as individuals and break out to narrow
roles that nature casts us in.
Additive Primaries (red,
green, blue) VS
Chapter 8: A Word Subtractive Primaries
(cyan, magenta, yellow)
About Color

Sales and cost increased

Counteraction of
newsprint effects
Chapter 8:
Color has been incorporated
into the world of comics to
set the scene or symbolize
different moods/themes
Iconic Power
Chapter 8: Cont...

People form connections

with the colors seen in
comics to the outside world

Emphasize the shape of


Form and Composition

Look beyond the four-

colored walls
Chapter 9

First topic McCloud goes into

depth explaining throughout
much of the chapter
Visual representation and of how
thoughts are processed.
Mentions the biggest obstacle is
Chapter 9 continued

Emphasizes how time and

space are important again

Space is what makes up


Comics is a great balancing

Chapter 9 continued

Comics will keep evolving (perhaps

differently around the world)

Much has been discovered but

theres much more that can be

Million and one ways you can help

comics grow
Thank You For

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