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Test yourself…!!!

Here are some intwrnediate points from

“ how english work”
Do you know them all???

siti wahyu arfah

Choose the corect answer(s).
One or more answers may be correct

siti wahyu arfah

1. I went out without … money
a. Some
b. Any

The answer is A

siti wahyu arfah

Money is uncountable
So: We use some/ little (sedikit)
Much ( banyak)

But some for postive sentence

any for negative sentence

A: may I get some sugar?
B: I am sorry I haven’t got any sugar.
siti wahyu arfah
2. He’s got … money.
A. Much
B. Many
C. A lot of
D. Lots of

The answers is C, D

siti wahyu arfah

“He has got… money” is possitive sentence.
Money is uncountable.
So, “many” is not correct.
“Much” for negative sentence.
Ex: I don’t have much money

The correct answers is “a lot of” and “lots of”

Ex: I have a lot of money

siti wahyu arfah

3. “Who’s there?” ….
A. it’s me
B. It is I
C. Me
D. I

The answer is A and C

siti wahyu arfah

4. Although he felt very … he smiled …

A. Angrily, friendly
B. Angry, friendly
C. Angry, in a friendly way

The answers is C

siti wahyu arfah

adjective Adjective of manner
Beautifull Beautifully
angry Angrily
Lazy In a lazy way
Stingy In a stingy way
Diligent Diligently
friendly I a friendly way

siti wahyu arfah

5. I … to america
a. Heve often been
b. Often have been
c. Have been often

The answer is “C”

siti wahyu arfah

6. My mother … my birthday
a. Always forgets
b. Always is forgetting
c. Forgets always

The answer is “ a”

siti wahyu arfah

7. You look a teacher
a. Like
b. as
c. The same like

The best answer is “A”

siti wahyu arfah

8. How many brother and sister…?
a. Have you got
b. Do you have
c. Haven’t got to

The answer is “ a” dan “d”

siti wahyu arfah

9. good! I … work tomorrow.
a. mustn’t
b. Don’t have to
c. Haven’t got to

The answer is “B”

siti wahyu arfah

10. I … smoke
A. ---
B. Use to
C. Used to

The answer is a and c

siti wahyu arfah

11. Andrew …to see this evening
a. Will come
b. Comes
c. Is coming

The answer is “A”

siti wahyu arfah

12. Alice … have a baby
a. Will
b. Shall
c. Is going to

The answer is a and c

siti wahyu arfah

13. I knew that he … waiting someone

a. Is
b. Was
c. Would

The answer is “B”

siti wahyu arfah

14. … gloria last week?
a. Have you seen
b. Did you see
c. Were you seing

The answer is “B”

siti wahyu arfah

15. she’s an old friend . I … her… years

a. ‘ve known, for

b. Know, for
c. ‘ve known since
d. Know, since

The answer is a

siti wahyu arfah

16. We met when we … in france,
a. Studied
b. Were studying
c. Had studied

siti wahyu arfah

17. As soon as she came in I knew I …. Her
a. Have seen
b. Saw
c. Had seen

siti wahyu arfah

18. This picture … by a friend of my mother’s.

a. Is painting
b. Is painted
c. Was painting
d. Was painted

The answer is B and D.


siti wahyu arfah

This picture … by a friend of my mother’s.
Kata yang digaris bawahi menunjukkan bahwa
lukisannya telah selesai di buat.
Pilihan yang paling tepat adalah is painted atau
was painted karena tidak menunjukkan
keterangan waktu.

siti wahyu arfah

19. Can you?
a. Make me some tea
b. Make some tea for me
c. Make for me some tea

The answer is B

siti wahyu arfah

20. try… be late
a. Not to
b. To not

The answer is A

siti wahyu arfah

21. I went to London … clothes.
a. For buy
b. For buying
c. For to buy
d. To buy

The best answers is “for buying” and “to buy”.

siti wahyu arfah

22. You can live very long without…
a. Eat
b. Eating
c. To eat
d. You eat

The best answers is “eating”

siti wahyu arfah

23. I enjoy…., but I wouldn’t like … il all my
a. To teach, to do
b. Teaching, doing
c. To teach, doing
d. Teaching, to do

The answers is “B”.

siti wahyu arfah

24. Her parents don’t want… married

a. Her to get
b. Her get
c. That she get
d. That she gets

The best answer is “A”

siti wahyu arfah

25. I’m not sure what
a. Do they want
b. Do they want?
c. They want

The best answers is “C”

siti wahyu arfah

26. The policeman… me not to park there,

a. Asked
b. Said
c. Told
d. Advised

The best answer is “a”

siti wahyu arfah

27. i… you if you… that again.
a. hit,say
b. ‘ll hit, ‘ll say
c. Hit, ‘ll say
d. I’ll hit, say

The best answer is “D”

siti wahyu arfah

28. It will be nice if we … a bit more room.

a. Would have
b. Had
c. Have

The best answer is “ B”

siti wahyu arfah

29. If you … me, I … in real trauble last year

a. didn’t help, would have been

b. Hadn’t helped, would have been
c. Hadn,t helped, would be
d. Didn’t help, would be

The answer is B and D


siti wahyu arfah

If conditional 1
If conditional 2
If conditional 3

siti wahyu arfah

30. There’s the man… took your coat.

A. Which
B. Who
C. That

The answer is “who” and “that”

siti wahyu arfah

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