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Presentan :
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Nasotracheal intubation usually is a more
difficult procedure than orotracheal intubation
The issue of nasotracheal tubes contributing to
the development of sinusitis and pneumonia
has been investigated, and existing evidence
has not demonstrated an association.
The use of nasotracheal tubes is currently
confined to surgical procedures requiring free
access to the oropharynx (e.g., dental
procedures, mandibular fixation)

Benumof and Hagbergs Airway Management

3ed. 2013
The ETT is inserted into a nostril (preferably
the right) and then passed through the
nasal cavity and nasopharynx to the
After the tube has been passed into the
oropharynx, it can be guided into the glottis
under conventional direct laryngoscopic
vision, or it can be grasped by a Magill
forceps and directed into the glottis.

Benumof and Hagbergs Airway Management

3ed. 2013
A nasotracheal tube should be
advanced until the cuff is 2 cm below
the vocal cords or until the external
markings are 24 to 25 cm for women
and 26 to 27 cm for men (3 cm more
than for oral ETTs) at the nares.

Benumof and Hagbergs Airway Management

3ed. 2013
Tube yang dilapisi spiral, yaitu ETT yang
diameter internalnya dilapisi oleh kawat spiral
menyelubungi seluruh lapisan dalam tube-nya.
atau dikenal juga tube fleksometalik sangat
berguna pada kondisi dimana tertekuknya atau
penekanan dari tube dapat menjadi masalah
ketika intraoperatif.
ETT ini telah digunakan rutin untuk prosedur
pembedahan kepala leher, trakea, bedah saraf
dan pembedahan yang lain yang membutuhkan
posisi pronasi atau tengkurap. Tube ini dapat
dengan mudah menyudut atau terlipat jauh dari
lokasi pembedahan tanpa menjadi tertekuk.
Fausts Anesthesiology Review, 2015

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