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Good Afternoon

Magandang Buhay
Online Collaborative Tools
Collaborative software
(also referred to asgroupware,workgroup
support systemsor simplygroup support
systems) is computer software designed to
help people involved in a common task
achieve their goals.
Working together does not necessarily
mean you have to be physically together.
These tools can help your group go
Distance and work as if you already
have your own office.
Work online and together.
1. Save time
2. Encourage collaboration
There are plenty of online collaborative tools :
1. Presentation/ visualization - Prezi (, Zoho (,
Slideshare (,
Mindmeister (
2. Cloud computing, e.g. Google Apps ( )
3. Social Media - Facebook Pages (https://,
Tumblr (, Instagram (, Pinterest (
4. Web Page Creation - Wix (, Weebly ( , Google Sites, e.g.
5. Blog or Publisher sites - Blogger (, Wordpress (, Livejournal (, Issuu (
6. Google Sites, https://
Drive - documents, presentations, forms
Hangouts - Cloud messaging system https://
A. How do you use a Google Doc?
Import and convert old documents to Docs
1. Go to Google Drive.
2. Click New > File Upload and choose a text
document from your computer. Supported files
include .doc, .docx, .dot, .html, plain text (.txt),
.odt, and .rtf.
3. Right-click the file you want to convert and
select Open with > Google Docs.
B. Creating Online Surveys/Feedback Forms

Google offers one of the easiest ways to gather

user feedback. Google forms allow your audience
to answer a set of questions you have set .These
can be used for surveys, feedback, online
registrations ,online quiz, and customer support.
1. Open your browser and go to
2. Sign in or create an account.
3. On the left-hand side of youre my Drive page,
click New > More > Google Forms.
4. You will be taken to Google Forms interface.
5. You may now fill out the forms with questions .
a. Question Title Question that will be answer
by your audience
c. Multiple choice a question can be answered by
only one answer in a set of options.
d. Check boxes - a question can be answered with
multiple answers in a set of options.
e. Choose from List similar to multiple choice
question but the options are revealedin a drop
down list.
f. Scale a Question that can be answered with
numerical range (e.g. 1-5 ,1-10)
g. Grid- a Question that contain sub-questions
with similar options.
6. Once you are done editing the question, click
7. To add a new question or item, click on Add Item
a. Section Header add a header for you survey
b. Page break adds a page break
c. Image adds an image to your survey
d. Video - adds an video to your survey
8. Edit the Confirmation Page option.
a. Show link to submit another response
b. Publish and show a public link to form results
c. Allow responders to edit responses after
9. Click the Send Form button.
8. Edit the Confirmation Page option.
a. Show link to submit another response
b. Publish and show a public link to form results
c. Allow responders to edit responses after
9. Click the Send Form button.
Analyzing your Google Forms Results
1. The easiest way to view the result is viewing a
summary of the responses. Click on Responses >
Summary of Responses.
2. You will be taken to a Summary of Responses
page. This is particularly useful for viewing your
results from time to time.
3. To use the data collected though responses, click
View responses button found on the upper part of
the page.
4. Choose if you want to create a new Google Sheet
as the destination of your response results or if
you want to put it on an existing Google Sheet.
5. Once you click create, you will be taken to a
Google Sheet which includes the responses for
your Survey. From here you have two options :
a. Save this file locally on your hard drive by
exporting it to Microsoft Excel. To do this, click
on File > Download as > Microsoft Excel
b. Continue working online using Google Sheets
and use the built-in features like creating chart
for your data ( found in Insert >Chart ).
6. You may now create chart for your numerical
data in either Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel.
Note you must online to use Google Sheets . Google
Sheets are automatically saved when the internet
connection is constant.
Google forms allows your audience to answer a
set of questions you have set which can then be
imported as a part a spreadsheet and later used in
It Allows you to use different question types: like
multiple choice, checkboxes option, text ,Paragraph
text, scale and grid question.
You can view the summary of responses to your
Google forms.
Google forms allows your audience to answer a
set of questions that you have set which can then
be imported as a part a spreadsheet and later used
in chart.
It Allows you to use different question types: like
multiple choice, checkboxes option, text ,Paragraph
text, scale and grid question.
You can view the summary of responses to your
Google forms.
Reference book :

Empowerment Technologies
Innovative training Works, Inc.
K-12 First Edition
REX Book Store
Thank you

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