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Why Nuclear Energy?...
Only two natural resources have the capability to support
long term energetic survival of mankind:
Nuclear and
Advantages over coal

One gram of fissionable uranium can produce a million times more heat than
one gram of coal.
For 400MW of electricity, only 20 kg of uranium fuel is required per day. In
comparison, a coal burning thermal power station of the same capacity would
require about 4000 tonnes of coal daily
Historical Milestones
1913, Bohr publishes model of atom
1913, discovery of isotopes
1932, Chadwick discovers the neutron
1939, Otto-Hahn/Strassmann/Meitner/Frisch discover fission
of uranium
1942, Fermi produces fission chain reaction in
uranium/graphite pile
1945 Jul. 16, the U.S. tests fission bomb in New Mexico
A Nuclear Power Plant is basically a Thermal Power Plant in
which steam is produced in a Nuclear Reactor rather than in a
Conventional Boiler
Anuclear reactor, formerly known as an
atomic pile, is a device used to initiate and
control a sustained nuclearchain
reaction.Nuclear reactorsare used at
nuclearpower plants for electricity
generation and in propulsion of ships.
Types of Nuclear Reactor
1. The Boiling Water Reactor (BWR):
This is the simplest of all reactors. Water
absorbs heat from the reactions in the core and
is directly driven to the turbines. After
condensing the water is pumped back to the
reactor core
2. Pressurized water reactors, (PWR): In this type of
reactor, the heat is dissipated from the core using highly
pressurized water (about 160 bar) to achieve a high
temperature and avoid boiling within the core. The cooling
water transfers its heat to the secondary system in a steam
3. Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) : In this
type of reactors, fuel bundles are inserted into the Heat Exchanger
where a heavy water moderator is circulated to provide cooling in
addition to moderating neutrons. This heavy water is then
circulated to the steam generator to transfer its heat and then
pumped back to the reactor. The steam is a secondary circuit as
above and is used to drive a turbine assembly before condensing
and re-use
4. The Gas Cooled Reactor (GCR) : It uses CO2 gas to remove
heat from the core. This is then piped through the steam generator
where heat is removed from the gas and it can then be re-
circulated to the reactor. As usual steam generated is used to drive
the turbine and generate electricity, condensed then recirculated.
Graphite is used as a moderator to allow energy production by un-
enriched uranium.
5. The Light Water Graphite Reactor (LWGR): Here
Graphite replaces heavy water as moderator. Light water is used
to remove heat from the core for transfer to steam drums. The
steam evolved in these is used subsequently to power turbines

6. The Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR): It uses a Plutonium fuel
rather than Uranium. The Pu is surrounded by rods of U-238
which absorb neutrons and are transmitted into Pu-239 which
undergoes fission to generate energy. As the plutonium in the
core becomes depleted it creates or breeds more plutonium
from the Uranium around it.
Nuclear waste that lasts a few
centuries instead of millennia.
100-300 times more energy yield from
the same amount of nuclear fuel.
The ability to consume existing
nuclear waste in the production of
Improved operating safety.
Waste Management
Disposal of waste of nuclear
power plant
Nuclear power plant wastes can
be classified
Low level radioactive waste
High level radioactive waste

Low level radioactive

1.It includes cooling water pipes,radiation suits,discarded
fuel elements cans and gloves
2.Low level radioactive waste are easy to dispose of
3.Low level radioactive wastes are stored under sea bed
and large stable geologic formations on land
Waste Management
High level radioactive waste

It includes materials from the core

of the nuclear reactor.
Plutonium, Uranium, Control rods
and other radioactive elements
made during fission
Difficult to dispose
Waste Management
High level radioactive waste
These radioactive materials are stored in shielded
storage vaults
Shielded vaults are stored in deep salt mines
Sometimes high level nuclear waste can be sunk
to the bottom of the sea & oceans
Fired into the sun or into a long term stable orbit.

The new generation reactors will help to reduce proliferation

risk and resolve, to a great extent, the toughest unresolved
issue of long term disposal of spent fuel.o
It is expected that several hundreds of these reactors will
be deployed throughout the world in the nest some
Some of them will in operation in Bangladesh as well.
The new generation reactors will help and resolve, to a
great extent, the toughest unresolved issue of long-term
disposal of spent fuel
It is expected that will be deployed throughout the world in
the next couple of decades.
Some of them will in operation in Bangladesh as well

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