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And other ideas to be considered.

So, What is Feminism?
Feminism, by definition is equality of
the sexes, but in more recent times we
are seeing it being debated heavily all
throughout the world.

Has feminism gone too far? Should we

keep fighting for a cause that many
think has been solved? These are the
questions that need to be discussed in
regards to the future of feminism.
Yes to Feminism!

There are many women who have good reasons for standing behind feminism. We still live in a world where
in many ways, women are oppressed. In an article written by the American Association of University Women,
titled "The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap" the statistics were broken down and the article said "Did
you know that in 2015, women working full time in the United States typically were paid just 80 percent of
what men were paid, a gap of 20 percent? While the number has gone up one percentage point from 2014,
the change isnt statistically significant because the increase is so small, mere tenths of a percent, it
doesnt amount to perceptible change. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the earnings ratio hasnt had
significant annual change since 2007. "(AAUW para 4.)

Women are upset because they are using the same degree to get paid less. Pay gap is one of the many
reasons that people are still coming to bat for Feminism.
Yes to Feminism! (continued.)
In a very important TED talk that came out in 2012
titled "We Should All be Feminists." The speaker,
Chimamanda Adichie spoke of her experiences with
feminism and becoming the feminist that she is today.
She tells a story from primary school, she says " I very
much wanted to be the class monitor. And I got the
highest score on the test. Then, to my surprise, my
teacher said that the monitor had to be a boy. She had
forgotten to make that clear earlier because she
assumed it was ... obvious."

This is not uncommon, there are many sexist elements

in school today. The biggest one we see is dress code.
Women are over sexualized and their education often
takes a backseat to their bodies distracting the boys
they are around. This is another reason that women
are still backing feminism.
Yes to Feminism! (Continued)
Rape culture and slut shaming is an issue
that we are facing all around the world. There
is still an unacceptable amount of victim
blaming for both men and women and
feminism strives to combat that notion.
Kayleigh Roberts wrote in an article titled
The Psychology of Victim-Blaming. That we
victim blame because When people want to
believe that the world is just, and that bad
things wont happen to them, empathy can
suffer.(Roberts para 1)
Why Say No?
Feminism seems like a seemingly harmless idea to get behind and yet there are still
people who are strongly against the idea.

In an article by Jia Tolentino for the New Yorker titled The Case Against Contemporary
Feminism. Her argument is that feminism seems too accessible, she writes The
dissidence at the root of these catchphrases has been obscured by their ubiquity on tote
bags and T-shirts, and for Crispin the decline of feminism is visible in how easy the label is
to claim. Feminism, she tells us, has become a self-serving brand popularized by C.E.O.s
and beauty companies, a fight to allow women to participate equally in the oppression of
the powerless and the poor. Its a narcissistic reflexive thought process: I define myself
as feminist and so everything I do is a feminist act. Its an attack dog posing as a
kitten, andin what might be Crispins most biting entrya decade-long conversation
about which television show is a good television show and which television show is a bad
show.(Tolentino para 2.)
Why Say No? (Continued.)
In more recent times we are seeing
extreme feminism that is turning into
simple misandry. In an opinion article
written by Sarah Begley for Time titled
Ironic Misandry: Why Feminists
Pretending to Hate Men Isn't Funny. she
talks about the feminist who use the cause
to tear men down. She writes that while it
is oftentimes a joke and that very few
actually hate men, the irony gets lost in
translation and it puts a downer on the
otherwise great cause.
Why Say No? (Continued)
Many women argue that we have come far
enough as far as Womens Rights are
concerned. In an article written by Gina
Davis titled I Am A Female And I Am So
Over Feminists. she writes First of all,
this is the 21st century. Women have
never been more respected. Women have
more rights in the United States than
anywhere else in the world. (Davis para
3.) She believes that women are not
oppressed and we do not need to fight for
equality, because women have enough
at least in the United States.
Feminism, when used for its true
purpose is a powerful and
positive thing. It empowers
women and men to be equal in
all aspects of life. There are
always going to be people for
and against feminism, but it is
not time for the ideology to go
away. Women are still oppressed
in every part of the world and
feminism is combatting that.
Works Cited.
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. Transcript of We Should All Be Feminists. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: We Should All Be Feminists |
TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript |,
language. Accessed 30 Apr. 2017.

Begley, Sarah. Misandry: Feminists Pretend to Hate Men and It's Not Funny. Time, Time,
feminist-womenagainstfeminism/. Accessed 30 Apr. 2017.

Davis, Gina. I Am A Female And I Am So Over Feminists. Odyssey, Odyssey, 2 May 2016,
feminists. Accessed 30 Apr. 2017.

Roberts, Kayleigh. The Psychology of Victim-Blaming. The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 5 Oct. 2016, Accessed 30 Apr. 2017.

The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Spring 2017). AAUW: Empowering Women Since 1881,
simple-truth-about-the-gender-pay-gap/. Accessed 30 Apr. 2017.

Tolentino, Jia. The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Spring 2017). AAUW: Empowering Women Since 1881, Accessed 30 Apr. 2017.

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