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Discrimination Against Girl Child

I. introduction
Discrimination is treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or
against. This includes treatment of individual or group, based on their actual or
perceived membership in a certain group or social category, in a way that is worse
than the way people are usually treated. It can be restricting members of one group
from opportunities or privileges that are available to another group, leading to the
exclusion of the individual or entities based on logical or irrational decision making.
Discriminatory traditions, policies, ideas, practices and laws exist in many countries
and institutions in every part of the world, even in ones where discrimination is
generally looked down up on. This recent research conducted through article about the
prejudicial treatment.

Forms of discrimination against girl children are numerous and vary

depending on the traditions, history and culture of a particular society. In recent
research conducted through Wikipedia, United Nations Statistics, National reports and
Studies initiated by non-governmental organizations repeatedly show that girls, as a
group, have lower literacy rates, receive less health care and are more often
impoverished than boys.

It is important to note these conditions, more often than not, do not improve
as girls grow to become women.
II. Counter Argument
The study direct through wiki-gender shows hat the girl child grows up with a lows self
esteem. She grows up with a notion of temporary membership in her natal home to be
disposed off with assists and downy. A traditional saying sums it up thus, a daughter is
like ghee(clarified butter) Both will stay good only up to a point. If you do not dispose
them off they start sinking. Her productive role is to continue the household drudgery
added to which is her reproductive responsibility, but here in the Philippines not only
about their household drudgery, but also about their sexual which comes to sexual
exploitation of women and children, that study conducted from an article in the newspaper
Davao reports that was according to the experts. Unicef noted that child trafficking in the
Philippines is the highest incidence of child prostitution in a tourist area.

The research about the foreign child molesters pointed that the Philippines
continued to assist U.S. law enforcement authorities in the transfer to U.S. custody of
Americans who sexually exploited children. Foreign child molesters are a major problem
in a country like Philippines. Some foreign child molesters are very well connected and
have positions in industry and politics. It was reported in 2006 that government officials
had been accused of turning a blind eye to the sex tourism trade because it helps promote
tourism in the country. It was reported in 2007 that in Angeles, Pampanga(characterized
as a hotspot for trafficking and sex trade), child molesters were increasingly using the
internet to lure other child molesters to come to the Philippines
III. Discrimination against girl child
Point 1: Republic act no. 9710 Magna carta

Under cof women there should be protection of girl-children against all

forms of discrimination in education , health and nutrition and skills
development. An example organization is the department of social well
fare and development (DSWD) published on February 9, 2012, 6:59pm.
Desires something else: that these children be taken out of orphanages
who choose to share their parents. The DSWD said undersecretary
Parisya T-taradji, has facilitated the processing of the legal adaption of
6,558 children from 2006 to 2011 or an average of 1300 children
annually. But these numbers are not enough.
III. Discrimination against girl child
Point 2: Girl children in vulnerable situation

A study about girl children in vulnerable situation prepared by

Teresita L. Silva stated that, I would like to make policy
recommendations on issues concerning the girl-child from all
over the world. My paper will begin with an overview of the
Strategic Development Framework for the Girl-child in the
Philippines. This will be followed by issues confronting girl-
children in my country. A Philippine situationer on girl-children
will also be presented, as well as case studies and best practices.
I will close with policy recommendations based on my practical
knowledge of the plight of girl-children in the Philippines.
Discrimination against girl child
Point 3: Proclamation No. 759

A Proclamation No. 759 by the president of the

Philippines declaring the fourth week of march 1996 as
Protection And Gender-Fair Treatment Of The Girl
Child Week Where as, issues confronting female
children like teenage pregnancy and HIV IAIDS should
be specifically addressed.
IV. Conclusion
In summary violence against girl children remains to be
one of the most persistent and alarming issues that the
Philippines has faced. The most common forms of violence
include that of rape, domestic violence, stalking, sexual
harassment, human trafficking, forced prostitution, state
violence, and female genital mutilate

In a 2004 article, the People`s Recovery,

Empowerment Development Assistance Foundation
(PREDA) reported in 2004 that ECPAT, which it describes as
a global network that campaigns against child prostitution.

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