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Individual & Organisational

Factors influencing human behaviour
Environment Economic employment levels, wage rates, economic
al factors outlook, technological change
Social Norms work ethic, achievement need, values
Political ideology, effect upon economy
Personal Age performance, turnover, absenteeism,
factors productivity
Sex / Marital Status differences in abilities,
Education expectations
Abilities intellectual, physical, creative
Organisation Facilities physical and operational
systems Structure & Design - where do I fit in
Leadership how am I being led?
Reward systems
Psychologica Personality
l Perception
Attitudes & Values
OB Model
Perception Individual
Learning Behaviour
Attitudes & Values

Group Dynamics
Leadership Group Organisational
Power & Politics Behaviour Effectiveness

HR Policies & Practices
Work Stress Organisation
Organisational change &
Behaviour Models
Rational & Emotional models
Individual is like an intelligent computer, very rational VS

individuals are guided by emotions, and hence irrational

Behavioristic & Humanistic Models
All behaviour is environmentally determined, observable

behaviour VS individual is more philosophical than

Economic & Self-Actualising models
Individual is motivated by materialistic things VS

individual is motivated by opportunity to grow, mature

and become all he is capable of
Theory X and Y models
Individual is lazy, uncreative, and needs prodding VS

individual has tremendous potential

Derived from the word persona (Latin)
Denoted the masks worn by theatrical players
in ancient Greek dramas
Eventually came to encompass the actor as
Personality not equal to attractiveness
Something more essential and enduring about
a person
characteristic patterns of behaviour
how a person affects others
distinctiveness or uniqueness
Personality Theories
Type Theories
Body build relationship with personality
Ectomorphs, endomorphs, mesomorphs
Psychological factors
Carl Jung; Introverts / extroverts

Trait Theories
A trait is an enduring attribute
Traits are reactions, not something a person possesses

Psychoanalytic Theory
Sigmund Freud mind is like an iceberg
Conscious vs unconscious experience
Id, ego, superego
Id, Ego, Superego -
innate, inherited part of personality
Raw, animalistic, unorganised, knows no laws, obeys no rules
Expresses the primary principle of human life the
immediate satisfaction of psychic energy (libido) produced
by animal drives (aggression, sex)
Immediate tension reduction pleasure principle
Mental images do not satisfy needs
Reality must be considered
Controlled / directed id
System of values, norms, ethics and attitudes which are
reasonable compatible with society
Strives for perfection
Personality Theories
Social Learning Theory
Much of human behaviour is either learnt or modified by
Through learning, one acquires knowledge, language,
attitudes, values, manual skills, fears, traits, self-insight
Learning through reinforcement; through observing others
High focus on the situation

Humanistic Theory
An emphasis on mans potential for self-direction and
freedom of choice
Emphasis on the here and now
Emphasis on the positive nature of man
Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow
The shaping of personality
Freudian stages

Oral Birth to 1 yr Oral gratification

Anal 1-3 years Gratification from expelling

and withholding

Phallic 3-4 years Interest in genitals, Oedipal


Latency 4-6 ys to Sexual concerns largely

adolescence unimportant

Genital Adolescence Re-emergence of sexual interests,

to adulthood establishment of mature relationships
The shaping of personality
Erik Erikson
Stage Age Success / failure in meeting
requirements of stage brings

Infancy Birth to 1 yr Basic Trust vs. Mistrust

Early 1-3 years Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt
Play age 4-5 years Initiative vs. Guilt
School age 6-11 years Industry vs. Inferiority
Puberty & 12-20 years Ego identity vs. Role Confusion
Young 20-24 years Intimacy vs. Isolation
Middle 25-65 years Generactivity vs. Stagnation
Late 65 + Integrity vs. Despair
Determinants of


Contribution from the family and role model

Socialisation process

Situational considerations

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