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Done by Rafiah azhar

Of all the parts of speech, nouns are

perhaps the most important. A noun is
a word that identifies a person,
animal, place, thing, or idea. It
denotes a person, place or a thing etc. Abstract
An abstract noun is
Possessive a type of noun that
noun refers to something
Possessive noun can function which a person
in the same way as cannot physically.
adjectives and pronouns An example of
however possessive nouns abstract noun is
are simply nouns with s at sympathy
the end or to show that it is Compound
possessive. Compound nounnouns are words
for people, animals, places,
things, or ideas, made up of
two or more words. Most
compound nouns are made
withnounthat have been
modified byadjectivesor
other nouns.

Direct language- you

Alliteration- Dans dog
Facts- There was a bomb in
Opinion I feel..
Rhetorical question- what do you think?
Emotive language - sympathy
Statists- 93% of the.
Triplet (rule of three) poor innocent creatures
Capital letters and full
stops and exclamation
Full stops are sued
to end a sentence ,
they are mainly
used to suggest that
there is no more
topic onwards
Capital letters are Explanation mark
used for a person, Explanation mark is
place, name and used to show
city. An example of
something surprising
capitals letters
could be e.g. Alice, indicates
London, Dubai etc. an explanation

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