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History of

Who created computers?

The creator of the computer was Charles
Babbage. He was an English mechanical
engineer and polymath. They him the
father of the computer. He
conceptualized and invented the first
mechanical computer in the early 19th
Life before computers

Newspapers were considered the final

authority on current events.
Stories were passed down through generations
through word of mouth.
People wrote letters and waited ages to
receive a reply.
Doctors, lawyers, priests were trusted.
Impact of the computer

Provides immediate access to information regarding

most areas of human endeavor.
Beneficial in business transactions and record
keeping, science and medicine, education,
communications, transportations and entertainment.
Consumers can buy movie and airline tickets, check
political polls or sports scores, and research different
brands of new cars from a smart phone.
How do computers work?

The computer does its primary work in a

part of the machine we cannot see, a
control center that converts data input
to information output. This control
center, called the central processing unit
(CPU), is a highly complex, extensive set
of electronic circuitry that executes
stored program instructions.
Computers in the future

Perceptual computing : The idea of interacting with

your PC using natural senses rather than traditional
interface methods.
Smartphone as PC : Continuum allows Windows 10
phones to display a Windows desktop-like experience
when connected to an external monitor.
Wall computing: It runs Windows 10 and can be
used for pretty much anything you use a PC for today,
including video conferencing and presentations.

Who invented: While Italian innovator Antonio Meucci

is credited with inventing the first basic phone in
1849, and Frenchman Charles Bourseul devised a
phone in 1854, Alexander Graham Bell won the first
U.S. patent for the device in1876.
First spoken: They were spoken byAlexander Graham
Bell, inventor of the telephone, when he made the first
call on March 10, 1876, to his assistant, Thomas
Watson: "Mr. Watson--come here--I want to see you."

The electronic television was successfully

displayed for the first time onSept. 7,
1927in San Francisco. This predecessor of the
modern television was invented by Philo Taylor
Farnsworth, a 21-year-old Utah native.
Color television had its beginnings in the
late1940salongside black and white

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