10 25 16 - Spadefoot Theme Narratives Order of Operations Pemdas

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Independent Reading | Lectura Independiente

LT: I can concentrate on my fiction focus and/or non-fiction focus as I read.

LFs: I can answer the question below as I am reading a fiction or non-fiction book.
O: Yo me puedo concentrar en mi foco de ficcin y/o de no-ficcin mientras que
P: Yo puedo contestar la pregunta de abajo mientras que leo un libro de ficcin o
de no-ficcin.
Fiction Focus Non-Fiction Focus
Character Traits Topic
What type of person is the What is one or two words
main character in the book that could tell us the topic
you are reading? of the book you are
Foco de Ficcin reading?

Caractersticas del
Foco de No-Ficcin
Personaje Tpico
Cmo describiras al Qu son una o dos
personaje principal del palabras que pueden
libro que estas leyendo? decirnos el tpico del libro
que estas leyendo?
Learning Target: I can describe the theme of the text.
Yo puedo describir el tema del texto.
Language Objectives:
Discuss and respond in complete sentences.
Use sentence stems to form my response.
The theme of the book is ______.
One detail that supports this theme is on page _____, where it
Another detail that supports this theme is on page ____, where it
Look Fors:
I thought of a lesson the author could be teaching us.
I used evidence to explain my reasoning.
I participated in group/partner discussions.
Yo pens en una leccin qu el autor est ensendonos.
Yo use evidencia para explicar mi razonamiento.
Yo participe en las discusiones del grupo o con mi compaero.
Word of the Day: impossible (imposible)
The theme is the LESSON of the story.
There can be many themes in a long story.
In your notebooks, you will complete the following
sentence stems and identify a theme of the story.
The theme of the book is __________________.
One detail that supports this theme is on page _____,
where it says...
Another detail that supports this theme is on page ____,
where it says...
LT: I can use the order of operations to evaluate problems.
Yo puedo usar la orden de operaciones para evaluar problemas.
I followed the PEMDAS order.
I solved the problem piece by piece.
I came up with the correct answer.
I realized what part of PEMDAS I missed if I came up with a
different answer.
Yo segu el orden de PEMDSR.
Yo resolv el problema pedazo por pedazo.
Yo saque la respuesta correcta.
Yo me di cuenta que parte de PEMDSR me falto si saque otra
respuesta diferente.
Word of the Day/ Palabra del Dia:
impossible (imposible)
Read for 45 minutes/ Lee por 45 minutos
Math Worksheet/ Hoja

Forms/ Formularios
Parent Teacher Conference GREEN LETTER Nov. 3
Field Trip Form Fordham Volleyball November 4

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