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The Boy in

the Striped
Discussion Questions
How to be a good listener:
make eye contact
offer empathy
restrain from cutting others off in a
conversation (*Use the chips)
Use tokens/chips to take turns talking (i.e. be a good
We each have a role:
1.Discussion Director keep people on task
2. Investigator / Text Expert look in the book for other ideas
and remind the group of events
3. Recorder on paper
4. Reporter at
You may use hashtags but please respect the topics
and each other
Question 1:
The fence is a symbol. What does
the fence represent?
Question 2:
Describe Bruno
His personality
Character development (how does he
change throughout the book?)
Question 3:
Describe Brunos mother, Elsa.
Character development throughout
the story
How is she different in the movie
compared to the book?
What caused the change to occur?
Was it for better or for worse?
What examples can you give?
Question 4:
Describe Brunos father, Ralf.
Character development throughout
the story
How is he different in the movie
compared to the book?
What caused the change to occur?
Was it for better or for worse?
What examples can you give?
Question 5:
What does the film reveal about the role of
propaganda in World War II?
What viewpoint were they trying to sell?
What were examples of propaganda from the film and book?
Was the propaganda successful?
What examples can you give that shows it was or was not

Propaganda: information purposely distorted to sway

peoples thinking in a particular direction
Question 6:
Think about the final scene of the
movie (or chapter 20 in the book),
what may the father be thinking?
Does he have regrets?
Did he changewhat examples from the book support this
Jesus taught the Golden Rule:
In everything do to others as you would have them
do to you; for this is the law and the prophets.
Did anyone in the novel think this way?
Did anyone change their thinking because of this idea?
Question 7:
Based upon what you see in this film, to what extent
did the average German (those not associated with
the Nazi Party) truly understand the Holocaust?
Is this an accurate representation?
What strategies did the Nazis use to try and reduce how
much citizens knew about the true nature of the Final
Question 8:
Which ending was better, reading the
chapter or watching the movie?
Question 9:
Dramatic irony is when the reader knows something
that the characters in the book do not.
What could be some examples of dramatic irony in
chapter 19?
Hint: there are at least four examples.
Sometimes you see more when you know how it will end!
(hindsight is 20/20)
You may write the quote from the novel.
Question 10:
Analyze this quote.
Hypothesize (think and guess) why the author wrote
Bruno saying it:
"It's so unfair. I don't see why I have to be stuck over
here on this side of the fence where there's no one to
talk to and no one to play with and you get to have
dozens of friends and are probably playing for hours
every day. I'll have to speak to Father about it."
Question 11:
Justify and explain why the author used a limited
third-person narrator to tell this story? (i.e. Brunos
point-of-view, without stating I or me).
Examples that show they are Brunos thoughts:
stating out-with and The Fury
Referring to Gretel as a Hopeless Case NOT Brunos
Question 12:
Focus: theme of innocence
What events and experiences lead
Bruno to gradually give up some
of his innocence and see things
Question 13:
Focus: theme of friendship
How do the friendships that Bruno had in
Berlin compare with his friendship with
How does Bruno justify continuing his
friendship with Shmuel despite what his
father, sister, and tutor have said about
Question 14:
Focus: theme of humanity
What were examples of humanity
from the book?
(i.e. People doing good things for
Hint: think of Bruno, Schmuel, Pavel,
What were the thoughts and feelings
of Mother and Grandmother?
Were they strong opnions?
Did it make a difference to Father?
Connect: What does the Bible say
about forgiveness and retaliation?
Matthew 18: 21-22 21 Then Peter came and said to him,
Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how
often should I forgive? As many as seven times? 22 Jesus
said to him, Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven
Matthew 5: 38-42 38 You have heard that it was said, An
eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. 39 But I say to you,
Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the
right cheek, turn the other also; 40 and if anyone wants to
sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; 41 and if
anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile.
42 Give to everyone who begs from you; do not refuse
anyone who wants to borrow from you.
Connect: What does The Our Father say
about forgiveness and retaliation?

And Forgive us our Trespasses

As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against
Who was in line with these values in the book?
Could it be possible for Jewish people to forgive Nazi
members for what they had done?
Question 15:
This movie and the book upon which it is based has
drawn some criticism.
Some argue that this story oversimplifies the
Holocaust by telling the story through the eyes of a
little boy.
Do you agree with this criticism?
Why or why not?
Question 16:
What ways can you address social justice in your

I.e. What ways can you help people be equal?

1) What issue do you want changed?
2) What strategy could you take to help that inequality?
Exit Slip
What are three things that you have
learnt from discussing the film?
You may look back at your notes.
Hot Seat
We need four volunteers to play the
roles of:
Extension Activities
With a small group, role play one or more of the themes
from the movie: obedience, discrimination, acts of
humanity, stereotyping, etc.
Write a short story or a poem about an unlikely friendship.
Do research to learn about genocide occurring in the
world today.
Create a poster about the damage caused by prejudice.
Construct a piece of arta sculpture, a painting, a
drawing, or a comic stripthat represents the effect of
friendship and humanity vs. prejudice and discrimination

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