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Writing Goals K-2

Visible learning/ Student

Accountability / Developing High
Students establishing writing goals that
drive the learning process.
What Does the Research Say?

The starting place for all effective instruction is

designing and communicating clear learning

Robert Marzano (2009)

What Does the Research Say?

In most cases students can not articulate what

they are supposed to be learning that day; they can
only describe the activity or assignment.

Scaffold language around identifying the learning

that is needed for students to understand.

Mike Schmoker
What Does the Research Say?
A recent meta-analysis of 53 research studies
(Marzano, 1998) found that when students were
clear in advance about what they were learning,
their achievement was, on average, 34 percentile
points higher on tests used in these studies than
students in control groups.

McREL, 2000
What are we already doing?
Learning Intentions: the learning intention
focuses on the importance of making explicit for
students what they are going to learn. It is a
statement which describes clearly what the
teacher wants the students to know and

These take place at the

beginning of the lesson
Success Criteria
Success criteria describe, in specific terms and in
language meaningful to students, what successful
attainment of the learning intentions looks like.
Criteria help students understand what to look
for during the learning. Quality success criteria
makes the learning explicit and transparent for
students and teachers alike. They identify the
significant aspects of student performance that
are assessed and/or evaluated in relation to
The Difference Between Learning Goals
and Success Criteria
Learning Intentions Success Criteria

Broad statements Specific

General intentions Concrete
Describe what is to be Describes what
learned success looks like
Connect to big ideas when the learning
and prior learning goal is reached
Often not
Accountability for own learning,
the where to next.
The need for a consistent
The introduction of a school wide consistent
approach in developing personal writing goals is
the key in supporting children to articulate and
verbalize their own learning and ultimately track,
and drive it themselves.
The need for a consistent approach
Using this across framework across grades offers
the advantage of students being familiar with
concept of self guided learning without having to
learn a new system each year.

This framework can then be built

upon from year to year. Offering clear
learning expectations linked to the
Syllabus (success's criteria)
Personal Writing Goals
The personal writing goals based on
deconstructed markers or content
from the NSW literacy continuum,
NSW English Syllabus and the K-2
Writing Analysis Tool which the
children do not have a 100% within
their control.

Through carful observation of the

children's independent writing
samples a writing goal will be
negotiated according to the their

These goals are created as I can

statements that are accessible by the
I Can What Does the Research Say?
Research tells us that when students know the
expectations, they are more likely to achieve those goals.
I Can statements empower students, provide a common focus,
communicate what is important, build community and engagement
and increase motivation and confidence.

I Can statements are simple sentences designed by a teacher based

off of the learning objectives from the curriculum. I Can
statements are written in student-friendly language.

I Can statements break down lofty objectives into learning targets

students can read and understand. They cover specific learning for
each lesson, and there can be more than one I Can statement for
each common core standard.
For Example
This should be a short term
measurable goal that the children
will be able to monitor on their own.
It may be necessary to shorten a
marker form the NSW literacy
continuum to make the learning
more visible for the child.

These are concepts that will be

explicitly taught through modelled
writing consistently and repetitively
giving the children the opportunity
to see them being used more than
Other Ideas

I use diagrams and maps to help

readers understand my writing.

I read my writing to myself and a

friend and circle the parts that
dont sound/ look right.

I use speech marks when someone

is talking.

My main Ideas are in order and

make sense.
Monitoring a writing goal
Children from K-2 should be encouraged to monitor
their own writing progress. This simple paper card
system encourages children to actively take part in
monitoring, self correcting and the initial stages of
editing their own work.

During whole class impendent writing children should

be reminded to think of their current writing goal.

After the whole class writing children should be given

the opportunity to proof read their writing and
highlight where they have met their writing goals
(using highlighters).

After showing the evidence of consistent achievement

they receive a sticker on their charts. Once filled with
stickers the specific writing goal is written on the card
and sent home as a reward.
Kindergarten Implementation
Kindergarten is first contact children will have in
monitoring and setting their own learning goals.

At this particular stage the teacher will nominate

the learning goal and through scaffolded
conversation and modelling help the child
understand the expectations required.
Kindergarten Process

Analysis of independent writing I can statement is tailored to Children are asked to

samples will revel behaviours of student needs based on monitor and show
writing that need support and be continuum and syllabus using examples of them using
linked to the continuum and child friendly language. the new learning in
syllabus. Use 10 week their writing
assessment analysis or anecdotal

understand that simple By looking for their goal

connections can be made between in writing the children
ideas by using a compound
s are experimenting with
A nalysi sentence with two or more clauses
the important writing
e ek usually linked by a coordinating
10 w conjunction (ACELA1467) process of proof
Room Display

The importance of a visual representation offers and anchor point that can be
referred to throughout the days teaching.
Children can be reminded of the current learning before the lesson begins and
success can be celebrated as goals are achieved.
Stage 1 Implementation
In year 1 &2 children will continue monitoring and
setting their own learning goals with a higher
focus on self regulation.

At this particular stage the teacher involvement in

nominating a learning goal is one more of
facilitator in allowing the child to arrive at
identifying their own goal through a scaffolded
Year 1, year 2 Process

Analysis of independent writing

samples will revel behaviours of
writing that need support.
Students are now encouraged Maintaining the excitement: Students
to nominate their own goal nominate one of the goals they are
based on the challenges currently working on as their main
experienced in their own focus. Children monitor their writing
writing. Use the 10 week With support from the teacher each and must show three instances where
assessment analysis or anecdotal student nominates and creates an I they have achieved said goal. The
observations to supplement goals can statement which is tailored to writing goal card is stamped and then
their own learning needs. It is taken home as a reward.
displayed on a flip out page at the 3 Writing Goals = 1 PBL Learning
back of their writing book. As they Award
write they are continually
reminded of their focus. They
na lysis track their progress by rereading their
e ek A work for evidence of their goal. 3
10 w instances allows them to move to the
next goal or place a stamp on their
nominated wall card goal.
Room Display Stage 1 Classrooms

The importance of a visual representation offers and anchor point that can be
referred to throughout the days teaching.
Children can be reminded of the current learning before the lesson begins and
success can be celebrated as goals are achieved.
Achievement and Recognition
Sharing success: is an important factor in creating an environment of
high expectations-

Moments to share
Be sure to celebrate on many occasions the instances were students
have achieved their writing goals.
Independent Writing implications
When setting up a independent writing the following
considerations are needed.
A clear success criteria is stated. What I am looking for
today is plain web that has your characters name in the
middle and words around it that describe the type of
person they are.
Remind students of their own writing goals before they
leave to write.
Build into the lesson time a period for students to use
highlighters to highlight a writing goal achievement.
Share 3-4 pieces of writing at the end 1 that displays
clearly the success criteria and 2 that have meet their
personal writing goals.
Modelled Writing implications
When developing modelled writing lessons use the students
writing goals and teaching points for modelled writing. Be
sure to choose 2-3 writing goals that will offer modelled
support for targeted groups of children (differentiated
teaching) as well as goals that will have general value to all.

If this is done regularly the children see multiple

opportunities to see their focused learning goal being used
in context. This is then supported and scaffolded in guided/
writing conferences and taken to competency in
opportunities in independent writing.
Conference Writing
Conference Writing can be embedded into literacy
group times or placed inside the independent
writing times.
The writing goals offer teachers the opportunities
to group students into small groups for targeted
work around that goal. these groups remain
flexible and fluid depending on the current
learning needs of the students.

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