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QTP 8.

1. Introduction
2. Recording a Session
3. Running a Session
4. Object Management
5. Synchronization
6. Check Points
7. Output Values
8. Parameterization
9. Actions
10. Recovery Scenario Manager
11. Debugging
Mercury Quick Test Professional 8.2
provides the industry’s best solution for
functional test and regression test
automation - addressing every major
software application and environment.
 Ease of use:
1. QTP allows even novice testers to be productive in minutes. You
can create a test script by simply pressing a Record button and
using an application to perform a typical business process.
2. Using the Active Screen facility, several types of checkpoints for
any object to verify that components behave as expected can be
created simply by clicking on that object in the Active Screen.
3. Data Table, an integrated spreadsheet with the full functionality
of Excel, is used to manipulate data sets and create multiple test
iterations, without programming, to expand test case coverage.
 QuickTest Professional supports functional testing of all popular
environments, including Windows, Web, .Net, Visual Basic, ActiveX,
Java, SAP, Siebel, Oracle, PeopleSoft, terminal emulators, and Web
services .
Add-in Manager
Keyword View
Expert View
Create the Basic Test

 Record user actions

 Save the test

 Verify successful playback

Record User Actions
Start recording on the Mercury Tours Web site.
Choose Test > Record or click the Record button. The Record and

Run Settings dialog box

In the Windows Applications tab, confirm that Record and run on
these applications (opened on session start) is selected, and that
there are no applications listed.

 This setting prevents you from inadvertently recording operations performed on

various Windows applications (such as e-mail) during a recording session.

Click OK.
Recording Modes

• Normal: recognizes the objects in the application

irrespective of their location in the screen.
• Analog: records the exact keyboard and mouse
operations with respect to the screen coordinates or
the application window.
• Low level: records any object irrespective of support
from QTP. Recognizes all run time objects as windows
objects. It is used when an object is not identified by
Quick test.
Save the Test
 The test can be saved into a Windows file system (as below).
 If TestDirector is available and connected with QTP, the test can be saved there.
 QTP creates an entire structure of files and directories to support a single
QuickTest script for each saved test.
Verify Successful Playback
 Use the ‘Run’ button to begin playback from the top of the test.
 Select the location of the test results- either a new results folder or a temporary folder.
Running a Session
 The Run option can be used to run the test from start to end.
 The Run from Step option in the Test menu is used to run the test
from a selected step to the end of the current action, if running from
the Expert View, or to the end of the test , if running from the
Keyword View. Thus it enables us to check a specific part of the
application or to confirm that a certain part of the test runs correctly.
 The Update Run option in the Test menu is used to update the
Active screens, Checkpoints and the test object descriptions.
Viewing the Test Results
 Test results can be stored in their own location (for documentation) or in a
temporary location that is overwritten each time the test is run (debugging).
How QuickTest Works with Objects

What are Object Properties?

A set of characteristics that defines an object’s appearance, values, state and
identity in an application.

– QTP captures these object properties during recording.

– Logical Name – Logical name is a value QuickTest usually takes from one
of the object properties (like TEXT) to refer to the object in the recorded
Object Repository
 What is Object Repository?
Object Repository is a location within the test structure
where QuickTest stores object information captured during
The Object Repository can be used to:
– Rename logical names for readability.
– Add a new object in the repository.
– Configure the object properties used to identify an object.
Object Repository

Object Name and Class

Object List Object Properties

Object Repository

 The Object Repository can be Per Action or

 The shared repository can be used by multiple
actions of the same test or by actions from
different tests. Test object properties are prone
to frequent updation.
 Per Action object repository is used by one or
very few tests.Test object properties are
modified less frequently.
Object Spy

 It can be used to view the properties and values

of an object in any open application. Click the
pointing hand to select the object in the
application. The object’s properties (Test object
properties and Run-Time object properties) and
methods can be identified. The object’s
hierarchy tree is also displayed. To perform
other events such as mouse clicks or window
focus hold the CTRL key.
Object Identification
Synchronization refers to adding a step in the script that instructs
Quick Test to wait for a particular object before proceeding to the
next step during playback.

When do you need SYNCHRONIZATION ?

When you observe that the application takes a longer time to
process information sent or respond to a client request, add a
synchronization step while recording. For example:
- A progress bar to reach 100%.
- A button to become enabled.
- A window or pop-up message to open.
How to ADD Synchronization

 Synchronization can be added ONLY during recording.

 Identify the object to be synchronized.

 Navigate to the window where the object is located.

 Locate the step in the test that corresponds to the object.

 Start recording and add the synchronization point.

Two ways to set Synchronization
 Global synchronization value for all Objects.

Instructs Quick Test to wait for all the objects for a

specific amount of time.

 Synchronization of a specific Object.

Instructs Quick Test to wait for a specific object only.
Global synchronization value
for all Objects

 Menu  Test 
Settings  Run

 For every object

in the test, Quick
Test can wait a
number of
specified in the
Synchronization of a Specific Object
 Menu  Insert  Step
 Synchronization
 Quick Test shall pause
the test until the object
property achieves the
value specified here (or
until the specific
timeout amount is
 Quick Test uses one of
the object’s properties
as the waiting criteria.
E.g. ‘Text’ property for
window, ‘Label’
property for buttons etc.
Checkpoints In QTP
 A checkpoint is a verification point that
compares a current value for a specified
property with the expected value for that
Types Of Checkpoints
 Standard Checkpoint
 Bitmap checkpoint

 Text checkpoint

 Text Area checkpoint

 Database checkpoint

 XML Checkpoint
Types and Their Use
 Standard Checkpoint  Checks the property
value of the object in
an application or
Webpage. It checks
Comboboxes etc
 Bitmap Checkpoint  Checks the value of
an image in the
 Checks whether the
 Text Checkpoint text string is
displayed in the
appropriate place in
your application or
on a Web page
 Database Checkpoint  Checks the contents
of a database
accessed by the

 XML Checkpoint
 Checks the data
content of XML
documents in the
When to Use Checkpoints
 Before creating checkpoints on web
objects we have to select web-test
option in ADD-IN Manager.
 If the objects developed in HTML we
can use Standard Check point.
 If the Objects developed in XML we
can use XML Check point.
How Checkpoints Work -
Script Expected Result

Test Results Actual =

PASS ed ?

Execute checkpoint

Object: Button
Logical Name : OK
Property: Enabled
Value: True
Sample Objects that QuickTest can
Window Browser
Edit Field Text Area
Drop down list Text Link
Menu command Images
Radio Button Image Link
Checkbox Edit Field
Windows Object Drop down list
Status Bar Checkbox
Text Area Radio Button
Tables/ Grids
Web Element
How to Add a Checkpoint
1.Select the object in the Active

2.Right Click on it and Select ‘Insert

Standard Checkpoint’
Menu Insert Checkpoint 
Standard Checkpoint
How to Add a Checkpoint… set
expected value

» Do not automatically select the

pre-defined list of properties to

» Scroll down the property list to

find the property( or properties)
that best meets the test
Table Checkpoint
Database Checkpoint
 Choose Insert > Checkpoint > Database Checkpoint.
The Database Query Wizard opens.
Database Checkpoint ..contd
How to Add a Checkpoint…
Test Result
Output Values
 Output Value is used to retrieve the
current value of any object in the
application and stores it in a
specified location.

Output Value

Select the type of output value.

Right click the object in the Active screen

and select the type of output value to be
Types of Output Values
 Standard Output  To output the
Values property values of
most objects like
o button,list
 Text Output Values  To output text
strings displayed in
the application
 Text Area Output  To output text
Values strings displayed
within a defined area
of the application
 To output the
 Database Output contents of database
Values cells, based on the
results of a query on
the database.
 To output the values
 XML Output Values of XML elements and
attributes in XML
How to use Output Value
Select the
output to be

Select the
How to use Output Value…

Output Value
A parameter is a variable that is
assigned a value from an external
data source at run time. We use
parameterization when we want to
change the value of properties at run
Types of Parameterization
Parameterization can be done in three
ways using Quick Test.
 Datatable

 Environment variables

 Random numbers
DataTable Parameters
 The Test runs once for each line of data in
the DataTable. Each iteration takes a
different value from the datatable.
choose the Run tab



Specify an option in the Datatable iterations

Environment variable Parameters
 The Environment variables can have Quick Test
generated values or values supplied from external



Choose User-defined from the variable type

Click New to create your own internal variables

Random number Parameters
 It
enables us to use random numbers
as values in the test. We can specify
the range from which the random
number is generated. By default, the
random number range is between 0
and 100.
How to Parameterize an Input

» Select the step in the Tree View that

contains the recorded input value.

» Click on the text under Value column.

How to Parameterize an Input
Value… contd.
-Select the source for

-Select the parameter


-Select the data sheet to

How to Parameterize an Input
A test is composed of actions or logical
sections. The steps we add to the test
are added within the test’s actions. By
default, each test begins with a single
 When we run a test with multiple
actions, the Test Results are divided by
actions so that we can view the detailed
results for each action individually.
 Each action has its own sheet in the Data
Table so that we can insert data that
applies only to that action.

Actions can be of three types:

 Non-re-usable: Action can be used in the
local test, only once.

 Reusable: Action can be used in the local

test, multiple times.
 External: These are reusable actions
created in another test. This can be of two
types. If a call to an external action is
used the action is read only in the calling
test. But, any existing action can be
inserted as a copy of the original action. In
this case, we can modify this copy of the
external action in the calling test.
Actions on Quick Test Window
(Keyword View):
Actions Tool Bar contains buttons and a
list of actions, enabling us to view the
details of an individual action or the entire
test flow. The test flow displays the overall
flow of the test with all the actions in the
How to set an Action as
How to Call a Reusable Action

Insert Call to existing Action

Recovery Scenario Manager
The recovery scenario manager is used to :
 defining the trigger event that interrupts the run
 specifying the recovery operation(s) required to
 choosing a post-recovery test run operation
 specifying a name and description for the
recovery scenario
 specifying whether to associate the recovery
scenario to the current test and/or to all new
Components of a Recovery
The event that interrupts
the test run (e.g. a pop
up screen or run error)

The operation that

needs to be performed
in order to continue
running the test.

The instructions on how

the test should proceed
once the recovery
operation is performed.
Steps to add a Recovery

After clicking on HAND,

select the message/
error window. The click
on Next.
Steps to add a Recovery
Steps to add a Recovery

After clicking on HAND,

select the OK button in
the Error/Message
Steps to add a Recovery
Steps to add a Recovery

Give a name and

description to the
recovery scenario
Steps to add a Recovery
 The Pause option in the Debug menu is used to
temporarily suspend the run. To resume running a
paused test, click the Run button.
 The StepInto(F11) option in the Debug menu is used
to run the current line of the test. If the current line
of the active test or component calls another action
or a function, the called action/function is displayed
in the QuickTest window, and the test or component
pauses at the first line of the called action/function.
 Step Out Choose Debug > Step Out or click the
Step Out button, or press SHIFT+F11 only after
using Step Into to enter a action or a user-defined
function. Step Out runs to the end of the called
action or user-defined function, then returns to the
calling action and pauses the run session.
The Insert\Remove Breakpoint(F9) option in the
Debug menu is used to stop a test run at a pre-
determined place in a test.
To set a breakpoint:

1 Click a step or a line in the test or component

where you want the run to stop.
2 Choose Debug > Insert/Remove Breakpoint,
press F9, or click the Insert/Remove
Breakpoint button. The breakpoint symbol is
displayed in the left margin of the Keyword View
and Expert View.
Debug Viewer
The DebugViewer option in the View menu
is used to view, set, or modify the current
value of objects or variables in the
test,when a test stops at a breakpoint.
To open the Debug Viewer pane:
1 Run a test or component with one or more
2 When it pauses at a breakpoint, choose
View > Debug Viewer or click the
Debug Viewer button.
Debug Viewer
Debug Viewer ..Cntd
 Watch Expressions Tab: Use the Watch Expressions
tab to view the current value of any variable or VBScript
object that you enter in the Watch Expressions table.
Paste or type the name of the object or variable into the
Name column and press ENTER to view the current
value in the Value column.
 Variables Tab :Use the Variables tab to view the current
value of all variables, in the current action or selected
subroutine, identified up to the point where the test or
component stopped
 Command Tab :Use the Command tab to execute a line
of script in order to set or modify the current value of a
variable or VBScript object in your test or component.
Thank You

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