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Present by :

Dzikri Hamzah / 1404103010066

Ammar Viko Wicaksono / 1404103010060
Taufik Rinaldi / 1404103010077
Rahmi Safitri / 1404103010065
Power Source
ktrode : Cu (Cupper) and Al (Aluminium)
ktrolite : CuSO4 , C6H8O7, and KCl

: 2Al(s) ---> 2Al3+ (aq) + 6e- Eo = 3.32 V

: 3Cu2+ (aq) + 3H+ + 6e- ---> 3K+ (aq) + 3Cu(s) Eo = 1.02
: 2Al + 3Cu2+(aq) + 3H+ ---> 2 Al3+ + 3K+(aq) + 3Cu(s) Eo
Stopping Mechanism
Material : (3%) H2O2, H2SO4, KI, Na2SO3,
Soluble starch, Distillate water

Light Sensor : Ardiuno ATMEGA 328P, LDR,

Relay module, LED,
and Resistor.

Initial, slow reaction : H2O2 + 3I- + 2H- ---> I3- + 2H2O

Fast Reaction : I3- + 2S2O3 ---> 3I- + S4O62-

Flowsheet Diagram
ronmental and Safety Fe
1. Electrolyte 2. The reaction does
solution that is not produce gas
dumped into the smell that can
environment is not disrupt the
too negative impact environment.
3. Usage of
because it comes hazardous materials
from natural can be controlled by
(organic) and appropriate MSDS
inorganic but in low based on
concentration. environmental
Economical Aspect
W 1. Green Lime is easily obtainable and green lime in
nature in great numbers.

2. The tapioca flour made from the extract of the cassava
tubers are easily obtainable and cheap price.
3. To generate the power of 3-5-Volt was not needed

A chemical compounds, but can be used of materials

derived from nature

tegy to Goal a Score
1. Material : Polymethyl
2. Chassis of Car : Back Bone Chassis with
Gear Box Every Wheel

3. Front Bumper has a shape of arches

Power Source is taken from electrochemical principle with
electrode (Al & Cu) and electrolyte ( CuSO4 C6H8O7 KCL) with
Eo = 4.34 V. Afterwards, Power source condacting with
capacitor and motod DC in parallel circuit.
Stopping mechanisme will be used iodine clock and conducting
to light sensor with arduino system with command if reaction
becoming dark, sensor will cut current to motor DC.
Environmental & Safety category is green because in reactan or
product of power source just making skin irritation, otherwise th
stopping reaction just using sufuric acid 1.0M as like as NFPA
Economical Aspect is not expensive because in power source is
more using organic compound than stopping reaction.
Strategy to Goal is backbone chasing with gear box every wheel
with acrylic base, front Bumper has a shape of arches,

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