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Fulfiller Basics Training

Training Links

Self Service Website:
Benefits of ServiceNow to UT
UT is adopting and adapting leading Service Management
processes to improve our service delivery to our customers
ServiceNow is an easy to use service management tool
based on the ITIL framework
Provides a single system of record for UT
Enables UT to automate and standardize processes and
activities that support the University
Leverages self-service capabilities for personnel and end
Enables UT to provide efficient and consistent service
delivery to our faculty, staff, and students
Provides the ability to connect campus through business
process workflows and measure service delivery
Whats Changing in Phase 1
Effective Go-Live Date, tickets should be entered into
ServiceNow rather than Footprints
Break-fix events will generally be entered in ServiceNow
as an incident
Requests published in ServiceNow, rather than being
incidents, will be handled as separate request tickets
submitted through Self Service Website
Public Self Help will be located on the Self Service
For the end user, the process for submitting requests
and incidents to participating Service/Help Desks will not
change phone numbers, emails will not change
Training Scope

While this training is aimed specifically at IT Fulfillers, it

will also address the roles of Requestors (end users) and
Fulfillers in HR/CBO/Finance will have specific training
but will benefit from the context of this training
Processes in Phase 1 that impact Fulfillers include
incident management, service request and catalog
A Fulfiller is defined as someone who is assigned a task
to perform in the tool and has the appropriate roles
defined in the tool
Learning Objectives
General Navigation in ServiceNow
Incident Management
Review the Incident Management process, key concepts and metrics
Review how Knowledge Management interacts with Incident
Management and how to submit knowledge articles
How to use the Incident Management application and modules within
Service Catalog
Service Catalog Overview for Fulfillers including approvals and
catalog tasks
ServiceNow Reporting Overview
Additional Navigation topics, Process Diagrams, Metrics
Logging into ServiceNow

ServiceNow is a cloud based application and can be accessed through a web

browser using the following URL:

To login to the application use your UT EID and password

Tool Demo
Main Homepage Banner



Title Description
runs across the top of every page and contains a logo, global navigation
Banner Frame
controls, and tools
Application provides links to all applications and modules. Your assigned roles will
Navigator determine which applications you have access to
Content displays welcome page, information such as lists, forms, homepages, and
Frame wizards
area for creating bookmarks and favourites that are assigned to your specific
Banner Frame ServiceNow Instance
Global Collapse/Expand

User currently Logout

Button Settings
Logged in

Title Description
ServiceNow instance
contains a logo and the instance information
User currently
displays the name of currently logged in user
logged in
Global Search searches for text in multiple applications
Maximise / Minimise alters the amount of space the banner frame
Banner occupies
Logout Button returns to the Welcome page
Settings Menu Personalize the settings of the instance
Application Navigator Navigation

Title Description

A group of modules, or pages, that

provide related information and
functionality in a ServiceNow instance.
For example, the Incident application
contains modules for creating and
viewing incidents
Appear as links under each
application's navigation bar heading.
Modules They have the purpose of presenting
the functionalities that make up an
Helps users quickly access Application
information and services
by filtering the items in the application
navigator or opening forms and lists
Filter Navigator: Applications and Modules
Use the Filter Navigator to navigate quickly to Applications and/or Modules

Simply begin typing 1

the Application or
Module name

All Modules with your 2

Keyword displayed

Hint: Click
3 to expand or
All Modules within an collapse all
Application containing Modules
your Keyword displayed
Search: Search Lists
Wildcard Search Syntax Does a Search

*mySearchTerm Contains

mySearchTerm% Starts with

%mySearchTerm Ends with

!*mySearchTerm Does not contain

=mySearchTerm Equals

!=mySearchTerm Does not equal

mySearchTerm Greater than or equal to

No leading or trailing Wildcard(s) mySearchTerm
Edge Toolbar

Title Description

Toggle Navigator shows or hides the application navigator

splits the content frame into two vertical panes, with the list
pane on the left and the form pane on the right. To split the
List and Form View
content pane horizontally, click the gear icon and then click
Split Layout Horizontal

Tagged documents displays the Tagged Documents page

All bookmarks provides a list of all bookmarks in the Edge

Self-Service Modules
The Navigation Pane at the left side of the screen can be
used to navigate to various application, modules, forms
and list views:

Self-Service Module (select topics)

Initiate Chat with Service Desk

View live feed information
View their Homepage
View the service catalog ordering page
View Knowledge Articles
Report an Incident or view their open incidents
View their Service Catalog requests, requested items
and watched requested items
Watched Requested Items
View their ServiceNow profile to update their
My Assessments & Surveys

This view is only available to Fulfillers with ITIL role

Any Questions about Navigation in
ServiceNow at this point?

See additional slides on Navigation in the Appendix

Key Concepts
What is an incident?
An incident is an A problem is the
A request is a channel for
unplanned interruption underlying unknown
users to request and
or a reduction in the cause of one or more
receive standard services
quality of a service. incidents.

Incident Management covers the entire lifecycle of an incident from its detection until its
resolution and closure.
Incident Management does not include root cause identification, trend analysis, and
proactive implementation of changes targeted to prevent future incidents. These areas
are part of the Problem Management process and/or Change Management process.
These processes are covered in later phases of the program.
Title Description

The process responsible for managing the lifecycle of all incidents.

Incident Management ensures that normal service operation is restored as
quickly as possible and the business impact is minimized.

An unplanned interruption to or reduction in the quality of an IT service.

Incident Failure of a configuration item that has not yet affected service is also an
An incident with the highest category of impact and urgency for an
incident. A major incident results in significant disruption to the business.
(Global Incident)

A temporary solution to an incident or problem that reduces or eliminates

the impact on IT services but does not address the root cause.
Incident Lifecycle Incomplete
Restoration Closed

d Active or
Pendin Closure
g Work in
Valid Progress
/Escalati Service
Pending Restored
Condition on

ta nc e Assigne
Ac c ep d
lu t io n
R es o
Reassign ticket
on tact
New tC
User Information and Assignment Groups

Every 2 hours user account information is imported from the TED

Fulfillers have been placed into Assignment Groups.
All Assignment Groups have been given the ITIL role in the
ServiceNow tool, which allows them to access and work on
Incidents, Configuration Items, Service Requests and Reports.
Fulfillers will also be able to draft new Knowledge articles via the
Knowledge Bases they have access to.
Fulfillers will also be able to request Catalog Items from the Service
Catalog they have access to.
Assignment Groups will be managed by the ServiceNow team via
requests from the department manager.
Tickets have open visibility in ServiceNow
HR and ISO will be secure
By default, you will only see your assignment groups
Field on ticket form for confidential data
Category/checkbox that can be used to mark entire ticket
Ticket to ServiceNow team to remove confidential data
Incident Management
Requestors (End Users) can contact the Service Desk by phone or by
using the Create Ticket or Chat features on the Self Service Website.
End Users can also check the status of their Incidents or Requests
Contact Types
If they select Create Ticket, a Contact Form is created
and processed by a Service Desk analyst.
The header of the form contains the following information:

Describe the assistance you need. The Service Desk will log your
request and reach out to you via your preferred communication method.

Please note, if your issue is urgent contact the Service Center via
phone 512-475-9400.

Note the following Notice regarding Information Confidentially:

Information Protection Notice:

No confidential information, including Passwords, Personally Identifiable

Information (PII) or Protected Health Information (PHI), can be included
anywhere in the ServiceNow system. This includes in the description,
work notes, attachments and other related fields. If such information is
needed, provide the contact information to obtain any necessary
passwords PII/PHI data outside of the system
As a minimum the Requestor needs to enter a
short description of the issue.

The Requested By field will be automatically

entered. This gives the Service Desk basic user

But, to assist the Service Desk, they should

enter additional helpful information:
More descriptive details
Requested For (if requested for
someone else)
Alternative phone and emails
Location of the issue

Once all the form is complete, the

Requestor should select Submit at
the bottom right hand corner of the form.

This creates an Incident ticket, which is

sent to the Service Desk.
Tool Demo
Incident Management
Service Desk Module
Service Desk Module ITS Service Desk Only

Callers View callers user information

Incidents View active incidents
Knowledge View the knowledge base
My Work work queue containing a list of all tasks
assigned to me
My Groups Work work queue containing a list of all tasks
assigned to my work groups
My Approvals - work queue containing a list of all tasks
waiting for my approval

Contact Form

New Contact Create a new Contact Form

My Contacts View Contacts you created
My Open Contacts View Contacts that are still open
All Open Contacts View all open Contacts
Incident Management
Incident Management Application and Modules

Module to display all Current

Module Function to open a Outages
new incident

Module to display all open

Module to display all but unassigned incidents to
incidents assigned to the the assignment groups that
logged in user user is part assigned

Module to display all open Module to display all

incidents incidents that are closed

Module to display all Module to display all

incidents that are resolved incidents irrespective of

Incident overview
dashboard, displays charts,
reports, and views on the
status of the incidents
My Groups Work Queue
Navigate to Incident > My Groups Work - to view a list of
all tasks assigned to the groups to which you belong (not
assigned to a specific person)

Groups I am a member of

No one assigned yet

My Work Queue

Navigate to Incident > My Work - to view a list of all tasks assigned

to you. These tasks have come from Incidents
ITIL Homepage

Fulfillers can use the reports on their

Homepage to easily access My
Groups Work and My Work queues.
Includes Incident and Service
Catalog Tasks.
Tool Demo
Creating a New Incident Steps -
1. Login into ServiceNow (as a Fulfiller)
2. Navigate to Incident > Create New or type
Incident in the filter option
3. Populate all the fields with * (mandatory fields)
4. Once the fields are populated, click Save or
Submit (see next slides for details)
Incident Handling
An end user may contact the Service Desk via the Self Service Website and
select Create Ticket. ServiceNow will create an Incident record in the New
state and assign it to the ITS Service Desk.
The Service Desk agent will review the ticket, contact the end user for
additional information, and complete the incident form, updating the Affected
CI, Category, and Subcategory fields.
If the Service Desk can resolve the issue they will Assign the incident to
themselves, complete whatever tasks are required to resolve the incident,
updating the Work Notes field, and change the state to Resolved.
Service Desk agent can also assign the Incident ticket to a Fulfiller group
(also known as an Assignment Group in ServiceNow). This can be achieved
in one of two ways. First, based on the Affected CI, the ticket will be
automatically assigned to the team responsible for that CI. Secondly, the
Service Desk agent can directly assign to the appropriate Assignment
Incident Handling
Fulfiller teams will receive an email notification that an Incident Ticket has
been assigned to their team in Service Desk > My Groups Work
Anyone in that Assignment Group can assign the ticket to themselves or
anyone in the group.
Once a ticket has been assigned to an individual, it is visible in Service
Desk > My Work.
The Fulfiller should open and review the ticket. The Fulfiller should place the
ticket state to Work in Progress. They can also place the ticket into one of
several Pending States if it is necessary to open a Change Request or if
they are waiting on information from the customer, a problem investigation,
or reply from a vendor.
The Fulfiller should keep track of everything they are doing in the Work
Notes area.
Incident Handling

If the Incident needs to be assigned to another team, the Fulfiller can

reassign the ticket to that team.
Once the work has been completed and the service restored, the Fulfiller
should select the Resolve Incident button. Mandatory fields in the Closure
Tab, Close Code and Close Notes need to be completed. Also, the Fulfiller
can check the Knowledge box to generate a draft Knowledge article.
The Incident will close automatically in 5 days.
Key Concept Impact, Urgency, Priority
Incidents are processed in an order determined by three metrics
available in the Incident form:

Impact - The potential impact that an unresolved issue has on the

ability of the business to effectively carry on its activities or deliver its
Urgency The speed that is considered appropriate to resolve an
issue of a given impact
Priority How quickly the service desk should address the problem

Unable to perform critical services, interruption or
impairment to business operations 1 No workaround exists, requires immediate attention
Degraded ability to perform critical services, impacts
2 one or more users 2 Workaround may be available, deadline dependent

Inability or degraded ability to perform functions that

3 do not affect critical services 3 Does not require immediate attention
Key Concept - Prioritization Matrix
The Prioritization
Prioritization Matrix
Matrix reflects
reflects the
the Business
Business Impact
Impact and
and Situational
Situational Urgency
combinations andand the
the resulting
resulting Incident/Problem
Incident/Problem Priority
Service Level Agreements (SLA)
Name Duration Schedule
Priority 1 Response 15 min 24x7
Priority 1 Resolution 4 hours 24 x7
Priority 2 Response 1 hour 8-5 Weekdays Excluding
Priority 2 Resolution 9 hours 8-5 Weekdays Excluding
Priority 3 Response 4 hours 8-5 Weekdays Excluding
Priority 3 Resolution 18 hours 8-5 Weekdays Excluding
Priority 4 Response 9 hours 8-5 Weekdays Excluding
Priority 4 Resolution 45 hours 8-5 Weekdays Excluding
SLA Notifications
% of SLA Type Notification Sent
At 50% SLA Warning Fulfiller Assigned to
At 75% SLA Warning Fulfiller Assigned to
Ticket Coordinator
The incident
incident lifecycle
lifecycle contains
contains the
the following
following states:

Incident State Value Description

New New is the default state when an incident is initially created. Tickets created from Call Forms default
to New status. From New you can only move to an Assigned state.

Assigned The Assigned state reflects that the incident has been assigned to a support group. From the
Assigned state, you can move to Work in Progress but you must assign an individual in the
Assigned to field.

Work In Progress An incident in Work In Progress state indicates that the incident investigation work has started and
is currently in progress. All Work in Progress incidents must have an individual assigned to it.
From Work in Progress, you can move back to Assigned or into Pending or Resolved.

Pending Once you select Pending you must select a sub-state (Pending Change; Pending Customer;
Pending Vendor, and Pending Problem). When in a Pending state, an individual must be assigned
to the incident. From a Pending state you can move to Assigned, Work in Progress or

Resolved An incident will reach the Resolved state once the service has been restored, as determined by the
resolver assignment group/assignee and categorized with a closure code and close notes. A
resolved incident can be reopened and reverted back to Assigned, Work In Progress or you can
close the incident.

Closed Incident will move to Closed state 5 business days after entering resolved state when closure
method is set as email (passive closure). When closure method is set to phone (active closure)
the incident can only be moved to closed state by a service desk agent through a manual action on
the ticket.
Conditions Recipient
When a new incident is created (self service or create Customer, Watch List
new incident)

When assignment group of an incident changes. Ticket Coordinator

Assigned To Field Changes assigned_to

When an ITIL User adds additional comment Customer, Watch List

When a comment is added to the worknotes Assigned To, Work Notes List
When the additional comments is updated by customer assigned_to,watch_list
(within SN or by email response)

When incident state changes to resolved Customer, Watch List

When an SLA has reached 50% of its duration Assigned To, Ticket Coordinator

When an SLA has reached 75% of its duration Assigned To, AG Manager

When an SLA has breached Assigned To, AG Manager, AG Director

Notification Examples
Email Subject: [Task] [Number] has been opened on your behalf
To Whom It May Concern,
We have received your [Incident/Request][Number].
Summary: [Short Description of Incident/Request].
Click Here to view: [Link to Incident/Request]

Email Subject: [Task] [Number] has been updated by Requestor

To Whom It May Concern,
[Incident/Request][Number] has been updated by [Name].
Summary: [Short Description] [Work Notes/Comments Update]
Click here to view: [Link to Incident/Request]

Incident Categories

Each Category has a Subcategory

Link to Categorization KB
Activity Log
Changes to fields on the record, notifications sent, and entries into the Work Notes
field are tracked in the Activity Log section on the Notes tab at the bottom of Incident
Note that any text entered into the Additional comments field on the Notes tab
is visible to the customer.
Form Details
Main Form - Left
Click on any magnifying glass
Number, a read-only icon will return a list of
field is a unique identifier available values for that field
that is system generated

Name of user requesting Click on the magnifying glass

the Incident icon to pick the location

If this incident is Chat

requested for some else, Direct Entry
type in that person Email
Event Monitoring
Phone (default)
Self Service

Type in Short description of

the incident. This will return a
list of available helpful
knowledge articles. The
articles can be reviewed
and/or attached to the ticket

Main Form - Right Enter any special User

System keeps track of

when incident was opened
Who completed the
and the total time spent
Incident Form

Main Form Notes Tab
Notes Tab or Section Watch list allows end Work notes list allows fulfillers
users to subscribe to to subscribe to work notes
notifications notifications

Comments entered in this field

The Notes Tab will be used as the are visible to support group(s)
Fulfiller teams work to resolve the
Incident and keeps track of the Comments entered in this
work they perform field are visible to
Incident Assignment

In many cases the Incident will auto assign based on the CI or

Category/Subcategory. There is also an option to choose a CI
Assignment Group, Department Assignment Group (based on the
Requested For field), or Location Assignment Group (based on
Location field). Fulfillers can override the auto assignment rule. If they
do, the Assignment Override Reason field becomes mandatory.
Related Records Tab

Related Records

Relate the parent incident, if the

current incident is a duplicate
Closure Tab
Select if a draft
knowledge article
should be created Closure Information Who closed the
from resolution Section incident and the date it
was closed

First Call Resolution -

Select if escalated
Incident could have
been resolved at Tier 1

Select if a root cause

When the incident was first opened, existing Knowledge
investigation should articles could have been used to help resolution.
be initiated As the incident is resolved, an opportunity exists to create
a new Knowledge article which might help to resolve
future incidents. Selecting the Knowledge option opens a
draft Knowledge article.
Closure Tab

Before a ticket can be

marked as Resolved, it is
mandatory to enter a Close
Code and Close Notes
Main Form Bottom Tabs
These tabs are visible once the incident has been
created and captures all SLAs, Child Incidents, Time
Cards, and Outages that are in scope for the incident

Questions about Incident
To Request an Item, open the Service Catalog via the
Self Service Website
Tool Walk-Through

Structure of a Service Request

Service Reques Reques

Catalo t t
g Item(s) Task(s)
As Required
by Item or Task 1
Item A Cost

Desktop) Task n

Request Item B Tasks

Item C Tasks
Request Process Flow
Workflows in ServiceNow
A workflow is a process built into the tool that closely follows the
business process steps. Based on answers to questions in the
Catalog Item form and the Catalog Item chosen, decision logic
fires off approval requests and catalog tasks.

Over time the Service Catalog will expand to include many

different types of service requests and catalog items. Each of
these Catalog Items has the potential to have a different type of
workflow behind it.

The three main roles Requester, Approver, and Fulfiller, will

always be present, but the actual steps and activities in the
workflow may be different, based on the Catalog Item.
Next, select the appropriate Catalog.

Select the header and the available

catalog items are listed.

Items listed are the top requested


Some catalogs may have categories of

items which might be broken down
further into sub categories.
User selects the Catalog Item they would like to request.

Note: the list of items in the Service Catalog will continue to expand
as more items are added.
Selection of a
catalog item opens
the unique catalog
form for that item.

completes the
form. Mandatory
fields marked *

When complete,
select Order Now
Once the order has been placed, the system generates a
message stating an order has been submitted and indicates the
Request Number (REQ) and Requested Item (RITM). Status of
the Request is kept track of by the graphic visual Stage tracker.
Request Number - REQ

Requested Item - RITM Tracker

Catalog Item Approvals and Tasks

Based on the Workflow for that Catalog Item, ServiceNow

will generate the following:

One or more approval requests. Based on the value of the item,

purchasing policy, of other policies, it may be necessary to
obtain one or more approvals from individuals.
Once the items have been approved (if required), ServiceNow
generates Fulfillment tasks to various Assignment Groups. This
may include purchasing, release form a storeroom, software
installation, set up, etc
Once an order has been placed, in most cases an
Approvals approval is required.

If the request is rejected, the request is closed.

If the request goes to multiple approvers, only one

approval is required and the remaining approvals
are no longer required.

Go to Service Catalog > My Approvals.

This opens a list of Open Approvals waiting for the

approver to take action.

Selecting an Item opens the Approval form for that

Requested Item
Approval Form
The Approval Form gives the Approver the ability to Approve or Reject, as well as add
comments to the record.

Comments are added to the Activity Log

Approval Form
If the approver wants to see more about the request itself
before they approve or reject, they can hover over the icon at
the right of Requested Item Number. This will open a popup
box containing all the details of the Requested Item. They
can also click on the icon which will open the Requested Item
record itself.
Requested Item Form
When they click the icon, the Requested Item form opens. This form
contains information about who requested it, what is the justification (if
required), budget code (if required) and any specific information or options
from the original Service Catalog page.
Requested Item Form

At the bottom of the Requested Item form, as the request moves through the
workflow, a cumulative list of the approvers from each stage is maintained
along with the status or state of their approval or rejection.

No Longer Required indicates that one of multiple approvers for that workflow
state has already approved the request.
Fulfiller Tasks
Fulfillment tasks will be sent to various defined fulfiller groups
for that particular requested item. Members of the assignment
group will receive email notification that a task has been
assigned to the group.
The email will notify them that their group has a
task waiting in My Groups Work. A member of the
group should assign the Task to themselves or
another member of the team. Once the task is
assigned, the task will move to the individual. This
can accessed by going to:
Service Catalog > My Work

This opens a list of open Catalog Tasks waiting

for them to work on.
The Fulfiller will open the
Catalog Task record and
review the work to be

They should assign the

Task to themselves and
move the state to Work in

They should make notes in Notes

the Work Notes area as

the progress the task.

Once they have completed

all of the work, they should
select Close Task record.
When all the tasks
have been completed
and closed, the
original Request
status will be updated
to Closed Complete

The graphical status

indicator will also
update to Closed
Questions about the Service

Additional Training on Service Catalog is available

in the Deep Dive for Service Catalog/CMDB
Standard Report Types
Pie Chart Bar Chart List Calendar

Pivot Table Box Chart Control Chart Histogram

Line Chart Pareto Chart Availability Chart Trend box Chart

3 Ways to Produce Reports
1. Reports can be created from Record Lists
2. Reports can be viewed or modified from existing Out of Box
3. New Reports can be produced using the built in report

Additional Training on Reporting is available in

the Deep Dive for Reporting
Tool Demo
Reports - Application & Module

View or generate reports. Create New:
Opens report form to
create a new report

Header Footer
Templates: ITIL KPI Reports:
Create templates in which Out of box reports on
reports will be exported. ITIL KPIs.

Summary Sets: Custom Charts:

Report summary sets. Administer custom
reports (script
generated, etc.).
Accessing Reports
Click Click
Click New
New to
Click on
on View
View // My
My reports
reports -- these
Run create
create aa new
Run toto view
view the
the are
are the
the personal
reports modules report
reports modules reports
reports you
you have

Global reports
reports -- these
reports are
are available
available to
everyone and
and contain
contain in-
built reports
reports from
Out of Box Reports
There are many out of box reports included in ServiceNow that
can be run as is or modified. In addition, a Fulfiller has the ability
to define and generate new reports.
mepages and Gauges
Homepages A gauge is a mapped graphic
A ServiceNow homepage provides image on a homepage; when you
a dashboard of frequently used click on section of a graph, it links to
content which usually includes the list of the records specific to that
reports piece of the graph
Questions about ServiceNow
Process Activities Description
The Incident Management process is composed of the following

Activity 0 Route Record: logging, review and routing of the record to

either Request Fulfillment, Incident or Change Management
Activity 1 Classify and Prioritize: recording, categorization and
prioritization of the incident
Activity 2 Assess and Investigate: evaluation of the incident, trigger of
the major incident procedure if necessary
Activity 3 Resolve Incident: investigation, escalation and resolution of
the incident
Activity 4 Close Incident: review of the incident, communication to
Problem Management and Knowledge Management as necessary and
High Level Overview
Activity 0 Route Record
Activity 1 Classify and Prioritize
Activity 2 Assess and Investigate
Activity 3 Resolve Incident
Activity 4 Close Incident
A Homepage is a dashboard that consists of navigational elements,
functional controls, and system information, such graphs and lists all well as
other information.

In addition, most process applications have an Overview page, which is a

dashboard for that process.
Forms and Lists

Form contains fields

of information for an
individual record
(ie Incident record)

List is a collection of
similar records
(ie All Incident records)
Lists Layout
List List Activity
List Context New Go to Rows Arrow
Layout Stream

Gear Title Description

New button is used to create a new record.

Go to search functionality a quick search for records within the list.

provides a view of the list of records for a given application, such as Incident
List Layout Management in this example. The Columns represent the various fields on the
Rows represent records within that application stable.
Gear icon on the top left corner is used to personalize a list.
Arrow used to navigate between the pages.
List Activity
streams live activity information for all records on the current list.
List Context opens the context menu for the list view.
Personalize List
Personalizing a list sets Columns can be added or
personal preferences on list. removed by clicking on the
To personalize a list, click on Add and Remove buttons
the Gear icon. respectively.

Title Description
Wrap column text displays long text on more than one line.

Compact rows condenses the vertical space between rows.

Active row
highlights list rows as the cursor passes over them.
Modern cell coloring uses updated field status indicators
Enable list edit allows the list editor to open for the list.
Personalize List Reset to Default

To reset Column Headings to

default settings, select Reset to
Column Defaults. The Gear
icon returns to normal icon.
Searching Global Search
Enter the search string in this
Global Text Search box. In this
example, Incident is the string.

The filter
is used
down the

Search results are grouped into logical collections called search groups. Users can search the groups for which they
have access rights and are divided by table. Administrators may customize search groups.
Knowledge and Service Catalog results are displayed as they are in their respective applications, while other results are
displayed in list format.
Searching List

Use the dropdown to

Wild Card Search symbols are used for quick
choose the field to search.
If for text is chosen, then
Go to changes to Search. location.
- Multiple Character Wildcard Search (or
Contains) use the (*) symbol
- Single Character Wildcard Search (Or
Starts With) use the (%) symbol

Title Description
for most fields, sorts by the selected field and returns records where the field
value is equal to or greater than the search term. For the Number field, which is
Go to a string type field, finds the records that have a number ending with the number
that you enter. For example, searching a list of incidents by selecting Number
and entering 4 shows records with numbers like INC0000004 and INC0000014.
Search returns records that contain the search term in any field.
Searching Columns
Click on
icon to

Search supports queries that include AND, but does not support Or.
Wildcards (*) to further refine column searches are permitted.
Press Enter once the required search string is entered.
To clear a column search, delete the text in the search field and
press Enter.
Searching Filter
2. Select a field
1. Click from the drop
on drop down list, select
down an operator, and
icon to then enter or
expand select the value of
the filter. the field to filter
3. Click on Run to view the Click the AND
results. condition or the
OR condition to
add more
relationships to
the filter
Click Delete [X] to
remove a

The system will display breadcrumbs at the top of the

screen, displaying the applied conditions in the filter
and the filtered results
My Profile
My Profile

Click on My

The user can change/verify

- Business phone/Mobile phone
Notification Preferences - Notifications
can be changed from here.
- Date format
- Time zone

Critical Success Factors (CSF) something that must happen if an IT

service, process, plan, project or other activity is to succeed

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are used to measure the

achievement of each critical success factor

Operational Metric something that is measured and reported to help

manage a process, IT service or activity

Note: Phase 1 metrics are under review

Critical Success Factors
CSF Reporting
ID Name Supporting KPIs
Resolve incidents as quickly as KPI-01 Monthly
CSF- possible KPI-02
01 KPI-03
CSF- Maintain quality of IT services KPI-05 Monthly
02 KPI-06
CSF- Maintain user satisfaction with IT KPI-07 Monthly
03 services
Align incident management KPI-08 Monthly
activities and priorities with those KPI-09
of the business
Ensure that standardized KPI-10 Monthly
methods and procedures are KPI-11
used for efficient and prompt KPI-12
response, analysis, KPI-13
documentation, ongoing KPI-14
management and reporting of
incidents to maintain
business confidence in IT
capabilities 116
Key Performance Indicators (1/2)
Formula (Written Using Operational Metrics
ID Name
IDs as Variables)
Total process time to resolve incidents by priority and by In a table: OM-01 and OM-02
Effort to resolve incidents by priority and by category In a table: OM-03 and OM-04

Number of incidents at each stage (by status)

Number and % incidents closed by First Level Support without OM-05 and OM-05 / OM-06 * 100
reference to other levels of support
Size of current incident workload for each IT service For each IT service, total number of open
KPI-06 Number and % major incidents (priority 1 & 2 incidents) OM-07 and OM-07 / OM-06 *100

Average user/customer survey score (total and by question For each category: scores/ # filed
category) surveys
KPI-08 Number and % incidents handled within agreed response time OM-08 and OM-08 / OM-06 *100

Number and % incidents handled within agreed resolution time OM-09 and OM-09 / OM-06 *100

KPI-10 Number and % incidents incorrectly assigned OM-10 and OM-10/ OM-06 *100

Number and % incidents incorrectly categorized (not within OM-11 and OM-11 / OM-06 *100
the same team but across different groups)

Key Performance Indicators (2/2)
Formula (Written Using Operational Metrics
ID Name
IDs as Variables)
Number and % of tickets aging longer than defined time periods OM-12 and OM-12 / OM-06 *100
KPI-12 (10 days, 20 days etc.)
Number and % of incidents logged by the Service Desk OM-13 and OM-13 / OM-06 *100
Number and % of incidents logged through Self-Service OM-14 and OM-14 / OM-06 *100

Operational Metrics (1/2)

ID Name Description
Number of hours during which For each priority level (1 to 5), sum of all the resolution times (in
OM-01 tickets remain in an active status hours) which is the duration from when the ticket is logged until
by priority its status is set to Resolved
Number of hours during which For each incident category, sum of all the resolution times (in
OM-02 tickets remain in an active status hours) which is the duration from when the ticket is logged until
by category its status is set to Resolved
Number of hours spent to For each priority level (1 to 5), sum of all the work hours logged by
resolve incidents by priority the analysts while resolving incidents
Number of hours spent to For each category, sum of all the work hours logged by the
resolve incidents by category analysts while resolving incidents
Number of incidents directly Number of incidents which have been handled by First Level
closed by First Level Support Support only and not escalated to any other support group
Total number of incidents The total number of incidents for all priority levels, categories and
status (over defined period of time)
Number of major incidents Number of incidents with priority 1
Number of incidents within Number of incidents within the agreed response time (duration
OM-08 agreed response time from when the ticket is logged until an owner is assigned to the

Operational Metrics (2/2)
ID Name Description
Number of incidents resolved Number of incidents resolved within the agreed resolution time
OM-09 within agreed resolution time (duration from when the ticket is logged until its status is set to
Number of incidents incorrectly Number of incidents re-assigned at least once
Number of incidents incorrectly Number of incidents re-categorized at least once
Number of tickets still open by Number of tickets that have not been closed for 10 days, 20 days
time periods, status and priority etc. by status and priority
Number of tickets logged by the Number of tickets logged by a Service Desk analyst (not by an
Service Desk end-user)
Number of tickets logged Number of tickets logged by an end-user through the portal
through Self-Service portal

Review Learning Objectives
General Navigation in ServiceNow
Incident Management
Review the Incident Management process, roles, key concepts and
Review how Knowledge Management interacts with Incident
Management and how to submit knowledge articles
How to use the Incident Management application and modules within
Service Catalog
Service Catalog Overview for Fulfillers including approvals and
catalog tasks
ServiceNow Reporting Overview
Appendix Additional Navigation topics, Process Diagrams, Metrics
Questions about Fulfiller Training

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