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How effective is your main product compared with

your auxiliary products?

My main product is effective compared with my auxiliary products because it
follows the same style; they are all clearly associated with one another. All of my
products are in the style of a B movie, they are usually considered films
produced on a low budget, and most become cult films. B movies tend to be
kitsch whether intentionally or unintentionally, this is what I tried to recreate
with my products. I did this using exploitation techniques commonly used in B
movies; of the horror genre, such as having a typical chase scene, lots of footage
in the dark, a sense of the unknown, and interesting camera angles associated
with horror such as quick movements, and filmed crudely to create a sense of
realism as opposed to being of a typically, pristine artistic quality, I wanted to
create a sense of aesthetic intrigue, to pull the audience into the mash up of
styles, non linear scenes, and unclear plot, the idea behind this was to create a
trailer that is also postmodern. This is what I aimed for with all my products, for
example the poster, which also contains the same element of mystery, created
crudely, yet is typically stylistic of a B movie/ exploitation film. The magazine
also contains these elements with the incorporation of another scene on the
cover not seen in the trailer, by doing this I was again attempting to create more
mystery and intrigue, to maintain consistency between the trailer and the
auxiliary products. I did this by making sure the style was clear throughout and
that the genre was obvious. Also the fonts and imagery are all the same
throughout, again emphasising that they are all part of the same media package.
As well as this the colour schemes remain
consistent throughout, the exception being
the magazine, which has a grey background.
My trailer is the strongest of my products as it
follows the style the strongest, the same
applies to the poster. Whereas I believe that
the magazine is the weakest of all the
products because it has an amateurish look to
it, but then again it would still be considered
iconic of B movies/exploitation films.
The hybridity of the genres used in my trailer are seen
throughout all my products and show clear symbols of the
genres that they are representing. This I believe was achieved
effectively, and in turn has created a bricolage effect,
emphasised by the mixing of styles and scenes that seem to
not belong to one another, but in fact compliment each other
in a way thats
is possible with the use of other genres and styles, or even if
the products followed a more mainstream expectation. The
products play around with existing codes and conventions
before using them somewhat ironically, this may not be
understood by all audiences, but the audience I aim to reach
is a niche one, who regularly watch, follow, B movies and
other exploitation films, these are the ideal audience because
they enjoy the product for its meaning and what it represents,
as opposed to enjoying it for its stars and budget. The
products are not Arthouse, or even for standard viewing. It is
somewhat a satirical commentary on the fluidity of genre.
Overall I believe that the products are
effective and that they work well together.
Although they could be improved, and
made even more stylistic, especially of
the horror genre; it is still clear what
genre the main product and the auxiliary
products represent and how the codes
and conventions have been used. It is
also clear that aspects of postmodernism
have been included, such as the kitsch
aspects and the blending of different
themes and times.

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