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Assessment of water quality variation

of a monitoring network using

exploratory factor analysis and
empirical orthogonal function

Presented by:
Md. Tabish Haque

Systematic assessment method that jointly uses the exploratory factor analysis
(EFA) and empirical orthogonal function (EOF-patterns) of Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) to assess the water quality variation of the monitoring network
Nakdong River, Korea

28 Measuring stations

15 water quality parameters

Principal Component Analysis

PCA is a technique widely used to reduce the dimensions of multivariate


Find a small number of uncorrelated linear compounds of the variables that are the
principal components (PCs).
Exploratory Factor Analysis

Multivariate analysis technique

Identify the underlying relationships between measured variables.

x 1, f1
x 2, f2
x 3, 2 ...

,xp f

Classify the variables according to the contributions of the latent

factors to individual variables.
EFA Model

Observations with p variables are X = {x1, x2, x3,.., xp}
Common factor matrix for m factors F = {f1, f2, ., fm}
Factor loading matrix L = {l11, l12, ., lpm}
Specific factor or residual errors R = {r1, r2, ., rm}
Assumptions for EFA Model
1. The error terms ri are independent of one another, and are such that E[ri] = 0
and Var(ri) = i.
2. Common factors fi are independent of one another and of the error terms, and
are such that E[fi] = 0 and Var(fi) = 1.

From these assumptions, we can define the covariance matrix in EFA as:
We can obtain the eigenvalues (1, 2,., p)and corresponding eigenvectors (e1, e2,, ep).

In PCA, the covariance matrix can be expressed as the sum of p eigenvalues multiplied by
their eigenvectors and their transposes.
This result yields the following estimator for the ijth factor loading value, which
indicates the effect of the jth factor on the ith variables.

i is an ith eigenvector, and
eij is the jth component of the ith eigenvector.
From the assumption of the EFA model, we can define the variance of the original variable xi as

Part that explains common factors.

How well the common factors explain the total variance of each variable.
Communality 1, this means that the common factors explain almost all variances of
the variable.
Study Data
Water quality monitoring data from 28 stations located in the mainstream of Nakdong
In each station, the 15 water quality parameters were measured on a weekly or
monthly basis:
1. pH
2. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
3. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
4. Suspended Solid (SS)
5. Total Nitrogen (TN)
6. Total Phosphorus (TP)
7. Water Temperature (WT)
8. Electronic Conductivity (EC)
9. Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH3N)
10. Nitrate
Water Nitrogen
quality (NO3N)
monitoring data of these stations from 2007 to 2015 is available
11. Dissolved Total Nitrogen (DTN)
Division of data sets

Data is divided into three periods of

1. Before the project (2007 ~ 2009)

2. During the project (2010 ~ 2012)

3. After the project (2013 ~ 2015)

Study focused on the analysis of monitoring data (3710 observations) before and
after the project.
Division of data sets

Since seasonal variations of water temperature can affect the seasonality in water
quality parameters, data sets were divided for each period into four seasons;

1. Spring (March ~ May)

2. Summer (June ~ August)

3. Autumn (September ~ November)

4. Winter (December ~ February).

Divided the datasets
temporally (before and after
the project), and spatially
EFA for the monitoring stations

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