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The U.S.

compared to

By Greg Raiford
Comparison of Leader
Both the U.S. and Finland have a president.

The current leader of the U.S. is Donald J Trump Finlands current leader is
Sauli Niinist

In both cases the president are elected

In the U.S. a term is 4 years long, In Finland a term is 6 years in length

In Finland the only requirement to be president is you must be native born. In

the U.S. you must be natural born, at least 35 years old and live in the U.S.
for 14 years.
Lawmaking branch
The name of the lawmaking body in Finland is the parlement. In the U.S. it is

The U.S. have a bicameral structure where as Finland have a unicameral


Finland has 200 members in its parliament whereas in the U.S. there are 535
Individual Rights
Both Finland has the same common rights as the U.S. Their gun laws are
comparable as you need to register to have own the weapon.

Finland also has the freedom of religion You are allowed to worship whatever
you wish.

The Freedom of speech is also the same you are able to say anything you wish
as long as it doesnt endanger others.
Political Parties
The U.S. has the Republicans and the Democrats in their two party system.

Finland has a strong multi party system in which they have eight registered
parties.The parties include National Coalition Party, whose ideology is
Centrism,,social liberalism, Finns Party, whose ideology is Social
conservatism, Nationalism, and the Centre Party whose ideology is Centre-
right, Cultural liberalism, Economic liberalism and Social reformism
Elections and voting
In Finland the president is elected every six years by a popular vote. The only
qualification is you must be 18 to vote in Finland.

In the U.S. the president is elected every four years by an electoral college. To
vote in the U.S. you will need to be a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years old by the
general election, and a resident of your precinct at least 30 days prior to
Election Day
Taxes & Government Financing
Finland charges an income tax based on the amount of money earned. Finland
has an open economy and makes a lot of its money through trade.

In Finland all schooling is free from beginning pre primary education to upper
secondary education. Finland spent 6.5% of their GDP on education in 2011.

Finlands spending on military is only 1.6% of their GDP

Finlands spending on health care is 9.1% of their GDP

Finlands crime levels are at 22.92 compared to the U.S. 55.84.

Finlands level of capital punishment is lesser than the U.S. the U.S. executed
2014 people at the time of this study compared to Finlands 1944.

The U.S. has around 2.2 million people in prison compared to Finland where
there are only around 3,433 prisoners.
Relation with the U.S.
Finland and the U.S. have been working together for years. Diplomatic relations
were established in 1919 and have been strong sense. In 1994 they joined

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