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By: Jefree Lares

What is petroleum

Petroleum is a naturally occurring,

yellow-to-black liquid found in
geological formations beneath the
Earth's surface, which is commonly
refined into various types of fuels.
History of petroleum

When Colonel Edwin Drake drilled the first

successful oil well in Titusville, Pennsylvania
in 1859, few had any idea of how petroleum
would change the world. ... The oil industry
lost its major market. The invention of the
automobile changed all that.
Where is it found ?

In some places, petroleum bubbles to the

surface of the Earth. In parts of Saudi Arabia
and Iraq, for instance, porous rock allows oil
to seep to the surface in small ponds.
However, most oil is trapped in underground
oil reservoirs. The total amount of petroleum
in a reservoir is called oil-in-place.
Renewable or
Petroleum is an energy source that can not be re used.
Cost of Petroleum

The cost of petroleum is about 2.57/gallon.

Advantage of petroleum

1. It could be extracted easily

2. Is has high density

3. It could be extracted at a low cost

4. It can easily be transported

5. It has broad areas for application

6. It is crucial element in industries

7. It can support constant power use

Petroleum use in the US

Petroleum is mostly used on trucks in the united states

because it take longer to burn than gas does so it really helps
the economy when it comes to transportation.
Is it a solution to the energy
It could be a solution to the energy crisis but there could be
sometimes where there wont be so much petroleum to
maintain a constant rate. Everything goes up and down, there
has to be a back up always.

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