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Osho Dhara

(a lively stream of Osho)

Before we enter the
subject of Samadhi
Pragya it would be
useful to understand
the word Yoga & its
What is Yoga?
Why Yoga?
The word Yoga means
unity or oneness.
It is derived from the
word yuj, means to
Merger of Individual
Consciousness with Universal
Consciousness !
Why this Unification ?
Have we gone far away from our
Source ?
Religion : Returning to Source
Remember : Re Member
Yoga : Unification, to Re Join
(not mentally but existentially)
What is the Difference ?
Yoga is a journey
towards Knowing
& Experiencing
The Self !
What is Self ?
Self is also
known as I
What is this I ?




# Personality
# Individuality
# Divinity

* Instinct
* Intellect
* Intuition
Yoga is a journey
Self Discovery !
It is a journey from :

# Ignorance to Wisdom
# Unconscious to Super Conscious
# Instinct to Intuition
# Seed to Flower
# Human to Buddha hood
# Darkness to Light
# Death to Deathlessness
# Objective
# Subjective

Inwards Outwards

Subjective Objective
Science Science
Scientists View Point
Science cannot solve the
ultimate mystery of nature,
that is because, in the last
analysis, we ourselves are part
of nature & therefore, part of
mystery that we are trying to
- Max Planck (Quantum Theory)
Branches of
Yoga can be divided into 4 main
branches :
# Pipilika Yoga : Related to 6
# Sankhya Yoga : Yoga of Pure
(Kapila yoga) Consciousness

# Sahaja Yoga : Yoga of

Consciousness & Chakras
Consciousness express itself
through Seven Chakras :
# Muladhara Body Karma
# Swadhishthana Senses Bhoga
(sensual enjoyment)
# Manipura Prana Breath
# Anahata Heart - Love
# Vishuddhi Mind - Thoughts
# Agyna Am-ness - Meditation
# Sahastrara Soul - Samadhi
The humanistic psychologist
Abraham Maslow proposed the
theory of hierarchy of human needs
as per the growth of the individual.
Hierarchy of Needs:
Maslows Theory
# Biological needs
# Safety needs
# Affiliation, Love needs
# Self-Esteem, Sense of worth needs
# Cognitive, knowledge needs
# Aesthetic, needs for order, beauty
# Self Actualization need
Pipilika Yoga
It is of Six types & are related to Six
Chakras :
i) Karma Yoga : Muladhar
ii) Tantra Yoga : Swadhishthan
iii) Hatha Yoga : Manipur
Pipilika Yoga

iv) Bhakti Yoga : Anahata

v) Gyana Yoga : Vishuddhi
vi) Dhyan Yoga : Angya Chakra
vi) Sankhya Yoga : Sahstrar
The journey of Consciousness from
the lowest chakra (muladhara) to the
highest chakra (sahastrara) through
karma (action) is called Karma
Consciousness express itself
through Actionkarma..

This path is suitable for people who are

very much action oriented Through
this they can scale higher states of
Human needs, Motivation & Work

Man cannot live without action, his needs

motivate him to work. Work leads him to
desires. Desires may or may not be
fulfilled This creates misery.

If the desires are fulfilled then there may

be a possibility of the Ego to flourish
which also may brings misery..
Karma Yoga is the
way to get rid of all
misery & live a
harmonious, fulfilled
& fruitful life
How our day to day
actions (karma) can
become Divine or
Yogic (karma yoga) ?

# Act with Self-Awareness

# Act as a witness without the notion

of the Doer or Ego

# Act surrendering to the Divine

Existence or God

# Act with love & gratefulness & accept

the resultant fruit (negative or positive)
with grace & thankfulness.
Wisdom from the Scripture Geeta

The human right is for

action only, never for the
resultant fruit of action. Do
not be desirous of the fruit
for thy action, neither allow
thyself attachment to
inaction Ch. 2 # 47
The three aspects

# Goal # Action # Result

Future Present Future

Karma Yoga says Goal should
be there, the Action should be
total but as per action the
result should be there, this
expectation should not be
Work : Joy : Worship
If you work without love you
are working like a slave. Your
work is your joy, your work is
your dance. Your work is your
poetry, and when you work with
love you bind yourself to
yourself, to another & to God.
Work based on Love

Novelist John Irving, who would

work 12hrs. a day on a book for
days, said :
the unspoken factor is Love.
The reason I work so hard at my
writing is that it is not work for
Q. You have been working at
least 15 hrs. a day, every day,
for the last 50 years.
Dont you think it is about time
you took vacation ?
Ans. I am always on
--Mahatma Gandhi--
The Great Sage
Patanjali has called
Karma Yoga as
Kriya Yoga..
The Stages of it :
i) Tapah (great effort) (tarikat)

ii) Swadhyaya (self-study)


iii) Iswarpranidhana ( act

dedicated to God
(tasya vachaka pranava)
Pragya Geet

Karmsthal ban jaye mandir,

ghar ko aashram ban jane do..
Har saans bodh ke saath chale,
Har baat bhajan ban jane do..
Tantra Yoga
(The Path Sensual Awareness)
Tantra Yoga
The journey of Consciousness from
the Swadhishtana Chakra
(2nd Chakra) to Sahastrara Chakra is
the path of Tantra Yoga..
Consciousness express itself
through indulgence (bhoga).

It is most suitable for people who

are very much sensuous
How our sensuousness
or indulgence with the
senses can become
Divine or Yogic ?

# Indulgence with

# Awareness of sensual
experiences (touch, smell,
taste, balance, sight & hearing)
& Awareness of the one who is
experiencing it.
scripture of
It is called Vigyan
Bhairav Tantra.It
consists of a dialogue
between Shiva and his
female consort Devi
Parvati or Shakti, the
active aspect of the
ultimate Principle.
In this Scripture,
Vigyan Bhairav Tantra
Maha Yogi Lord
Shiva imparts 112
techniques of Meditation
to his consort Devi
Parvati for Salvation.
Tantra Yoga
Eight main Branches
* Darshana Yoga : Enjoying beautiful
sights with Self - Awareness
* Shravan Yoga : Enjoying music
with Self Awareness

* Gandha Yoga : Enjoying fragrance

with Self Awareness
* Sparsha Yoga : Enjoying a touch or
Sex with Self Awareness
* Swad Yoga : Enjoying a taste with
Self -Awareness
* Madir Yoga : Enjoying imbalance
with Self Awareness (Tantrikas)

* Aghore Yoga : Enjoying horrible

situations with Self Awareness
* Vibhuti Yoga : Enjoying Yogic
powers with Self Awareness
Pragya Geet
Saaki rakh gayee bhari botal
hai jaam saja mere aage
Sab rind jama ho pooch rahe
Jo aaya bhoge ya tyage..
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga
The Journey of
Consciousness from the
Manipuri Chakra (3rd Chakra)
to the 7th Chakra (Sahastara)
is path of Hatha Yoga
Consciousness express itself
through breathing (prana)
# Lord Shiva known as
Great Yogi
# Sri. Matseyndranath
# Maharshi Patanjali
# Great Guru Gorakhnath
# Swami Swatmaram
Hatha Yoga

It is a path of Breathing with

Self - Awareness. Hatha Yoga
has the following segments :
i) Asanas ii) Pranayamas
iii) Mudras iv) Bandhs
v) Shat Karmas
Asanas are body postures, regular
practice of the same makes the
body healthy, flexible & graceful
It should be learnt from a
competent teacher
It easier for a person with a healthy
body to move inwards & scale
higher states of consciousness.

No. of main Asanas - 84

It is made of two words :
Prana : Vital life force or energy
Ayama : Expansion or Extension
It is a technique by which the life force
can be activated & regulated to go
beyond ones normal boundaries &

Main Pranayamas : i) Inhalation ii) Exhalation

iii) Internal retention iv) External retention
Mudras are an integral part of the
science of Yoga. Certain Mudras
along with Pranayama helps a great
deal in harmonizing the Body-mind.
It affects the Physical, Mental & the
Pranic Bodies directly.
Some of the Mudras : Pran, Apan,
Vyan, Gyan, Vayu, Khechari,
Bhairavi, Kaki, Vajroli, Akash etc.
The Sanskrit word Bandha means
to hold, tighten or lock. The aim
of it is to lock the prana so that it
is pulled up to higher Chakras to
activate them. They are :
# Moola Bandha # Uddiyan
Bandha # Jalandhara Bandha
# Maha Bandha
The Shat Karmas
The aim of Hatha Yoga and
Shatkarmas is to create harmony
between the two major pranic flows,
IDA & PINGLA. Shatkarmas purifies
the body & it is also balances the
three doshas in the body : kapha
(mucus), pitta (bile), & vata (wind).
The Shatkarmas are :
# Neti : It is a process of cleansing the
nasal passage. (Jala neti & Sutra neti).

# Dhauti : It is a process of cleansing the

in side of the mouth & small intestine.

# Nauli : It is a process of massaging &

strengthening the abdominal organs.
# Basti : It is a process of washing
and toning the Large Intestine.
# Kapalbhati : It is a breathing
technique used for purifying the
frontal region of the Brain.
# Trataka : It is a process of intense
gazing at one point or at a flam or at
the picture of ones Guru. It makes
the eyes powerful & helps to
develop concentration and ESP.
Pragya Geet

Sab ek saal me ek baar holi

ka parva manate hai
Yogi saalo bhar mastee ka
gulaal-abeer udate hai..
The Journey of Consciousness
from the 4rth Center, (Anahata
Chakra) to 7th Center, (Sahastrara)
is the path of Bhakti Yoga
Consciousness express itself
through Love
It is most suitable for people
who are very much emotional,
Heart oriented
Love & Meditation
Meditation directed towards
others becomes Love.

Love directed towards oneself

becomes Meditation..
Love to Prayer
The 4 -Aspects
i) Love towards younger ones, it is
called Sneha.

ii) Love towards the same age

group, it is called Friendship or
iv) Love towards the Guru or Master,
it is called Shraddha.

V) Love towards God or the total

existence, it is called Devotion or

When Love is attachment, it is

impure Love & when love is
free from attachment it is
Bhakti or Devotion.
The Two Types
# Gouni Bhakti
(The Beginning)

# Para Bhakti
(The Peak)
Gouni Bhakti
It is the first step on the path
of Bhakti Yoga .
Idol worship, Studying Scriptures,
Visiting Temples, All kinds of
worship, To be with a Guru etc. are
part of Gouni Bhakti. In Gouni
Bhakti Duality exists between the
Seeker & the Sought, Form &
Formless and Self Awareness
dose not exist ..
Para Bhakti
In Para Bhakti the object of
attention is The Formless. All
pervading Consciousness. The
totality of Existence. Not on any
particular object , With Self
Awareness & the Awareness
that the Whole existence is
showering its blessing on
Bhakti Yoga
Points to remember
# Mundane Love (out going) without self-
awareness leads to Blind attachment

# Mundane Love with Self-awareness

leads to Prem Yoga (no ego state),
Freedom. Shraddha, devotion with
self awareness leads to higher states
of consciousness
# Shraddha, devotion without
Self-awareness leads to Blind
Faith or slavery

# Love, devotion towards the

Formless Divine Existence or
Omkar with Self-awareness leads
to Liberation
Pragya Geet

Jag kahata usko dusharitra,

jo pyaar kisi se karta hai..
Aour sacharitra kahata usko
jo rookha-sookha rehta hai..
Yoga or
Sannyasa Yoga
The journey of Consciousness
from the 5th Chakra (Vshuddhi)
to the 7th Center (Sahastrara)
called Gyana Yoga
Consciousness express itself
through the Mind.
It is most suitable for people
who are head or thinking
Thinking, Contemplation,
Self-Analysis etc.
can be a door to
Self-Realization ?

# It is a path of Self-Study, Contemplation,
Deep thinking with Self-Awareness.
# It is to Understand the Mind & its ways of
functioning minutely ..
# It is not repressing the nuances of the
mind but becoming aware of the same

# The Art of moving beyond all Dualities

Gyan Yoga is an ideal path to
remove the Six main obstacles
of the mind called shat ripus

They are : Desires, Anger,

Greed, Attachment, Jealousy &
Desires : It is expectation of results as
per our objective or expecting from
others to act as per our wish. Such
desire is rooted in fiction that
favorable results are good &
unfavorable results are bad for us. If
we drop our fiction then we will be
able to get rid of the miseries created
by our expectations.
Learning from others experiences &
Learning from ones own

It usually arises whenever there is a
failure in meeting our expectation. There
are three types of anger :
# Anger of the Past (accumulated anger)
Antidote : Catharsis
# Anger of the Present
Antidote : Awareness (Moment to
moment) (Engaging oneself in Creativity)
# Anger of the Future
Antidote : To know our Ghost
It is wanting more & more..
It leads to hoarding The root
cause of many of the social evil,
problems, poverty etc. is
Antidote : Sharing, Charity
It is clinging to our possessions, to
be possessive. Attachment is one of
the main reasons of misery in our
life. Attachment with things, people
etc. Antidote : Deep understanding
of life & Self-love : In life every thing
is perishable, short lived, this
understanding, realization will help
us to get rid of miseries created by
attachment. To be in love with the
Eternal in us.
We become jealous whenever we
find some one in a better position
than us. We do not respect others &
their achievements.
Antidote : Self Respect & Respect
for others. Acknowledging the fact that
others are successful because they
deserve it, they have worked hard for it.
Hostility is thinking ill of others,
whom we do not like or those
who have done some harm to us.
It is very surprising that we
think more of our enemy than
people whom we love.
Antidote : Forgiveness & putting
our energy in Creativity.
Pragya Geet
Mandir, Maszid, Gurudware
me jaa kab tak sheesh
jhukaoge.. Kab tak Ramayan
Geeta se, apne man ko
bahlaoge ???
Raja Yoga
The journey of Consciousness from
the 6th Chakra (Angya) to 7th Chakra
(Sahstrara) is the path of Dhyana
Consciousness express itself
through Awareness.
From the 1st center to 5th center i.e.
from Karma Yoga to Gyana Yoga the
seeker uses Choice full Awareness.
But at the 6th Center he uses
Choice less Awareness .. The
seeker is free to choose any one of
the above mentioned path
How our Dhyana or
can become
Dhyana Yoga ?
Let us understand the
Meditation !
Meditation ?
Awareness, Dhyana or
Meditation has three parts :

i) Objective Awareness
ii) Subjective Awareness
iii) Total Awareness
It could be
understood in the
following steps :
1)a) To become aware of the objects,
events around us
b) To become aware of the Space in
which the objects or events are

2)a) To become aware of the feelings,

reflections (in the inner space) of
the outside objects, or events
b) To become aware of the Inner
Space where these are happening
Who is becoming
Aware of all these ?

(Outer space, objects, events

out side & its reflections,
Feelings etc. inside & also the
Inner space).
Observer or
Knower !
Can you become aware
of the knower ?
The Observer or the Knower is
witnessing or knowing or
Observing the Inner Space
only without any content in it

It is called Meditative
Awareness The Zen people
call it a No Mind state.
ii) Subjective Awareness :
It is a state in which the
Observer is only aware of
itself the Subjectivity..
It is also called Tathata
iii) Total Awareness :
In this state the Observer is
aware of itself and also the outer
world i.e. Objectivity the

It is also called Double

Arrowed Consciousness
Pragya Geet
Kitna aapadhapi dhan ka,
pad, maan, kamini, kanchan
ka Yeh doud kaha le jayegi
kya saar yehee hai jeevan
ka ?.......
Kapila Yoga
Specialty of Sankhya Yoga
From Karma Yoga to Dhyana
Yoga Awareness has been added
to some medium
(action, sense indulgence, breathing,
love, thoughts etc.), whereas
Sankhya Yoga proposes that
only Awareness is enough, it is
an end in itself
From Karma Yoga to Dhyana Yoga
there is a duality of the Knower &
the Known, the Observer & the

But Sankhya Yoga proposes the Non-

Dual aspect from the very
beginning. It says one is already
THAT TATVAMASI.. for which one
is aspiring for
Founders of Sankhya Yoga
Maharshi Kapil
Maharshi Ashtavakra
Sage King Janaka
Sage Mahakashyap
Maharshi Raman
Sri. J. Krishnamurthy
The Zen people say it
beautifully :
Sitting silently doing
nothing the Spring comes &
the Grass grows by itself..
Sudden Enlightenment
Awareness at its Peak
Neither there is any path nor any
journey.. You are already there..
Just break your false identities with
the body-mind-emotions
Just remember that you are pure
Awareness Identification with
pure Awareness is Liberation
Sage Ashtavakra
Sit with closed eyes.

Become aware of the body

Who is becoming aware ?
Become aware of the thoughts..
Who is becoming aware ?
Become aware of the emotions &
Who is becoming aware ?
Who am I ?
Sit with closed eyes :
Take some deep breaths & exhale
deeplyNow take deep breath &
hold it for some time & look into
your closed eyes this is inner
skyjust like the vast sky out side..
Go on looking at it it will be seen
as three dimensional
Identification with this Form less,
Limit less sky & to live according to
its wisdom is the path of Sankhya
Pragya Geet
Kuch log jama hai mandir
me, kuch log jama
maykhane me..
Kuch ulajh gaye hai pooja
me, kuch ulajh geye
paimaane me
The Yoga
Yoga of
The word Sahaja
has two
meanings. Both are
meaningful !
i) Simple ii) Born together
i) We were born as very simple
beings, but we have become very

ii) We are born with the Divine

Sound Omkar..
We have gone far.. far away
from Omkar To return to it is
the path of Sahaja Yoga
Sahaja Yoga

It has got Six

Variations !
# Surati Yoga : Merger with the
Soundless Sound

# Nirati Yoga : Merger with the

Divine Light

# Amrit Yoga : Merger with the

Deathless aspect

# Divya Yoga : Merger with the
Divine Taste, Smell, Ecstasy
& Energy

# Ananda Yoga : Merger with

the Divine Touch & Bliss

# Prem Yoga : Merger with the

Love aspect
A Road map to Sahaj Yoga
i) Naam Swadhyaya
ii) Naam Satsang
iii) Naam Guru
iv) Naam Deeksha
v) Naam Shravan
vi) Naam Sumiran
vii) Naam Samadhi
Pragya Geet
Ab ek paheli boojo to jaanu
too bada sayana hai kya
vastu guru deta jisko santo
ne amolak maana hai

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