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Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering

BFC 10202
CHAPTER 6: Responsibility in
Maintaining Environment
Responsibility in Maintaining
1. Rules and regulations pertaining to nature
2. Conservation and Political Issues
3. Conservation and Economic Issues
4. Environmental education / education for
sustainable development
5. Environmental ethics
Chapter Objectives

To realize the responsibility of human as

To believe in Him
To take care of His creation
1. Rules and regulations pertaining to
nature conservation

Local,national and global legislation

Status and impact
1. Rules and regulations pertaining to
nature conservation.. Cont.

Local legislation (Malaysia)

Sabah Biodiversity Enactment 2000
A law for the regulation of biological research
on the natural resources
i.e. a legal framework pertaining to the
conservation and sustainable utilization of
biodiversity of the State.
1. Rules and regulations pertaining to
nature conservation.. Cont.
National legislation (Malaysia)
The National Forest Policy 1978 (revised in 1992)
Applicable to Peninsular Malaysia.
Provides the classification of forests as protective,
productive and amenity forests.
Provides guidelines for the management of remaining
forest resources.
Forest harvesting is carried out in the production forest
and state land forest.
1. Rules and regulations pertaining to
nature conservation.. Cont.

National legislation (Malaysia).. Cont.

National Land Code 1965

Makes provisions to set aside potential
protected areas as wildlife reserve or national
1. Rules and regulations pertaining to
nature conservation.. Cont.

National (Europe UK)

Wild Bird Directive 1979
to preserve the diversity of life - birds, other animals,
plants and their habitats - as value of its own, and
for our children and future generations. Credits: S
Benko (
1. Rules and regulations pertaining to
nature conservation.. Cont.
Global legislation / policy
2000 - IUCN Policy statement on Sustainable
use of wild living resources
IUCN's stated vision is "a just world that values
and conserves nature".
Its mission is to "influence, encourage and assist
societies throughout the world to conserve nature
and to ensure that any use of natural resources is
equitable and ecologically sustainable"
to use wild resources in sustainable manner
2. Nature conservation & Political
Local, national and global levels
Political will in support of conservation
Impact to conservation
Eg. : BBEC Bornean Biodiversity and
Ecosystem Conservation
Eg. RAMSAR Convention
2 : Examples

Local : Local government, JKKK :

conservation eg. Campaign to clean
rivers, beautify village
National : Environmental Days, Water
International : Biodiversity day
2 : Funding

To run programmes need funding

Funding must be allocated by
government (political will is needed)
Private sectors also helps eg CSR
Corporate Social Responsibilities, eg
HSBC, Petronas, Shell
NGOs eg : WWF, Malaysian Nature
2 : Legislation

Government need to pass bills to enact

specific legislation
Environmental Quality Act 1974
Sabah Biodiversity Enactment 2000
Sarawak Biodiversity Enactment 1998
Malaysian Biological Diversity Policy
2 : Impact to conservation

Need for coordination to give good

impact and lasting impact
To work together people, government,
NGOs, Private sectors

Ecosystems and species protected

Malaysia will remain rich
2. Examples
BBEC : Bornean Biodiversity and
Ecosystem Conservation programme)
a trilateral coperation between Federal
GOM (UMS), Sabah State Gov and
Japanese International Coperation Agenci
to safe biodiversity and ecosystem of Sabah
2002-2007 (I) 2007-2012 (II)
3. Nature conservation & Economic
Local, national and global levels
Mechanisms available for funding conservation
Sustainability of conservation requires tangible
benefits derived from conservation principle of
conservation (rehabilitation, protection &
sustainable use)
Status of biodiversity economy e.g. plants (food,
timber, medicine, oxygen supplier, C sink etc)
3 : levels

Local eg : Air itu kehidupan JPS (2009)

(uses of water); Protected areas eg Gn
Mulu, Gn Kinabalu (tourism); Heart of
Borneo (Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei
agree to conserve highlands and
mountains of Borneo
3 : mechanism available for
and do green economy to generate income include
carbon trading, tourism, Non-timber forest
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities),
goverment (ministries of Min of Natural Resources
and The Environment, MOSTI, KETTHA), World
Bank (Global Environmental facilities GEF),
Companies from different countries eg New
England (USA) Power Company give funding to
Yayasan sabah to plant trees in Danum Valley,
4. Environmental education / education
for sustainable development

Definitionsand Concept
Why education is important in
Involvement and Participation of local
people in conservation
4. Environmental education / education
for sustainable development cont.

Definitions of EE:
"... the process of recognizing values and clarifying concepts
in order to develop skills and attitudes necessary to
understand and appreciate the interrelatedness among
men, his culture and his biophysical surroundings. EE also
entails practice in decision-making and self-formulation of
a code of behaviour about issues concerning
environmental quality. International Union for the
Conservation of Nature (IUCN; 1971)
4. Environmental education / education
for sustainable development cont.

Definitions of EEcont. :
Environmental education is a learning process that
increases people's knowledge and awareness about
the environment and associated challenges, develops
the necessary skills and expertise to address the
challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and
commitments to make informed decisions and take
responsible action (UNESCO, Tbilisi Declaration,
4. Environmental education / education
for sustainable development cont.

Definitions of EEcont. :
Environmental education (EE) refers to
organized efforts to teach about how natural
environments function and, particularly, how
human beings can manage their behavior
and ecosystems in order to live sustainably.
4. Environmental education / education
for sustainable development cont.

Examples of learning objectives for EE:

1. To change learners attitude towards the
environment and nature from indifferent to very
2. To promote the understanding of the function of
3. To increase knowledge of the basic natural principles
4. Environmental education / education
for sustainable development cont.

Examples of learning objectives for EE (cont.):

4. To enhance holistic approaches in learning
about environmental condition and problems
5. To enhance multidisciplinary approaches about
environmental condition and problems
6. To enhance interdisciplinary approaches about
environmental condition and problems
4. Environmental education / education
for sustainable development cont.

Examples of learning objectives for EE (cont.):

7. To encourage problem-oriented methods of
teaching and learning
8. To encourage concrete projects in EE
9. To reveals man complete dependence on nature
10.To consider the role of our environment in
4. Environmental education / education
for sustainable development cont.

Teaching methodologies & techniques for EE:

1. Activity based learning / teaching
2. Field trips or excursions
3. Scientific experiments
4. Group investigation or group work
5. Problems solving
6. Discussion
7. Using resources for enquiry learning
8. Evaluation of EE programme
4. Environmental education / education
for sustainable development cont.
Teaching methodologies & techniques for EE:
Activity based learning / teaching
Activities deals with several senses touch, smell, vision, thinking
produce more effective results
Field trips or excursions
Bringing people out of classroom create sense of fun and
adventure, make people feel involved with nature will results in
deeper sense of achievement

4. Environmental education / education
for sustainable development cont.
Teaching methodologies & techniques for EE:
Scientific experiments
When people do experiment they think and work hard and
become creative resulting in effective way to getting the
sense of importance to care for environment
Group investigation or group work
People like working to getting and feeling involved of
evaluation must be done

4. Environmental education / education
for sustainable development cont.
Teaching methodologies & techniques for EE:
Problems solving
When they do problem solving activity there is as sense
of achievement and they create feeling of satisfaction
and achievement
People like to tell what they know/feel and like to know
how people feels and what people know. Discussion
gives them this opportunity and they feel involved and
contributing .
Using resources for enquiry learning
When they use natural resources then they
understand the
usefulness/importance/values of the
resources and that create feeling of
Evaluation of EE programme
feel satisfied and have evident of
achievement some forms
4. Environmental education / education
for sustainable development cont.
Involvement and Participation of local people
in conservation
Many people of a great variety of cultures and land-use
practices live in or around tropical forests.
Although these people are all in some way dependent
on forests, they have little else in common.
In recent years, however, it has become much harder
for forest-dependent people to use local forests and
their products, owing to deforestation, logging,
population pressure or legal initiatives such as the
declaration of state forests, national parks or wildlife
4. Environmental education / education
for sustainable development cont.
Involvement and Participation of local people
in conservation cont.
In many countries, plans to protect forest ecosystems
have failed to address the needs and knowledge of
local forest-dependent communities (Anan 1996; Wily
1997; Tuxill & Nabhan 1998; Kumar 2000).
Therefore, participation by local people is
essential to any conservation effort.
4. Environmental education / education
for sustainable development cont.
Involvement and Participation of local people
in conservation cont.
Questions on involvement & participation.
Who will be affected by conservation activities?
What are their interests?
Who has a right to participate?
How do different stakeholders affect the conservation area?
4. Environmental education / education
for sustainable development cont.
Involvement and Participation of local people
in conservation cont.
Example on involvements & participations.
5. Environmental ethics

Definition of Environmental Ethics:

A set of principles, values or norms related to how
an individual or a group of individuals interact with
the environment
Attitude of Malaysians towards the natural
environment has been influenced by a
combination of traditional belief and secular
In Malaysia the values are now established as
5. Environmental ethics cont.

Examples: (Global views)

1. Do not spend your capital but the interest
2. You are borrowing from the future generation
3. You are the steward
4. Do what you want others to do unto you
5. Environment can live without man but man
cannot live without the environment

Heal The World

Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
(Micheal Jackson)

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