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Pengauditan II

Pertemuan 8
Jumat , 31 Maret 2017
Pertemuan 8 : Kuliah umum

Learning Outcome Topic

Data Analysis
LO no. 18
The importance of data analysis in audit of historical financial
Students should be able to: statements
Explain the importance of data analysis in audit of Data analysis and audit evidence collection in substantive
historical financial statements
Introduction to IDEA
Journal of accountancy April 2015
The profession needs to achieve a quantum leap to redesign
audit processes using todays technology, rather than using
information technology to computerize legacy audit plans
and procedures.
Existing auditing standards that are the framework for audit
procedures need to be modified to incorporate the concepts
of Big Data and continuous auditing and encourage auditors
to use technologies that increase assurance beyond minimum
required levels.
Audit data analytics methods can be used in audit planning and
in procedures to identify and assess risk by analyzing data to
identify patterns, correlations, and fluctuations from models.
Auditors can benefit from being able to spread audit work
throughout the year rather than only during busy season,
Audit Data Standard (ADS) : Base Standard August 2013
by AICPA - Emerging Assurance Technologies Task Force
Established audit data standards to identify key information needed and provide a
common framework for audits
IT audit data standards that aim to address the issue by creating a common data
store that would replicate existing enterprise data and make it accessible to
auditors, either on a continuous or periodic basis.
Educational needs must be met.
Education is needed for students at
the university level and for auditors
within accounting firms in areas such
as information technology, statistics,
modeling, and machine learning
Pertemuan 5

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Auditors use specially designed audit software for

substantive tests of details, including:
(a) generalized audit software;
(b) software for use in specific industries;
(c) statistical analysis software;
(d) expert system software.

Use with The Audit Process: Principles,

Practice and Cases Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition
Third Edition by Iain Gray & Stuart By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
Manson ISBN 1-86152-946-5 2008 Cengage Learning
2005 Thomson Learning

Generalized audit software and software developed

for specific industries are interrogation tools used
to access, examine and manipulate data and
information on file.
Used for substantive tests of detail, they can test the
effectiveness of systems and company personnel,
as well as interrogate data held on a companys own
files, or on the auditors own system.
Audit staff can be relatively easily trained in the
use of such programmes.

Use with The Audit Process: Principles,

Practice and Cases Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition
Third Edition by Iain Gray & Stuart By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
Manson ISBN 1-86152-946-5 2008 Cengage Learning
2005 Thomson Learning
The software can:
(a) access files with different characteristics and
manipulate the data on them;
(b) select data on the basis of predetermined criteria
and perform arithmetical functions;
(c) analyse selected data statistically and stratify it
into desired categories;
(d) cause files to be created and updated from
company files;
(e) produce reports for the auditor in desired format.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
Third Edition by Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 1-86152-946-5 2008 Cengage Learning
2005 Thomson Learning
Audit Soft Ware
Explain how audit software might be used in respect of the following management
1. The trade debtors shown in the balance sheet are all collectable.
2. All purchase invoices have been recorded in the correct period, so that cut-off is accurate.
Statistical analysis software is used to extract important ratios and balances from
company records for comparison with previous periods and external data, and can be
used to select data statistically
audit software is a useful supplement to statistical sampling techniques
Software packages with regression analysis capabilities may enable auditors to form
views about company and industry trends

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

Third Edition by Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 1-86152-946-5
2005 Thomson Learning
Journal of Accountancy April 2014
Internal auditor
many organizations use continuous auditing and continuous monitoring of data to identify risks
and anomalies as part of their system of internal control
External auditor
Testing complete sets of data, rather than just testing samples.
Aiding risk assessment through identification of anomalies and trends, perhaps even through
comparison to industry data, pointing auditors toward items they need to investigate further.
Providing audit evidence through comprehensive analysis of organizations general ledger
combined with traditional auditing techniques, will give auditors a better understanding of their
clients. (traditional model)

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