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Kaitlyn Grubbs

Born in Catania or Palermo, Sicily; date is unknown

Martyred around 251 AD
Fled to Malta during the persecution of Roman Emperor Decius
Became a saint because she continued to worship God despite the horrible
things happening to her
Feast day is February 5
Patron saint of those with breast cancer, fire prevention, nurses, rape and
sexual assault victims, and against natural disasters and volcanic eruptions
Saved from being burned at the stake by a mysterious earthquake
Body was found incorrupt in the 11 th century

While in Malta, it is believed that she stayed in a rock hewn crypt

where she continued to pray and taught the Christian Faith to children
Connection to Eucharist

Dedicated her life to God from a young age and was determined to
remain a virgin
A magistrate, Quintain, brought her before a judge, himself
Saint Agatha was sent to prison and was tortured
During one of the tortures, her breasts were cut off and she is pictured
as carrying them on a plate. Thought that blessing of the bread on her
feast may come from the mistaken notion that she was carrying
loaves of bread
Prayer to Saint Agatha

Dear Virgin and Martyr, whom the Church recalls in her liturgy, you
heroically resisted the temptations of a degenerate ruler. Subjected to
long and horrible tortures, you remained faithful to your heavenly
Spouse. Saint Peter, we are told, gave you some solace and so you
are invoked by nurses. Encourage them to see Christ in the sick and
to render true service to them. Amen.

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