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Pace Bend

By: Hugh Brown, Nicholas Barcinski, Hill Morgan

Days Since Precipitation at Pace Bend
Days Since Precipitation in the Past: 2 day with a depth of 1 meter

Days Since Precipitation Currently: 18 days with a depth of 0.3 meters


Precipitation is important because

Temperature of the River

Flow of the River

Depth of the River

Temperature Of Water At Pace Bend
Temperature in the past(Degrees Celsius):
30.7 (8/8/2007)

Current temperature(Degrees Celsius) :


These changes are important because:

Fluctuations in temperature are bad for


Organisms wont be able to live at

optimal temperatures with changes in
Importance of PH
PH is the numeric value of the
acidity in water
The range is 0-14

7 is the neutral number

Determines what can live in and

around the water
Depending on the type of species or
plant it needs a specific pH to
How This Affects Biodiversity

Fluctuations in temperature are bad for biodiversity. Can create increase

in threats such as algae blooms and low dissolved oxygen levels.


A change in Ph level of rivers can affect what organisms can survive in

the River and in extreme scenarios can make rivers inhospitable.

Days Since Precipitation:

With a low level of water, organisms can become stranded out of the
water or the lack of water movement can cause a stagnant river and
change other aspects
What we can we do to Help
Reducing Litter and Waste

Checking Vehicles and Boats of leaking fluids

Check boats for invasive species

Use water with intelligence

History of LCR
The Lower Colorado River (LCR) provides many services
for Texans
Provided energy since 1937

Recreation Areas
Over fourteen developed parks

Water Source
Provides water for over one million people
"" N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2017.

"Water Quality." PH. Utah State University, 20166. Web. 27 Mar. 2017.

"Water Quality." PH. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2017. <


"LCRA." N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2017.

"Biodiversity Affected By Temperature Fluctuations." Cordis. European Commission, n.d. Web.


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