Pglo Lab

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By Natalie Long, Sam Kalis

and Carolyn Hayes
News has just reached us that there is a zombie outbreak! Reports are
saying that there is a new disease turning people into zombies. Its
origins are reportedly from glowing ice cream found at the Jazzy Lanes
bowling alley, no word on is it is chocolate or vanilla.
What we know
We know that the the bacteria has been found at the bowling alley and
to see what the viruses glowing color came from we tested it with 2
food sources single dashed ( agar) and double dashed ( agar and
arabinose). The bacteria that fed on arabinose ended up glowing so we
can conclude that is the food source. This means that arabinose is the
cause of the zombie outbreak.
We also interviewed one of the first diagnose

Dr. Danger Kitty

What are your symptoms?
-HHHHGGGG (nausea, appetite for human flesh, irritability fever and hiccups)
How did you get this?
-UGGGGGGGHHHHH (I ate glowing green ice cream thinking it was lime flavor)
What are the possible cures?
-arrrrrrrr (i think using antibiotics that will kill the bacteria making me sick)
Can i get you a snack?
-bbbbbbrainsssssssss (brains)
The cure and containment
- We can use chromatography to open and isolute the arabinose

- This can help us find out more about the structure to figure out a

- Another way we can cure it we would use antibiotics that work by

inhibiting the bacteria in reproduction, however if one bacterium
evolves a form of resistance to this it can reproduce and form a
whole new strand of antibiotic resistance bacteria.

- We would declare a state of emergency and quarantine each person

in there house along with wearing nasa style stace suits in order to
stop further spread of the disease

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