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Statistical Quality Control

Prepared by Prof. Rahul Dalvi

Quality Control & SQC
Quality control is an technique by
means of which products of uniform
acceptable quality are manufactured.
SQC is defined as technique of
applying statistical methods based
on theory of probability to establish
quality standards and to maintain it
in the most economical manner.
Causes of variation in
Chance causes
Assignable causes
Chance causes
Causes vary at random, Independent of each
Difficult as well as uneconomical to detect &
eliminate them, natural to any manufacturing
process .
Beyond human control.
Also called natural, permissible or allowable
Ex : Heterogeneity in material used.
Assignable causes
Non-Random , can be identified.
May arrive at any stage of process.
Can be detected & eliminated easily.
Also called controllable or preventable
Ex : Defective RM, unskilled workers, worn
Techniques of SQC
Process Control : concerned with
controlling the quality of product during
production process only. It uses control
Product Control: It is concerned with
controlling the quality of product by critical
examination at strategic points. It is
concerned with inspection of goods
already produced. It makes use of
sampling inspection plans .
Process Control Control
Colour, cracks, imperfections, surface
Subjected to qualitative measurements
Acceptable or non- acceptable
P chart, np chart, C chart
Diameter,length,thickness, resistance etc
Subjected to quantitative measurements
Control charts X bar charts, R charts
A Process Is in Control If
1. no sample points outside limits
2. most points near process average
3. about equal number of points above
and below centerline
4. points appear randomly distributed
Control Charts
Used for the study and control of
repetitive processes
Control charts for variables
Xbar charts , R Charts
Control charts for attributes
P charts, np charts, C charts
Control chart for variables
Control chart for sample means
X bar charts
Control chart for sample ranges
R charts
Control chart for attributes
Control chart for fraction defective
Control chart for number of
Control chart for number of defects
Product Control
It is concerned with classification of
raw-materials, semi-finished goods or
finished goods into acceptable or
rejectable items.
It is concerned with the inspection of
goods already produced to judge
whether these are fit to be used or
Consequences of 100% inspection
When quality of a product is tested by
destructive testing ( Eg. Testing of electrical
components), then 100% testing will spoil all
Causes enormous fatigue which affects accuracy
and judgement of inspectors.
Handling of pdt. may cause defects or result in
its deterioration.
Cost of inspection may be very high.
May be hazardous or even dangerous ( testing
of pressure vessels).
Terms in Acceptance sampling

1. Producer's risk () is the probability that a lot

containing acceptable quality level will be
rejected .
2. Consumers risk () is the probability that a lot
containing defective exceeding the LTPD will be
accepted .
3. Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) is the maximum
proportion of defectives that will make the lot
definitely acceptable.
4. Lot tolerance percentage defective(LTPD) is the
proportion of defectives that will a customer is
willing to tolerate in accepted lots .
Acceptance sampling
Decisions about the quality of batches are
made on the inspection of only a portion of
the total number of items.
If samples meets specifications, whole batch
is accepted , if not batch is rejected or
subjected to further inspection.
It involves 2 types of risk producers risk &
consumer risk.
All parameters i.e. producers risk , consumer
risk, AQL, RQL should be settled at the time of
contract between producer and consumer.
Types of Acceptance
1. Acceptance sampling by attributes
Products are inspected on basis of GO
and NOT GO gauges. Here actual
measurement is done. If pdt meets
specification , it is accepted , otherwise
rejected however small be the error.
EX. Pipe with very small crack may be
used for plug gauges, snap gauges etc.
Types of Acceptance
2. Acceptance sampling by variables
Here actual measurement of
dimensions or physical and chemical
properties are done.
It is detailed as compared to earlier.
Time-consuming as compared to
Types of Sampling plans
Single sampling plan
Double sampling plan
Multiple (sequential) sampling plan
OC Curve (AQL, Low Tolerance % defective,

Consumers risk or , Producers Risk or

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