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By: Dominique Smaldino andNicole Twichell

Institutionof the Eucharist:
Memorial and Anticipation
Bysaying "Do this in remembrance of me", Christ commanded the Eucharistic
sacrificebe perpetuateduntil the end of time.

Jesus instituted the priesthood and bestowed on his apostles the sacred power and
authority to act in his stead.

"In persona Christi" means "in the Person of the Head"whichrefersto acting in his
stead, or acting asChrist would.

Thecelebration of Eucharist atMass is a"re-presentation" of the Passion, Death,

Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ.
Institutionof the Eucharist: Memorial and

Each time a Bishop or Priest says words of consecration at Mass, the same sacrifice
of Calvary's re-presented on the alter in a sacramental, unbloody manner.

The New Passover is anticipated in the Last Supper.

The New Passover is celebrated in the Eucharist.

The celebration of the Eucharist, in every mass, is an anticipation of the eternal

liturgy of heaven.

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