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* Why study Engineering

* Engineering ethics should be studied because it is
important :

1. In producing safe and useful technological products.

2. In giving meaning to engineers efforts.
3. To increase ones ability to deal effectively with
moral complexity in engineering.
4. To strengthens ones ability to reason clearly and
carefully about moral questions.
*Autonomy means self-governing or self-
determining or to act independently.
* Moral autonomy is the independent attitude of a
person towards ethical issues. In other words, it is
the skill (ability) and the habit (practice) of
thinking rationally about ethical issues on the basis
of moral concern.
* Moral awareness:
Proficiency in identifying moral problems and
ethical issues in Engineering.

* Cogent moral reasoning:

Power to comprehend, classify and critically
examine the arguments on both sides of a moral issue.

* Moral coherence:
Ability to make comprehensive and consistent
viewpoints based on relevant facts.
* Moral imagination:
Ability to have creative solution for
practical problems.

* Tolerance of diversity:
Sensitivity towards difficulties including
the willingness to tolerate trouble for some

* Moral communications:
Increased precision in the use of common
ethical language.
* Moral hope:
Appreciation for using rational dialogue in
resolving moral conflicts and tolerance of differences
in perception of morally reasonable people.

* Integrity:
Understanding the importance of keeping ones
moral integrity.

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