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Bone Cells

By Panupong
Worakaon 1009

What is it?
Bones support and protect some organs of the body.
Bone Cells

There are 4 types of bone Cells

Osteogenic cell
Located in our bone.
Osteogenic Cell Genic = Genesis (Start of something

It is a bone cell that divide.

They develop to be osteoblast.
It just a stem cell.
What is stem cell?
A cell that develop to other cell.
Osteoblast Osteo = Bone
Blast = blastos = grow

Osteoblast are bone forming cells.

Work in groups (Osteons).
Produce matrix that makes up bone.
The matrix is the non-living part that composed with many things that makes up bone.
They make a new bone called osteoid.
Single nuclei
How it differ from other cells
Osteo(Greek): bone

Osteoclast Clast(Greek):

-Osteoclasts are the destroyer of the

bone cell.

-It breaks down the bone

-Have responsible for bone resorption.
-Have many nuclei

Resorption: The process of losing substance

or baking down all bone matrix
Ruffled border
Osteoblast and Osteoclast

Both of these two cells were the stem cells at first.

There are working differently:

Osteoblast : build
Osteoclast : collapse

Osteoblast: This cell produces a matrix that then becomes mineralized. Bone makes
balance between the activity of these two cells.
Osteoclast: This cell is the destroyer. It breaks down the bone and diverge the bone.
Osteocyte Osteo = Bone
Cyte = Cell

The most commonly found in cell mature bone tissue

Star-shaped cells
Osteocytes are networked to each other by Canaliculi
Located in lacuna
Exchange nutrients through gap junctions
Longest-lived of all bone cells
Osteoblast becomes Osteocyte
Comprises 95% of living cells in adult bone

Osteoporosis A disease that decrease the bone strength increasing the risk of a
broken bone.
There are a special protein called TGF (Transforming growth factor beta) which make us grow
and located in osteoblast, but if we have too much of TGF can cause osteoporosis.
Treatment Bisphosphonates (Most Common)
It is a pill that prevent the loss of bone mass.
Bone Cancer They destroy the areas of bone or killing osteoblast and osteocyte cells.
Treatment Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, and cryosurgery

Konopka, C. (2003).Osteoblast: Definition, function & differentiation - video & lesson

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