Operative - Moonwave

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Operative: Moonwave

Not quite what I want to do

Recently, a US, armor escorted, patrol into Tolte has not
returned yet. Its been two weeks past their expected recon
time of four days. It is most likely that they stumbled onto
something that someone and/or something didnt want them to
leak whatever they discovered to the outside world. Joint
coalition search parties have used helicopters to search for
the patrol but they have found no sign of them and all
rescue attempts have been called of. The patrol is being
classified as a total loss. Their disappearance did raise
some, interesting, discoveries.
*On the evening of the second day of the patrol, their
armored escort lieutenant radioed in to their superiors that
giant, black dogs were seen dashing from shadow to shadow.
Later that night, the same lieutenant radioed in that no
traces of the creature could be found.

*The next morning, of the third day, someone radioed in and

stated that they discovered a stash of preserved currency.
The type of currency was not stated. It was also stated that
wolf-like howls could be heard after they collected the
*Late into the night on the third day, the commander of the
patrol radioed in that they were going to pursue a giant,
black dog with horns and ribs protruding out on its abdomen
that was seen stalking around the camp. Superiors gave an
order to not pursue the creature. The commander, just like
any horror movie victim, chose to ignore the orders and
carry on.

*Minutes before the transmissions stopped, on the morning of

the fourth day, a captain radioed in and stated that a
warehouse with a massive vault entrance was discovered near,
what used to be, the main luxury hotel. This was the last
transmission. No distress signals were received.
*The giant, black dogs with horns mentioned in the transmission
might be Houndoom. Their appearance is very similar to the radioed

*There is a possibility that these dogs are actually Hellhounds.

They do fit the description, albeit not completely.

*Design plans for the warehouse do indicate that a vault is placed

underneath it. No other information on the vault can be decuded,
from what weve searched.

*Regardless of how the transmissions ceased, the fact that either

Hellhounds or Houndooms are present are rather concerning.
The Patrol
The patrol that went missing was unusual patrol for being in Tolte.

Patrol Content:

1. -3 M163 Vulcan

2. -1 Turretless Bradley

3. -2 M3 Bradley

4. -1 M1128 Stryker MGS

5. -4 AAV7 Survivability Upgrade

6. -5 Cougar

This patrol was rather under equipped, yet unusually large, for
1.Find out what happened to the patrol

2.Recover any remains/wreckage of the patrol is it comes to


3.Find out where the Hellhounds and/or Houndooms are coming


4.Enter the mysterious vault and learn of its secrets

5.Further directives will be given as required.

Due to the potential severity of what we might be facing, an armor heavy recon force will need to be sent
in. Air support via VTL-4s and Scorpions.


-2 M60-2000

-4 M8 Bufords

-4 Panhard VBRs

-3 Stingray IIs

-2 MB-3 Tamoyos

-Schakal (Column Leader)

Thats all folks!
Youve been briefed. Your respective superiors will detail
more specifics within the next day. This will be a risky
mission and all personnel are to be volunteers only. I
appreciate those whom will join this mission; after all I
will be co-heading the initial search and Id prefer to have
some company. Jokes aside, this mission is volunteer only.
Inquire with Ms. Wulff is you wish to join the search.

Debrief is over. Return to your previous activities.

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