The Business That God Blesses

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Worldly entrepreneurship: The
anatomy of bad business - a case
study of Esau and Jacob - Gen. 25: 27 - 34

Entrepreneurship from the worlds point of view, is driven by greed, selfishness, deceit and lack of human
Survival of the fittest mentality
Each child had a skill v27 Esau was a skillful hunter and Jacob was skillful at tending to the sheep or house keeping
Esau met the needs of the father and Jacob met the needs of the mother. (each was driven by their wrong affections)
Esau came home one day hungry and exhausted ( Jacob spotted an opportunity for a business transaction)
Aromatic attraction: cooking some stew smells good to the hungry soul marketing and advertisement
Esau fell a victim of the carefully led plans of Jacob and came begging for food come on we are brothers give me
some food
Trade by butter starting here food in exchange for your birth right ( how often do we exchange our destiny for a
moment of passion, lust and or feelings
Acting impulsively, Esau carelessly through away his birth right he exchanged the permanent for the transient . No
value added transaction
Jacob was tactful and seized the moment and collected in one swift deadly move with out conscience, his brothers
He got Esau to sign an agreement and perfected the papers before giving him food.
He eat and went away, not knowing he had sold his destiny for a plate of food. How cheap and how sad
Hebrew 12:16 ends in regrets!
The birth of opportunities:
Entrepreneurship (Gen.26:1ff)

We often
Entrepreneurship is often born out of
miss to see adversity or lack
these Often it is given birth to after an extended
es because
period of hardship, crisis or otherwise
the come difficult times, sometimes live threatening
dressed as moments
troubles, It is at these moment that enterprise is born
A severe famine v1
and or
The Natural responds to
Desperate There was a severe famine in the land
situations and so Isaac moved to Gerer
gives birth
We immediately seek to make moves of
opportuniti endurance to make us last the down
es but wards spiral.
scales will
need to fall We seek to avoid the problem, and tend
off our eyes the part of lest resistance.
to see them
Naturally people seek to avoid trouble
Do not go down to Egypt but do as I tell you
What ever
he tells you
Isa 30:21-23 And thine ears shall hear a word behind
thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn
to do do
to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. And the
(Marys eyes of them that see shall not be dim, and the ears of
instructions them that hear shall hearken. Rise up, ye women that
to Jesus are at ease; hear my voice, ye careless daughters; give
disciples) ear unto my speech
Isa 30: 23 Then shall he give the rain of thy seed, that
thou shalt sow the ground withal; and bread of the
increase of the earth, and it shall be fat and plenteous: in
that day shall thy cattle feed in large pastures.
Entrepreneurship demands frugality:
Principles of self-Government v3
Live in the land as a foreigner, dont live big. Cut down cost, rent dont build at
It is not so first build up your capital.
much what Learn the art of savings; wealth is not often determined by how much a person
makes, but by how much a person can hold on to or save.
we earn It is dependent on generating a surplus that leaves one with an excess income
today, as within which one can save or invest
Often the people who fail to make financial progress are not lazy people, but
what we

people who consume all the produce.

save today These people did not fail to work, often times the put forth great efforts, but
that they only produced what they at once consume and as a result they cant get
ahead, therefore they make no progress.
determines Until you learn to generate a surplus, you can not start on the part to financial
our position freedom. From the time you begin to accumulate a surplus from that hour
tomorrow. The foundation of it all is thrift, on it character is built. It is the test of the power
of self control. An art of self government.
The Entrepreneurial Dynamic:
God is an Entrepreneur, he can be trusted vs 3-6
Entrepreneurs are people who do things that make a difference. They
God operates create, build and are at the heart of change in society. In most cases,
base on His they are ordinary people with special matching talents and
covenant temperaments. Entrepreneurs spot opportunity and know what to do
promises. He about it. In short, an entrepreneur is one who:
holds himself Can deliver on what they say they will do, (CHARACTER)
true to His Knows what opportunities to go for, (SENSITIVITY)
promises and Demonstrates the creativity and ideas that cant be stopped in the first place,
will never fail.
Operates as a team player and has a purpose that serves.
Every Not unlike an accomplished musician or sports person, what
entrepreneur differentiates the successful from the mediocre is in the level in which
must learn the gift is developed. In business, its developing the gift to be
from this commercialized, while linking it up with the market need. Then wisdom
shapes the mind-set that accompanies this gift.
Embrace the mind-set that God is with
you you can not fail. v3b

We can
Every successful Entrepreneur believes in
plainly see themselves.
that he lord Has an unwavering ability to believe in surviving
is with you against all odds.
vs28 They are eternal optimist, with an overcomers
He who comes to God must first belief that he is
and that he is a rewarded of those who diligently
seek him.
Evident for all to see
Being blessed to be a blessing sets in motion Gods faith
God based-gift of increase. To create, build, bring increase and
operates multiply are key dimensions of Gods nature. These dynamics
base on a are also at the heart of entrepreneurship.
covenant Operating on this level begins by embracing a generous,
an giving heart. Generosity and stewardship in Gods economy
agreement operate in tandem. That means not only managing your
money well, but always being in control of your assets and
based on income instead of allowing them to control you. The next point
each party to participating in this flow of the faith based-gift of increase is
fulfilling the to learn to leverage opportunity and change. From these
terms of dynamics will come a process that will yield enlargement and
engagemen multiplication
BLESSES: Biblical principles for
successful venturing into


BUSINESS Deut 8:10-18

Isa 23:18 10 When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the LORD your God for the
Yet her profit and good land he has given you. 11 Be careful that you do not forget the LORD your
her earnings will be
set apart for the
God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving
LORD; they will not you this day. 12 Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine
be stored up or houses and settle down, 13 and when your herds and flocks grow large and your
hoarded. Her profits silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, 14 then your heart will
will go to those who become proud and you will forget the LORD your God, who brought you out of
live before the
Egypt, out of the land of slavery...18 But remember the LORD your God, for
LORD, for abundant
food and fine clothes. it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his
covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today
BLESSES: Biblical principles for
successful venturing into


BUSINESS. Matt 6:24, 33
Matt 6:24, 33
But seek ye
first the
If God is first in your business,
kingdom of He becomes the resource for
God and his
righteousness producing success.
and all these
things shall
be added to
Gen 14:21-15:1
BLESSES: Biblical principles for
successful venturing into

2.B. Ps 122:6 Pray for the peace of

OF THE Jerusalem: they shall prosper that
HEART: LOVE love thee
The evidence
2Ch 26:5 And he sought God in the
of love is days of Zechariah, who had
understanding in the visions of God:
and as long as he sought the LORD,
God made him to prosper
BLESSES: Biblical principles for
successful venturing into
Isa 28:23-29:1
3. Listening Listen and hear my voice; pay attention and hear what I say.
to and
When a farmer plows for planting, does he plow continually? Does
obeying the he keep on breaking up and harrowing the soil? When he has
Holy spirits leveled the surface, does he not sow caraway and scatter cumin?
direction Does he not plant wheat in its place, barley in its plot, and spelt in
its field? His God instructs him and teaches him the right
way. Caraway is not threshed with a sledge, nor is a cartwheel
rolled over cumin; caraway is beaten out with a rod, and cumin
with a stick. Grain must be ground to make bread; so one does
not go on threshing it forever. Though he drives the wheels of his
threshing cart over it, his horses do not grind it. All this also comes
from the LORD Almighty, wonderful in counsel and
magnificent in wisdom. NIV
Success Principles for Biblical
In Gods economy the measures of success differ widely from
The those of the world. The worlds focus is generally on money,
generous prestige and power. In the book of Isaiah we capture a succinct
man glimpse of Gods perspective for each of these factors:
Then the fool will no longer be called generous, nor the miser said
devises to be bountiful. The schemes of the schemer are evil; devising
generous wicked plans to destroy the poor with lying words, despite the
plans, and needy speaking justice. The generous man devises generous
by plans, and by generosity he shall stand. Isaiah 32: 5-8
The measure of biblical success, as is its pathway, employs
righteous power to be blessed in order to extend the blessing. A
he shall few key biblical principles tied to Gods pathway for success
stand. include:
Isaiah 32: 8
Learn the art of diligence.
The hand Diligence is a precious
of the
diligent will possession that will lead to an
excellence and authority that
12:24 contributes to the common
Become excellent at something you

Do you The mastery of a gift/ a skill

see a man
who excels that serves will bring about not
in his work,
he will
only purpose, but the
stand recognition of its significance
kings. Prov
for the benefit of the
22:29 community.
Assume responsibility and manage

Be diligent . Assuming responsibility means

to know the
state of
managing the way you make a
your flocks difference down to the details, not
and attend
to your only in bringing blessing upon
herds. yourself but in that next step of
Prov 27:23
being a blessing to others.
Strive for trustworthiness and
He who walks
with integrity
Being worthy of trust begins in
and works
our own hearts with the way we
and speaks
truth in his
make a lifestyle of the generous
heart who
swears to his
and dependable extension of
own hurt and
does not
our gifts to help others.
Psalm 15:2-4
Treat your customers like
A good name In business, when dealing with
is to be chosen
over great issues of customer service and
riches, loving
favor than marketing, the most strategic, yet
silver and gold.
By humility most subtle thing that can be done
and fear of the
Lord are riches
is to build genuine relationships
and honor and
life. Proverbs
through treating customers like
22:1,4 family.
Discipline yourself to view things
from a long-term perspective.

Wisdom pays the cost in prioritizing and
your pacing the development of an enterprise.
outside Reach for more, but be willing to be faithful
work, make
in the small things on a stable pathway to
it fit for
yourself in the future.
the field; Little by little will you drive them out from
and before you, until you have increased and
afterward are numerous enough to take possession
build your
of the land. Ex 23:30; Deut 7:22
Be alert for opportunities for

Learn to
Beginning in the books of Moses, the Bible
manage emphasizes the value of private ownership by
risk Learn which opportunity is leveraged.
to manage She considers a field and buys it; out of her
risk earnings she plants a vineyard. Proverbs 31:16
. Faith and risk operate hand in hand. Responding
to Gods guidance will involve getting out of our
comfort zones and the management of risk.
Against all hope, Abraham believed God. Romans
Make your assets work for
Foundational to ruling over the work of His hands is
yourself the stewardship that brings increase to that with
with wise which were entrusted.
counselors Well done, good and faithful servant. You were
. faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over
many things. Matthew 25:18
. The emphasis is on wisdom drawn from the
experience of those who have expertise in the
pathway youre walking.
In the multitude of counselors there is safety.
Proverbs 11:14; 24:6
Make decisions based on the right
thing to do.
The world confuses stewardship with squeezing
Make the
everything possible out of a deal. In contrast, in the
Lord your Torah is the principle of gleaning, of leaving something
senior for the less fortunate at harvest time.
Partner. What does the Lord require of you but to do justly, and
to love kindness and mercy, and to humble yourself and
walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
Biblical success will pivot on the level at which Gods
guidance is sought and accurately adhered to.
Seek first His Kingdom and righteousness and all these
other things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33
Your God-Centered Entrepreneurial
Your God-centered entrepreneurial agenda is your calling,
Multiplicatio your destiny. It begins by seeking to know Gods heart and his
n priorities for you. It incorporates a progressive grasp of
applying the biblical mantle of being blessed to be a blessing.
That involves identifying your mix of gifts and personal
sphere of influence, along with the authority from the
anointing that you have to bring multiplication.
This form of multiplication involves replicating your efforts;
extending and enabling opportunity to others through
proactive mentoring. In this way you will fulfill your God-
centered entrepreneurial agenda or calling by ruling over the
work of your hands as a cooperative process with the Lord at
the helm.
ploughing back:
Isaiah 55:1-10
cost (direct + indirect) + profit margin = SP
The rain and be very sure of your profit by capturing all cost
snow come
down from the set aside a percentage to add to the initial
heavens and
stay on the capital say 40% of your profit
earth. They
cause the grain save the balance of 60% for personal use
to grow,
producing seed
for the farmer
and bread for
the hungry v10
The business that God blesses will
achieve the following:
Isa 61:4-5
They will
rebuild the
ancient ruins
and restore
the places long
they will
renew the
ruined cities
that have been
devastated for

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