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Tirpude Institute of Management Education


International Seminar on

Management Solution for socio economic challenges

3rd -4th march, 2017

E-Kranti: A Management Solution for
Socio-Economic Challenges

Dr.Prashant Harishchandra Bhagat
Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce,
Chetanas Hazarimal Somani College of Commerce &
Economics, Smt.Kusumtai Chaudhari College of Arts,
Bandra, Mumbai, India.
Digital India and e-Kranti
E- Kranti

Transformation & upscaling of

NeGP named as e-Kranti
Vision of e-Kranti

Transforming e-governance
for transforming governance

To ensure a government wide

transformation by delivering all government
services electronically to the citizens through
integrated & interoperable systems via
multiple modes, while ensuring efficiency,
transparency & reliability of such services at
affordable costs
Objectives of e-Kranti
To redefine NeGP with transformational and
oriented e-governance initiatives
To enhance the portfolio of citizen centric services
To ensure optimum usage of core ICT
To promote rapid replication and integration of e-
governance applications
To leverage emerging technologies
E-Kranti Principles for solving
Managerial Challenges
Transformation and not Translation
Integrated Services and not Individual
Government Process Re-engineering
Cloud by Default
Mobile First
Use of Mandating Standards and Protocols
Application of Language Localization
Standardising Security and Electronic Data
Mission Mode Projects under e-
Use of technology for Socio
Economic Development

Technology for Education e-Education

All Schools will be connected with broadband. Free wifi will be
provided in all secondary and higher secondary schools (coverage
would be around 250,000 schools). A programme on digital literacy
would be taken up at the national level. Massive Online Open
Courses (MOOCs) shall be developed and leveraged for e-Education.

Technology for Health e-Healthcare

e-Healthcare would cover online medical consultation, online medical
records, online medicine supply, pan-India exchange for patient
information, etc. Pilots shall be undertaken in 2015 and full coverage
would be provided in 3 years.
Technology for Farmers
This would facilitate farmers to get real time price
information, online ordering of inputs and online cash, loan,
and relief payment with mobile banking.

Technology for Security

Mobile based emergency services and disaster related
services would be provided to citizens on real time basis so as
to take precautionary measures well in time and minimize
loss of lives and properties.

Technology for Justice

Interoperable Criminal Justice System shall be strengthened
by leveraging several related applications, i.e. e-Courts, e-
Police, e-Jails and e-Prosecution.
Technology for Financial Inclusion
Financial inclusion shall be strengthened using
mobile banking, Micro-ATM program and
CSCs/ Post Offices.

Technology for Cyber Security

National Cyber Security Co-ordination Centre
would be set up to ensure safe and secure cyber-
space within the country.
Various e-Kranti projects




e-Kranti aims to ensure a government wide transformation by delivering all
services electronically to the citizens through integrated and interoperable
systems via multiple modes while ensuring efficiency, transparency and
reliability of such services at affordable costs, he said during Question Hour.
In e-Kranti, 44 Mission Mode Projects (MMP) 13 central, 17 state and 14
integrated MMPs are being implemented. Under the 25 operational MMPs
222 services are being provided. More than 192 e-transactions have been
reported since January 1, 2016.Avg> 39 Cr. e-transactions in January, 2015.

Under e-Kranti, the government of India has made concerted effort to make
offline government services to be also delivered through online mode,
ensuring that all citizens would have access to them, thereby improving the
quality of basic governance on an unprecedented scale.

India over decades built the strengthen in IT sector and it is high time that the
Government of India utilizes it to deliver the services.In this regard the e-
Kranti is an welcome step.
However , the major concern is the state of our education and dismal
literacy rate which hampers the adoption of technology by masses.
More so, IT is a sophisticated platform where many a time even the
literate ones unable to transact properly. That means, majority of
Indians does not have digital literacy , hence there is a social
resistance to adopt this services.

In the absence of digital literacy , many take the help of so called

Middle Man to get the job done. This in turn , hampers the whole idea
of e-governance, because one of its primary focus is self-service and
eliminate middle man . Instead, it gave rise to a different kind of middle
man altogether in India.

Frauds are rampant and innocents are getting caught in the trap.

Hence, it is high time , literacy and digital literacy should be separated.

The good part is , digital literacy only demands few protocols to be followed
and once it is communicated and demonstrated properly , it may serve the

Another revolutionizing idea is the localization of language, thus letting people

transact with their own language. This gives fillip to the e-Kranti altogether.

Thought , there may be an initial hesitance for adoption of technology , however

with time, this will vanish.

The next trouble is the Infrastructure part.Digital infrastructure is a costly affair

and requires huge investment.

The call cost of India may be then lowest, but the data charges are one of the
highest.Often one hears the consumer complain on awful data services.Network
should search the phone and connect , instead People are searching for networks
(sometime on the roof and sometime on the mountain)

Hence , e-Kranti to succeed , the digital infrastructure should be accessible and

affordable , else we will be left will high-end applications but no end-users .
On the conclusion, though, digital infrastructure
is a competitive market and given the market
capitalization and presence of healthy
competition , right push and policies can
troubleshoot these problems , there by making e-
Kranti a grand success.

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