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By Thoni Bower
Alexander Hamilton

He created the
first National
system, the
Guard, the
new York post,
Federalist Party

TheFederalist Partywas the first American politicalparty. It

existed from the early 1790s to 1816; its remnants lasted into the
1820s. ...Federalistpolicies called for a national bank, tariffs, and
good relations with Great Britain as expressed in the Jay Treaty
negotiated in 1794.

Hamilton the Musical
The Broadway Hamilton is
helping people remember the
amazing work our founding
fathers did for our country. It
has taught what amazing
work they have done to save
our country and us gain the
freedom we have today.
Winning 15 Tony awards and
setting a record for sales of
tickets and cds it has set an
amazing record for a
Broadway musical.
Life of Hamilton
He was born in September
11, 1789 and he died in
January 31, 1795 Due to a
duel with Aaron Burr.

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