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The Life of Andrew Anderson

By Andrew Anderson
I was born on October 29, 2002.
I was born at the Munster Community
Year 1
In the year 2003 I turned one years old.
I was also baptized this year.
Year 2
It was the year 2004 and I was two years
This was the when I went trick or treating
for the first time.
Year 3
It was the year 2005 and I was three
years old.
This year was when I want on my first
I went to.Flordia.
Year 4
It was the year 2006 and I was four years
This year I went on my first trip to Disney
Year 5
It was the year 2007 and I was guess
five. This was the year I was also in
Year 6
It was the year 2008 and I was six years
When I was this age I started 1st grade in
Kopandas class at Kolling.
Year 7
It was the year 2009 and I was seven
years old.
This year I had Mrs. Ranich for 2nd grade
still at Kolling. This year was when I
started playing soccer.
Year 8
It was the year 2010 and I was eight
years old.
This year I was in 3rd grade with Mr. Smith
I remember having the best TechDecks in
Year 9
It was the year 2011 and I was nine years
This year I was in my favorite grade ever,
4th grade with Mrs. Hoffmaster.
Year 10
It was the year 2012 and I was ten years
years old. I was finally moving on to fifth
grade at Clark.
Year 11
It was the year 2013 and I was eleven
years old. I was in 6th grade. During this
summer I went to Arizona for a two week
Year 12
It was the year 2014 and I was twelve
years old.
I was in 7th grade at Clark. This year I
finally went to Disney World(This time I
actually remembered it).
Year 13
When it was the year 2016 I went in to
eighth grade at the age of thirteen. This
was the first year I played travel soccer
and I didnt really enjoy it.
Year 14
It is the year 2017 and I am fourteen. I
am still in eight grade and I finally got my
first Xbox One.
Future Me
In the future I dont really know what to
expect really. I hope that I will graduate
college and get a well paying job.

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