111 Alum

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When you come in, please

Put all book bags, etc. away in cubbies

Hand in the data sheets and post-lab questions for EXP 4
(Mole Ratios)
Hand in the flow chart for EXP 5 (Synthesis of Alum)
Synthesis of Alum
Experiment 5 Week of 3/9/15
Experimental Summary
Observe the process of synthesizing a compound
Potassium aluminum sulfate dodecahydrate
Determine a reactions percent yield
Calculating Theoretical Yield
Theoretical yield of a reaction is based on two things:
The chemical equation for your reaction
The amount of reactants you start with
2Al + 2KOH + 6H2O 2K+ + 2[Al(OH)4]- + 3H2
You must first determine the limiting reagent based on the
number of moles of each compound that you start with
These numbers get factored into your chemical equation
Calculating Percent Yield
(Actual yield / Theoretical yield) x 100
What You Will Need
250 mL beaker
100 mL grad. Cylinder
Vacuum filtration apparatus
Hot plate
150 mL beaker
Stirring rod
Initial Set-Up
Assemble vacuum filtration apparatus
Weighing Al foil
Obtain the mass of 1 pre-cut piece of Al foil
Mass should be ~1g
Reacting Al Foil with KOH
Tear foil into small pieces
and add them to a 250 mL
Place beaker on a wire
Measure 25 mL of 3M KOH
and add it to the beaker in 5
mL portions
Wait for the solution to stop
bubbling before adding next
portion of KOH
Filtering KOH
Turn on vacuum and filter the solution
The filter paper can be thrown away
Save the filtrate (liquid in the flask)
Once cooled, add the solution to a beaker
Reacting Filtrate with Sulfuric Acid
Measure 35 mLs of Sulfuric Acid
Place beaker with filtrate on wire gauze
Add acid to the filtrate, stirring constantly
Filter the resulting solution, and throw away the filter paper
with undissolved solid
Save the filtrate
Evaporating Filtrate
Add the resulting filtrate to a beaker and place it on a hot
plate to boil
Hot plate can be set to 350-400 degrees
Boil the solution down to 25 mL
Use volume markings on the beaker to estimate volume
Obtaining Alum Product
Set up an ice bath in a large beaker
Remove beaker from the hot plate and place it on a wire
gauze for 5 minutes
Place beaker with filtrate in the ice bath, allow the solution to
cool for 15 mins
Once precipitate forms, filter product
Add the filtrate to the waste container
Wash recovered alum with 50 mLs 50% ethanol
Add ethanol to 2nd waste container
Place product and filter paper in a 150 mL beaker
Put the beaker in you lab drawer
Leave it to dry until next week
Special Considerations
Goggles and gloves are to be worn at all times
Handle KOH and the sulfuric acid with care
Both chemicals are toxic and corrosive
Always handle hot beakers with beaker tongs
You will need 3 pieces of filter paper
Allow hot plate to cool before returning it
Be sure to clean lab benches before leaving
For next week
Hand in completed data sheet and post-lab questions for
EXP 5 (Synthesis of Alum)
Hand in flow chart for EXP 6 (Analysis of Alum)

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