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Nurlaila Sari Harahap
Department of English
Post Graduate Program
Faculty of Cultural Science
University of Sumatera Utara

Joy Sembiring
Department of English
Post Graduate Program
Faculty of Cultural Science
University of Sumatera Utara

Sometimes students who learn English find many problems, especially

with grammar. In English grammar, there are many aspects that

students have to know. Even though students have learnt grammar

completely; they still find difficulties in differentiating the usage of each

function. One of the aspects in grammar is sentence. They are positive

(affirmative), negative and interrogative sentences. In writing a narrative

text, the students often find some difficulties. The students usually feel

difficult to organize their ideas. Furthermore, many students make some

mistakes and faced difficulties to build and develop their imagination

Where students of the X SMA PRIMA TEMBUNG consisted
of 33 students.
the sample of this research was all the population as
subject of the research, it was 33 students of the Grade X
Technique of Collecting Data
For collect the data, first the writer used the written test.
And the written test was some exercises that was given by
the writer to all students and they answered the exercises.
After that, the writer corrected their answer and gave the
Design of Research

Design of research is also important

to decide. By knowing the design of
the research, the researcher could
work easily. This research used
qualitative research method
There are 9 students who are categorized as able.
There are 24 students who are categorized as unable.

So the conclusion from the result we could see that there are 9 out of 33 students as
sample are categorized as able in error analysis on writing narrative texts and there
were 24 students as sample are categorized as unable.

So the whole percentage can be used the formula of sudjiono (1998: 140) :
P= f / n X 100%
P : the percentage of students personal ability
F : total score
n : maximum score

that is :

9 / 33 X 100 % = 27.27% (the students categorized as able)

24 / 33 X 100 % = 72.73% (the students categorized as unable)

The Discussion
Error analysis is an activity to identify, classify and
describe the errors made by someone in language
teaching. It contents the information of difficulties faced
by someone. Although errors are bad things in English,
error analysis is advantageous for both students and
teachers. For students, error analysis is need to show
them in what aspect in grammar which is difficult for
them, to show the errors made by the students, to know
the source or the cause of the error and how the
students can learn from their mistake in order that they
will not make some errors repeatedly. And for teachers, it
is required to evaluate themselves where they are
successful or not in teaching English
The writer would like to draw conclusions based on the data
analysis as follows:
Based on the previous data can be concluded that writing
narrative text is more effective on students in writing narrative
Based on the conclusion above, the writer suggested her
research as below :
English teacher should teach and explain the students how to
make sentences by using narrative text in order to improve
their ability in comprehending gramma r.

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