4-Sistem Kontrol Generator Sinkron

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Sistem Kontrol

Generator Sinkron


Nopember 2015
PLTA 6400 MW di Rusia
PLTA 2600 Mw Chief Joseph Dam di Sungai
Columbia USA
Adjustable vanes that regulate the flow of water in the hydraulic
Turbin Francis 700 MW
Torque-speed and mechanical power-speed characteristics of
a hydraulic turbine (i.e., a Francis turbine) for various
openings of the adjustable vanes of the turbine .
Mechanical Power speed Characteristics at the
hydraulic turbine increases
Torque speed characteristics at the hydraulic turbine increases
Speed Droop Governor
(Regulated Governor)
Feedback mekanik berfungsi untuk memperkuat gaya dan stroke posisi throttle rod melalui
hydrolic servomotor
Sistem kontrol kecepatan putar Turbin Pelton
Sistem Kontrol Kecepatan Turbin Francis dan Kaplan (Vane
Wicket gate)
Kontrol kecepatan turbin reaksi dengan
pengaturan wicket gates.
Synchronous Generators

Are the primary source of all electrical energy

Commonly used to convert the mechanical power
output of steam turbines, gas turbines,
reciprocating engines, hydro turbines into electrical
power for the grid
Can be extremely large power ratings up to
Are known as synchronous machines because
they operate at synchronous speed (speed of
rotor always matches supply frequency)
Synchronous Generators:
Operating Principle
The rotor is mounted on a shaft driven by
mechanical prime mover
A field winding (rotating or stationary) carries a DC
current to produce a constant magnetic field.
An AC voltage is induced in the 3-phase armature
winding (stationary or rotating) to produce electrical
The electrical frequency of the 3- phase output
depends upon the mechanical speed and the number
of pole.
Types of Synchronous Generators
Stationary field (rotating armature)
Revolving field (rotating field)
Stationary Field Synchronous
Poles on the stator (field winding) are supplied with DC to
create a stationary magnetic field.
Armature winding on rotor consists of a 3-phase winding
whose terminals connect to 3 slip-rings on the shaft.
Brushes connect the armature to the external 3-phase
This arrangement works for low power machines
(<5kVA). For higher powers (& voltages), issues with
brushes and insulation of rotor windings.

Revolving Field Synchronous Generator
Most common also known as alternator
Stationary armature with 3-phase winding on
3-phases directly connected to load
Rotating magnetic field created by DC field
winding on rotor, powered by slip-rings / brushes
Producing the DC field
For both stationary and revolving fields, DC supply is
normally produced by DC generator mounted on same
shaft as rotor.
Permanent magnets can also produce DC field used
increasingly in smaller machines as magnets get
Number of Poles
The number of poles on a synchronous
generator depends upon the speed of
rotation and desired frequency

Where f = frequency of the induced

voltage (Hz)
p = number of poles on the rotor
n = speed of the rotor (rpm)
Synchronous Generator: Stator
From an electrical standpoint, the stator of a
synchronous generator is identical to that of a 3-
phase induction motor (cylindrical laminated core
containing slots carrying a 3-phase winding).
The nominal line voltage of a synchronous
generator depends upon its kVA rating the
greater the power, the higher the voltage
The nominal line voltage seldom exceeds 25kV,
since the increased slot insulation takes up
valuable space at the expense of copper
Synchronous Generator: Rotor
Salient-pole rotors
Used for low speed applications (<300rpm) which
require large number of poles to achieve required
frequencies (e.g. Hydro turbines)

Cylindrical rotors
Used for high-speed applications (steam/gas turbines).
Minimum number of poles is 2, so for 50Hz the
maximum speedis 3000rpm.
High speed of rotation produces strong centrifugal
forces, which impose upper limit on the rotor diameter.
Field Excitation and Exciters
DC field excitation is an important part of the
overall design of a synchronous generator
The field must ensure not only a stable AC
terminal voltage, but must also respond to
sudden load changes rapid field response is
Main and pilot exciters are used
Brushless excitation systems employ power
electronics (rectifiers) to avoid brushes / slip ring
A brushless exciter: a low 3-phase current is rectified and used to supply
the field circuit of the exciter (located on the stator).
The output of the exciters armature circuit (on the rotor) is rectified and
used as the field current of the main machine.
To make the excitation of a generator completely independent of any
external power source, a small pilot exciter is often added to the circuit.
The pilot exciter is an AC generator with a permanent magnet mounted on
the rotor shaft and a 3-phase winding on the stator producing the power
for the field circuit of the exciter.
Exciter: provides dc power to the generator field winding
Regulator: processes and amplifies input control signals to a level and
form appropriate for control of the exciter
Terminal voltage transducer and load compensator: senses generator
terminal voltage, rectifies and filters it to dc quantity and compares with
a reference;
Power system stabilizer: provides additional input signal to the
regulator to damp power system oscillations
Limiters and protective circuits: ensure that the capability limits of
exciter and generator are not exceeded
Types of Excitation Systems

Classified into three broad categories

based on the excitation power source:
DC excitation systems
AC excitation systems
Static excitation system
DC Excitation Systems:
AC Excitation System :
Field controlled rectifier excitation system
Alternator supplied controlled-rectifier
excitation system
Brushless excitation system
Static Excitation Systems
Potential-source controlled-rectifier excitation system
Synchronous vs. Induction Motors

Induction motors have excellent properties for

higher speeds. But at lower speeds they become
heavy, costly and have relatively low power
factors and efficiencies.

Synchronous motors are particularly attractive

for lowspeed drives since the power factor can
be adjusted to 1 and the efficiency is high.
Although more complex to build, their weight and
cost are often less than those of induction
motors of equal power and speed
Synchronous generator whose field current is supplied by a three-
phase ac power source connected to a thyristor three-phase bridge
Simplified equivalent diagram of an auto-excited
brushless synchronous generator.
Prinsip kerja pengatur tegangan otomatis sistem

Kontrol Daya Aktif dan Reaktif

Konfigurasi Daya Listrik
Advantages of Phasor
Device Time Analysis Phasor
Resistor v ( t ) Ri ( t ) V RI
di (t )
Inductor v(t ) L V j LI
1 1
Capacitor v ( t ) i ( t ) dt v (0) V I
C0 jC
Z = Impedance R jX Z , (Note: Z is a
R = Resistance, complex number
X = Reactance, but not a
X phasor).
Z = 2 2
R X ,
=arctan .
Faktor Daya leading
Apabila arus mendahului tegangan, maka faktor
daya ini dikatakan leading. Faktor daya leading ini
terjadi apabila bebannya kapasitif, seperti
capacitor, synchronocus generators, synchronocus
motors dan synchronocus condensor.

Faktor Daya lagging

Apabila tegangan mendahului arus, maka faktor
daya ini dikatakan lagging. Faktor daya lagging
ini terjadi apabila bebannya induktif, seperti
motor induksi, AC dan transformator.
Complex Power, contd
Relationships between real, reactive, and complex power:
P S cos ,

Q S sin S 1 pf 2 ,

Example: A load draws 100 kW with a leading pf of 0.85.

What are (power factor angle), Q and S ?
cos 1 0.85 31.8,
S 117.6 kVA,
Q 117.6sin( 31.8) 62.0 kVAr.
Power Consumption in
Resistors only consume real power:
PResistor I Resistor R,
Inductors only "consume" reactive power:
QInductor I Inductor X L ,
Capacitors only "generate" reactive power:
2 1
QCapacitor I Capacitor X C XC .
QCapacitor . (Note-some define X C negative.)
Ilustrasi Daya Aktif , Reaktif dan daya
Semu , serta Power Factor
Power Factor
Caused by Inductive Loads
Total Power (kVA)2=[Real Power (kW)]2+[Reactive Power (kVAR)]2
Improved power factor can:
Reduce utility bills (PF not penalized in ComEd service territory)
Increase capacity in electrical distribution system

Real Power
Power Factor=
Apparent Power
US DOE Industries of the Future Workshop
Reactive Power for Voltage
VARs flow from High voltage Reactive
to Low voltage; import of Loads
VARs indicate reactive
power deficit

Untuk menghitung besarnya daya reaktif dapat dilakukan melalui
tabel kompensasi, tabel ini menyajikan suatu data dengan input
faktor daya mula mula sebesar Cos 1 dan faktor daya yang
diinginkan Cos 2 maka besarnya faktor pengali dapat dilihat
melalui tabel kompensasi, dengan kasus yang sama tetapi
diselesaikan dengan Tabel Cos Untuk Kompensasi
Data semula adalah :
Daya semu S = 22 MVA, Tegangan 20 kV, 3 Phasa, 50 Hz, Cos 1 =
0.5 lag, Cos 2 = 0.95 lag
Perhitungan :
Dari nilai Cos 1 = 0.5 lag sebelum dan Cos 2 = 0.95 lag yang
diinginkan maka dilihat dalam Tabel Cos nilainya adalah 1,4.
Kemudian tentukan nilai daya real P :
P = S Cos 1
P = 22 x 106 x Cos 0,5
P = 11 MW
setelah nilai daya aktif diketahui maka tinggal dikalikan dengan hasil
pengali yang diperoleh dari Tabel Cos , yaitu :
Q = 11 MVA R x faktor pengali
Q = 11 MVA R x 1,4 = 15,4 MVAR
Nilai Q tersebut adalah besarnya koreksi daya reaktif untuk
mengubah menjadi Cos 2 = 0.95
Kontrol daya aktif dan reaktif
Daya aktif : berkaitan dengan
pengontrolan frekuensi
kecepatan generator
Daya reaktif : berkaitan dengan
pengontrolan tegangan output

Frequency control
Primary frequency control
Compensate for short-term unbalances at local level
Stabilize frequency within acceptable range around
set point
Secondary and tertiary frequency control
Control the load-generation balance at the
programmed export-import
Contribute to bringing the frequency back to its set
Relieve the primary control reserve after an incident
Scheduled (set point) frequency (time
control centre in Gandul - Depok
To account for the Synchronous Time deviations
50.01 or 49.99 Hz for the whole day

Reactive power management and

voltage control
Primary voltage control
Excitation of generators
SVCs (Static Var Compensators)
Secondary voltage control
Zonal coordination of the voltage and reactive
power control
Maintains the required voltage level at a key node
Tertiary voltage control
Optimization of the reactive power distribution
Based on real-time measurements
Device settings adjustment
Pengaturan daya reaktif dilakukan oleh AVR (Automatic Voltage
Regulator) sementara untuk pengaturan daya aktif dilakukan oleh
LFC (Load Frequency Regulator) seperti yang terlihat pada gambar
berikut ini
Tujuan dasar pengaturan frekuensi itu sendiri
adalah :
Memberi keseimbangan sistem pembangkit ke
Memperkecil penyimpangan frekuensi akibat
perubahan beban secara tiba-tiba agar perubahan
frekuensi tersebut mendekati nol.
Menjaga aliran daya pada pembangkit-
pembangkit yang terinterkoneksi agar berada pada
kemampuan kapasitas masing-masing generator
Model generator
Model matematis generator dapat dituliskan dalam bentuk persamaan sebagai berikut

dimana :
(s) : Perubahan kecepatan (rad/s)
H : Konstanta inersia
Pm(s) : Perubahan daya mekanik (Watt)
Pe(s) : Perubahan daya akibat perubahan beban (Watt)
Blok diagram dari persamaan di atas, yaitu :
Model beban
Dari persamaan (8.1), komponen Pe(s) merupakan penjumlahan antara komponen
frekwensi (D ) dan non-frekwensi (PL), seperti pada persamaan berikut ini :

Sehingga gambar (8.3) dapat diubah menjadi :

Model penggerak mula

Dasar pemodelan penggerak mula dalam hal ini sebagai contoh yaitu turbin uap
adalah melihat hubungan antara daya mekanik Pm dan perubahan posisi dari katup
(valve) PV. Model matematis turbin dapat dituliskan sebagai berikut :

Konstanta waktu turbin (T) memiliki range antara 0,2 secons sampai 2,0 seconds
Model governor
Model matematis untuk suatu governor dapat dituliskan menjadi

dengan :
Pg : daya output governor (Watt)
Preff : daya referensi/acuan (Watt)
R : speed regulation (berkisar 5 6 persen)
Daya output governor Pg tersebut diubah dari penguat hidraulik ke sinyal input
posisi katup (valve) PV, sehingga hubungan antara keduanya menjadi

Dengan g sebagai konstanta waktu governor. Sehingga persamaan (8.4) dan (8.5)
dapat direpresentasikan dalam diagram blok berikut ini :
Jika representasi diagram blok pada gambar (8.4), (8.5) dan (8.6) digabungkan, maka
akan diperoleh suatu model load frequency control (LFC) seperti pada gambar berikut

Perubahan tegangan keluaran generator tergantung pada

perubahan daya reaktif beban. Tetapi dalam operasi sistem
yang andal tegangan generator harus dijaga pada range
tegangan 0,9 1,0 1,05 pu,
Generator Capability Curve
Over-excitation Limit

0.8 pf
line Stator Winding Heating Limit
- Per unit MVAR

Normal Excitation
(Q = 0, pF = 1)

Turbine Limit
(Q) +

Under-excitation Limit
Stability Limit
Pengendalian yang digunakan pada bagian-
bagian sistem tersebut antara lain (Prabha
Kundur, 1993):

a. Pemasangan kapasitor shunt (shunt

apasitors), reaktor shunt (shunt reactors),
synchronous condenser / motor sinkron dan
static var compensators (SVC).
b. Pemasangan line reactance compensators
seperti kapasitor seri (series capasitors).
c. Pemasangan regulating transformers seperti
tap-changing transformers.
Model Sistem AVR
Fungsi dari AVR adalah mempertahankan besaran tegangan
terminal generator pada tingkatan yang ditentukan. System AVR
terdiri dari empat (4) komponen utama yaitu: Amplifier, Exciter,
Generator dan Sensor. Model matematika dan fungsi transfer
dari ke empat komponen tersebut diperlihatkan di bawah ini
(Hadi Saadat, 1999).
Brushless Excitation - A small permanent magnet generator (PMG) is
mounted on the rotor shaft.
The output of the PMG is controlled and applied to the stator of an ac exciter.
The output of this exciter is fed to a shaft mounted rectifier.
The rectified output of the exciter is supplied to the main field winding. No
sliprings or brushes are required.
The presence of the PMG provides black-start capability.
Reactive Power
What is Reactive Power Compensation?

Effectively balancing of capacitive and inductive components of a power

system to provide sufficient voltage support.
Static and dynamic reactive power

Essential for reliable operation of power system

prevention of voltage collapse/blackout

Benefits of Reactive Power Compensation:

Improves efficiency of power delivery/reduction of losses.

Improves utilization of transmission assets/transmission capacity.
Reduces congestion and increases power transfer capability.
Enhances grid reliability/security.
Static and Dynamic VAR Support

Static Reactive Power Devices

Cannot quickly change the reactive power level as long as the voltage
level remains constant.
Reactive power production level drops when the voltage level drops.
Examples include capacitors and inductors.

Dynamic Reactive Power Devices

Can quickly change the MVAR level independent of the voltage level.
Reactive power production level increases when the voltage level drops.
Examples include static VAR compensators (SVC), synchronous
condensers, and generators.
Major FACTS Controllers

Static VAR Compensator (SVC)

Static Reactive Compensator (STATCOM)
Static Series Synchr. Compensator (SSSC)
Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC)
Back-To-Back DC Link (BTB)
FACTS Applications
Power Flow Control Inter-area Control
System Reliability Inter-tie Reliability
S/S Inter-connected
RTO System

Power Generation UPFC BTB

Voltage Control Improved

Power System Stability Power Quality

Load S/S
Enhanced Increased
Import Capability Transmission Capacity
Power System
Static VAr compensator
Variable reactive
power source V

Can generate as well TCR

as absorb reactive XC Firing angle

power control

Maximum and XL

minimum limits on
reactive power output
depends on limiting Fig. 4 Schematic diagram of an SVC
values of capacitive
and inductive
Static compensator
Voltage source converter
System bus
Alternating voltage source V

behind a coupling reactance Transformer

Can be operated at its full X


output current even at very E

low voltages DC-AC switching


Depending upon Cs

manufacturer's design, Vdc

STATCOMs may have Fig. 5 Schematic diagram of STATCOM

increased transient rating both
in inductive as well as
capacitive mode of operation

Shunt Capasitor
Series Capasitor

Shunt Reactor

Synchronous Condenser

Distribution System

Contoh :
Hitunglah besarnya kapasitor yang harus ditambahkan ke sebuah lampu
fluoresen 20 W, 220 VAC, 50 Hz dengan faktor daya 0,4; sehingga faktor
dayanya terkoreksi menjadi 0,93
Penyelesaian :
Diketahui : P = 20 W , V = 220 VAC
cos cos
Dijawab :
Dari tabel sebelumnya: (tan tan1,896
Qc = P. (tan tan
= V2 / Xc
P. (tan tan
C = -------------------------
2. f.V2
20 . 1,896 39,816
= ------------------------- = -------------
2 . 3,14 . 50 . 2202 15197600
= 2,62 uF / 250 VAC
(Static Synchronous Compensator)
Welding Handbook
Idealized Phase Shift Heat Control

(a) Current Controlled by Tape Settings

In Actual Case,
Current can not

(b) Current Controlled by Phase Shift Setting



Hangover Angle
Related to R/L ratio

Androvich Resistance Welding Constant Current Heat Control,

AWS Sheet Metal ConfV, 1992
Thyristor controlled
reactor and fixed
capacitor, TCR/FC
A reactor and thyristor valve are
incorporated in each singlephase
branch. Power is changed by
controlling the current through the
reactor via the thyristor valve. The on-
state interval is controlled by delaying
triggering of the thyristor valve relative
to the natural zero current crossing.
A thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) is
used in combination with a fixed
capacitor (FC) when reactive power
generation or alternatively, absorption
and generation is required. This is often
the optimum solution for sub-
transmission and distribution.

TCR/FCs are characterized by

Continuous control
No transients
Elimination of harmonics by tuning
the FCs as filters
Thyristor switched capacitor,
A shunt capacitor bank is divided into an
appropriate number of branches. Each
branch is individually switched on or off via
a thyristor valve. Switching takes place
when the voltage across the thyristor valve
is zero, making it virtually transient-free.
Disconnection is effected by suppressing
the firing pulses to the thyristors which will
be blocked when the current reaches zero.

TSCs are characterized by

Stepped control
No transients
No harmonics
Low losses
Redundancy and flexibility
Thyristor controlled reactor/
Thyristor switched capacitor,
A combined TCR and TSC is the optimum
solution in many cases. With a TCR/TSC
compensator, continuously variable reactive
power is obtained across the entire control
range plus full control of both the inductive
and the capacitive parts of the compensator.
The principal benefit is optimum performance
during major disturbances in the power
system, such as line faults and load

TCR/TSC combinations are

characterized by
Continuous control
No transients
Elimination of harmonics via filters or TSR
(thyristor switched reactor) control
Low losses
Flexible control and operation
Shunt capasitor and reactor
The benefits of SVC to power
Stabilized voltages in weak systems
Reduced transmission losses
Increased transmission capacity, to reduce,
defer or
eliminate the need for new lines
Higher transient stability limit
Increased damping of minor disturbances
Greater voltage control and stability
Power oscillation damping
The benefits of SVC to power
Stabilized voltage at the receiving end of long lines
Increased productivity as stabilized voltage means
better utilized capacity
Reduced reactive power consumption, which gives
lower losses and improved tariffs
Balanced asymmetrical loads reduce system losses
and enable lower stresses in rotating machinery
Enables better use of equipment (particularly
transformers and cables)
Reduced voltage fluctuations and light flicker
Decreased harmonic distortion
Increase the power factor by dynamic reactive power
Eliminate the voltage distortion caused by harmonic.
Stabilize the voltage and reduce the voltage fluctuation
and flicker.
Balance the three-phase load current and eliminate the negative
sequence current.
Increase the operation safety of impact loading equipment and
its adjacent electrical equipment.
Operating Principles
The Static Var Compensator(SVC) are composed of the capacitor
banks/filter banks and aircore reactors connected in parallel. The air-core
reactors are series connected to thyristors.
The current of air-core reactors can be controlled by adjusting the fire
angle of thyristors.
The SVC can be considered as a dynamic reactive power source. It can supply
capacitive reactive power to the grid or consume the spare inductive reactive
power from the grid.
Normally, the system can receive the reactive power from a capacitor bank, and
the spare part can be consumed by an air-core shunt reactor.
As mentioned, the current in the air-core reactor is controlled by a thyristor
valve. The valve controls the fundamental current by changing the fire angle,
ensuring the voltage can be limited to an acceptable range at the injected
node(for power system var compensation), or the sum of reactive power at the
injected node is zero which means the power factor is equal to 1 (for load var
Current harmonics are inevitable during the operation of thyristor
controlled rectifiers, thus it is essential to have filters in a SVC
system to eliminate the harmonics. The filter banks can not only
absorb the risk harmonics, but also produce the capacitive reactive power.
The SVC uses close loop control system to regulate busbar voltage, reactive
power exchange, power factor and three phase voltage balance.

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