Light Electromagnetic Radiation: Optics: The Study of Light

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Electromagnetic radiation
Optics : The study of light
Energy of Light
Light is a type of energy, in a form
of electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength

h = 6.551027 ergsec

Wave-particle duality Properties of Light

Like all types of light, visible light is emitted and

absorbed in tiny "packets" called photons and
exhibits properties of both waves and particles.

Properties of light
The primary properties of visible light are
intensity, propagation direction, frequency
or wavelength spectrum, and polarization,
its speed in a vacuum, 299,792,458
metres per second,

Photons (from Greek ,
meaning light), are particles which
transmit light.
In other words, light is carried over space
by photons.

Electromagnetic Radiation EMR

EMR are classified by their wavelength: among others gamma

rays, X-rays, microwaves and radio waves 6
Spectra of light
Visible light
visible light, which is visible to the human eye and is
responsible for the sense of sight.
Visible light is having wavelengths in the range of 400
700 nanometres (nm)
or 4.00 107 to 7.00 107 m, between

the infrared (with longer wavelengths) and the ultraviolet

(with shorter wavelengths).[2]

Light dispersion

The refractive index of materials varies with the wavelength

(and frequency) of light.

This is called dispersion and causes prisms to divide white

light into its constituent spectral colors, and explains
9 how
rainbows are formed.
Chemistry is the study of matter

1. composition,
2. chemical structure
3. physical properties, and
4. reactivity

Atomic structure

Atomic particles

Particles Symbol Absolute mass


Proton p+ 1.673 x 10-24

Neutron N 1.675 x 10-24
Electron e- 9.11 x 10-28

- Protons and neutrons (colectively called nucleons) make up the nucleus

- Electrons forming some sort of cloud around the nucleus
The sub-atomic particles
relative mass relative charge

proton 1 +1

neutron 1 0

electron 1/1836 -1

Protons and neutrons don't have exactly the same mass -

On the carbon-12 scale
a proton has a mass of 1.0073
a neutron a mass of 1.0087


Light = electromagnetic radiation
- oscillating wave
- stream of photon energy

"electromagnetic" radiation.
The energy in light travels
because of local fluctuating changes in
electrical and magnetic fields

Frequency of the light
cycles per second or Hz

Frequency of the light V
cycles per second or Hz

the frequency of the light

the number of crests passing a particular point per second.

It is measured in "cycles per second", but is now called Hertz, Hz.

Cycles per second and Hertz mean exactly the same thing.
Electromagnetic radiation
light velocity vs wavelength

speed of light
Light has a constant speed through a given substance.
in a vacuum

it travels at a speed of 3 x 108 metres per second.

This is actually the speed that all electromagnetic
radiation travels - not just visible light.

Electromagnetic radiation
light velocity vs wavelength

Each particular frequency of light has a
particular energy associated with it
Propagation of light through a medium

the refractive index or index of

refraction n of a substance (
optical medium) is a
dimensionless number that
describes how light, or any other
radiation, propagates through that

Refractive index

c is the speed of light in vacuum

v is the speed of light in the

For example, the refractive index

of water is 1.33, meaning that
light travels 1.33 times as fast in
vacuum as it does in water


relationship between the wavelength and
relationship between the wavelength and frequency of
a particular colour of light and the speed of light:

Spectra of light
Visible light

nm = nanometre = 10-9 metre

Visible light

Light which has wavelengths of around 380 - 435 nm is seen as a

sequence of violet colours.

Various red colours have wavelengths around 625 - 740 nm.

Wavelength of visible light

colour region wavelength (nm)

violet 380 - 435
blue 435 - 500
cyan 500 - 520
green 520 - 565
yellow 565 - 590
orange 590 - 625
red 625 - 740
Which one has the highest energy?
Frequency vs wavenumber

Frequency vs velocity

when two hydrogen atoms combine

Half-filled atomic orbitals on each

H atom overlap in space to form a
new orbital
(a molecular orbital) containing
both electrons.

forming a simple covalent bond

between two atoms

Molecular orbital theory
if you start with two atomic orbitals, you must
end up with two molecular orbitals
A second molecular orbital is formed, but in
most cases (including the hydrogen molecule) it
is left empty of electrons.
It is described as an anti-bonding orbital.
The anti-bonding orbital has a quite different
shape and energy from the bonding orbital

An anti-bonding orbital is always
shown by the use of a star after
its symbol.

when a bonding orbital forms, it is

at a lower energy than the
original atoms.

Energy is released when the

bonding orbital is formed, and the
hydrogen molecule is more
energetically stable than the
original atoms.

A bonding orbital is stable because of the
attractions between the nuclei and the
In an anti-bonding orbital there are no
equivalent attractions - instead you get
There is very little chance of finding the
electrons between the two nuclei - and in
fact half-way between the nuclei there is
zero chance of finding them. There is
nothing to stop the two nuclei from
repelling each other apart.

So in the hydrogen case, both of the
electrons go into the bonding orbital,
because that produces the greatest
stability - more stable than having
separate atoms

and a lot more stable than having the

electrons in the anti-bonding orbital.

the double bond in ethene

The double in ethene consists of sigma

and pi bonds

if you overlap two atomic orbitals, you must get two

molecular orbitals according to molecular orbital
The second one is an anti-bonding pi orbital - and we
never draw it under normal circumstances.

The anti-bonding pi orbital is (just like the anti-

bonding sigma one) at a higher energy than the
bonding orbital - and so isn't used to hold electrons.

Both of the electrons in the pi bond are found in the pi

bonding orbital.
the relative energy level of each bonding type

Be careful not to confuse non-bonding with anti-bonding

- they mean totally different things 45
Transisi Elektron

Transisi elektron akibat radiasi ultraviolet

dan sinar tampak
n *
n *

Transisi Elektron ke tingkat energi yang lebih tinggi
Light energy

Relative electronegativity


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