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Simpson Case
Kaitlyn Grubbs, Kim Lichauer, and Gillian Ward
O.J. Simpson
Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman
Case History
Nicole Brown Simpson called the police nine
times reporting O.J. Simpson's disturbance
on her property prior to the murder
He beat her countless throughout
the relationship, including severely on New
Year's Eve.
She says about the night that "[He] beat me for
hours as I kept crawling for the door..."
On June 12, 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson (O.J.
Simpsons ex-wife) and Ronald Goldman
(friend of Nicole's) were stabbed to death
in their Brentwood home
Nicole had two children with O.J. who were
present in the house at the time of the
murder (Sydney8 years old and Justin5
years old)
The 8 month trial was the most
publicized one in American
history; the jury decided Simpson was
not guilty, despite nearly all forensic
evidence pointing towards him.
Forensic Ineptitude
Bloody fingerprint found on gateway of the house was not collected
Nicole's body covered with a blanket from inside the house
Didn't collect blood samples from an outdoor crime scene until two
weeks later
LAPD's shoeprints covered shoeprints of the perpetrator
(forensic ineptitude)
1.5mL of Simpson's blood was assumed missing
from a vial collected
Blood sample amount was not even measured
Blood not immediately transferred to a lab after
collection (was carried for hours before)
Speculations of missing blood being planted on critical
crime scene areas
EDTA (blood anticoagulant) was found in blood at
the crime scene, meaning it may have come from a lab
and then planted at the scene
Simpson's Bronco was entered twice while in LAPD's custody
by unauthorized personnel
Items of evidence were not labeled properly, nor did pictures have a
scale for measurement
Several pieces of evidence were bagged together, causing cross
Forensic scientist could not convey DNA evidence to jurors in terms
that they could understand, making it basically useless

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