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Linear Algebra

Chapter 4
Vector Spaces
Section 4.1
Vector Spaces and Subspaces
Vectors in
Vector Space
Vector Space
is a vector space. It contains all the vectors with entries.
Vector Space
First quadrant of is not a vector space. Why?
Not a subspace
So subspaces of are
1. Any line passing through origin
2. Zero Vector
3. itself

Subspaces of are
1. Any plane through origin
2. Any line passing through origin
3. Zero Vector
4. itself
Subspace span by a set
Section 4.2
Column Space and Null Space
Column Space
Column Space

Q:Which b vectors satisfy this system?

A:Those b vectors which are in Col A
Column Space
Null Space

Q:Which x vectors satisfy this system?

Null Space
Null Space
Null Space
Null Space
Null Space
Null Space and Column Space
Null Space and Column Space
Null Space and Column Space
Solution Space

Q: Does collection of all x vectors which satisfy this system form a

subspace ?
Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation

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