Developing The Oral - BTLCS

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Ideas and approach
What you need to do

Select your character or theme

Prepare a talk about it
You cannot bring the book or notes into the talk
The conversation will be recorded

It is NOT a test of language, but of literature so your talk needs to

show understanding of the character/theme and evidence to back up
your ideas
Your talk needs to include:

Characters Understanding of the character and

their development through the novel
Understanding of how the author has
created this character (using literary
The Narrator terms and techniques)
Evidence to support your ideas in the
Luo form of moments in the book and
The Seamstress quotations (these can be said by or
about the character)
Four-Eyes Use of literary terms such as
Village Headman protagonist, antagonist, episodic,
nave/unreliable/fallible narrator,
Four-Eyes Mother point of view, perspective, (tragic)
flaw, metaphor, simile, plot,
The Old Miller function, ambiguity, narrative,
structure, epiphany, tragedy,
objective, context, etc.
Your talk needs to include:

Themes Understanding of the theme and its

relevance to characters and
developments throughout the
Culture novel
Love Understanding of how the author
has embedded developed this
Friendship theme through the novel
Evidence to support your ideas in
Dreams the form of moments in the book
Imagination and quotations
Use of literary terms such as
Identity motif, symbols, irony
Change/transformati foreshadowing, connotation,
implicit, empathy pathos,
on atmosphere, allusion, idiom,
(thematic) imagery, language,
Fear euphemism, setting, etc.
Key Dates for Development
Late February/March
January Mock Exam Oral

Late March / Early

Mid February
Final Oral

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