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Participatory Research Proposal

Marta Niewiarowska and Magdalena ukasiewicz
GPTE 2014/2015
Action Research

Collaborative action research is a powerful

form of staff development because it is
practice to theory rather than theory to
practice. Teachers are encouraged to reach
their own solutions and conclusions and this is
far more attractive and has more impact than
being presented with ideals which cannot be
(Linda Ross, New
South Wales)
Action research
1. Identify an issue (We have a problem with one
student who is less knowledgeable than other
students this is the reason why the rest of the
class does not like this student)
2. Gather information about the issue
3. Use that information to design changes in
classroom procedure (we came up with two
ideas which we would like to compare)
4. Implement this procedure
5. Observe changes this implementation
brought about in the classroom
6. Reflect on the outcomes and implications
What have we done to narrow down our

Marta Magda collaboration

Our university supervisor

Barratt MARTA
Two students - two contexts
Private primary school in Private Language school in
Warsaw Warsaw
- Age: 8-9 - Age: 8-9
- 15 studnets in teh -10 students in the group
group - Twice a week, 90min
- Four lessons per week,
45 min
What do they have in common?

-These students are less knowledgeable than other

- They do not listen, they do not know what happens in the
classroom and then cry that they do not know what to do
- The rest of the class does not like them because they
always do not know what to do and do not know answers
What to do?
How to encourage the
students to more active
participation in the lesson?

How to integrate
the class?
Our ideas:
1. The problemtic students
sit next to the teacher;

2. Points all of the

students get points for
each active participation
(the willingness to
answer questions; active
listening etc.);
10 points = 6 Comparing
grade how it works
in our
3. The problematic contexts
students sit with very
good and fast students
Our results:

- First action: the problematic - My first action: the

pupil sat with the best student problematic students sat with
in the class the learners the better student it did
cooperation became total not work (the better student
disaster. The children argue do not like this problematic
all the time and do not work student so much that s/he did
with each other not want to help him/her)

-Second action: The student - Second action: The

sits next to the teacher = the problematic student sits next
student became more focused to me. What is more,
on the lesson, she pay more I introduced Points system it
attention to what the teacher really works!!! The
says. Moreover, thanks to the problematic student is very
teacher praises the student active (because he wants to
became more confident ( she have more and more points),
started to answer to the he has better grades and
teacher's questions and other students appreciated
In both cases the students attain the best results
when seated next to the teacher

Pairing the best student with the weaker one is

not a good idea, especially when the students do
not like/know each other

Additional motivational strategies really help in

engaging even the shyest students

Good class atmosphere and cooperation is

Final reflections
What have you learned?
Collaboration is always a good idea
Context is always important
The things which work in one classroom may
not work in another one
Observation is important
Always draw conclusions!
What have you done in order to:
bring people together.. our collaboration;
we do everything in order to integrate the students

mutual development.. each class, each

year of our experience, other teachers, parents
every aspect of our work develop us

make the work a continuous enterprise

we do not treat our work automatically. We analyse
each aspect of our teaching and try to solve all of
the problems
(Allwright,2005, p.360)
What have we done in order:
Integrate the work for understanding
into the existing working life of the
(Allwright, 2005, p.360)

We went through the whole procedure of the

action research.
It means that we noticed a problem in our
classes, tried to understand it and then solve it.
Thank you for your attention!

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