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Making the Switch: Unlocking

the Mystery of the WISC-IV

Shelley C. Heaton, Ph.D.

Dept of Clinical & Health Psychology
Case Conference
July 24, 2004
Why another revision?
A) Keep us on our toes
B) Revisions to theoretical foundations
C) Make more money
D) The old pictures were ugly
E) Improve psychometric properties
F) B & E
Its been longer than we think

1949: The Beginning of time (WISC)

1974: WISC-R
1991: WISC-III
12 AW: WISC-IV (2003)
Wechsler (1958)
[The grouping of subtests into Verbal and
Performance areas]does not imply that
these are the only abilities involved in the
testsThe subtests are different measures of
intelligence, not measures of different kinds
of intelligence, and the dichotomy of Verbal
and Performance areas is only one of several
ways in which the tests could be grouped.

In: The measurement and appraisal of adult intelligence. (pg 64)

Whats happened since then?
Changes in Intelligence Theory
Greater emphasis on multiple factors
Greater emphasis on fluid reasoning
(e.g., manipulating abstractions, rules,
generalizations, and logical relationships)
Importance of working memory in learning
Importance of processing speed as mediator
Process approach to evaluating performance
(how they did it is as important as whether its right/wrong)

evident in structural changes to revision

What is Fluid Reasoning?
Ability to perform mental operations, such as the
manipulation of abstract symbols (Sternberg, 1995)

Gf from the HornCatell model (Catell, 1941; Horn, 1968)

Encompasses the abilities of reasoning under novel

conditions: general reasoning, figural relations,
semantic relations, classifications, concept formation
(Horn & Noll, 1997)

New WISC-IV Subtests

Picture Concepts
Matrix Reasoning
Word Reasoning
What is the Process Approach?
How a child performs tasks is as important,
and often even more important, than the
score obtained.
Understanding performance on individual
items, including the kinds of errors a child
makes, can provide rich clinical information.
Describing the strategies a child employs
when performing tasks provides a basis of
interpretation that resonates deeply with
parents, teachers, and even with the child.
Psychometric & Normative Improvements

Flynn Effect
Were getting smarteror at least the young ones are

Demographic Shifts
Ethnic growth (Hispanic 11% 15%)
Regional growth (more in W & S than NE)

Clinical Utility
Extending floors & ceilings
Increase linkage with other tests (WIAT-II, CMS)
Improved Reliability/Validity evidence (Clinical Samples)
The Old Structure: WISC-III
(10 core subtests)
FSIQ = Verbal IQ (5) + Performance IQ (5)
Index Scores
Verbal Comprehension (VCI)
Perceptual Organization (POI)
Freedom from Distractibility (FDI)
Processing Speed (PSI)
3 optional subtests (1 useless)
Butto get FDI & PSI, must add 2 subtests
The New Structure: WISC-IV
(10 core subtests)
FSIQ = Sum of 4 Index Scores
Verbal Comprehension (3)
Perceptual Reasoning (3)
Working Memory (2)
Processing Speed (2)
4 optional subtests (for substitutions)
Same # of subtests, but now you get all
index scores without having to add subtests
(4 Indexes for the price of 10, instead of 12)
The New StructureFSIQ =
Verbal Comprehension Index Working Memory Index
Digit Span
Renamed FDI
** Letter-Number Sequencing
(Information) (Arithmetic)
** (Word Reasoning)

Perceptual Reasoning Index Processing Speed Index

Block Design
** Picture Concepts
** Matrix Reasoning Symbol Search
** (Picture Completion) ** (Cancellation)
What was removed (from WISC-III):
Verbal Comprehension Index Working Memory Index


Perceptual Reasoning Index Processing Speed Index

Object Assembly
Picture Arrangement
The New Subtests 5 in all
Verbal Comprehension Index Working Memory Index

(Word Reasoning)
(Word Reasoning) Letter-Number Sequencing

Perceptual Reasoning Index Processing Speed Index

Picture Concepts
Picture Concepts (Cancellation)
Matrix Reasoning
The Brand New Tests.(3)
Picture Concepts (core)
Perceptual Reasoning Index

Pick one here..

that goes with

one here..

Sample items only: Why do they go together?

Word Reasoning (supplemental)
Verbal Comprehension Index

Lets play a guessing game. Tell me what Im thinking of.

Lets test the ceiling item
This has never been seen or done before

and it can make our lives better and easier

and it is a product of the mind.

1 point: discovery, invention, innovation,

technology, imagination, creativity,
Cancellation (supplemental)
Processing Speed Index
When I say go, draw a line through each animal. Work as
quickly as you can w/out making any mistakes. Tell me
when you are finished.

Random vs Structured
The Borrowed New Subtests(2)

(new to the kiddie tests, but not new to us)

Matrix Reasoning
Letter-Number Sequencing
Tell me the numbers first, in order, starting with
the lowest number. Then tell me the letters in
alphabetical order.

Credit is given if produced in order

(i.e., correct sequence), even if letters are listed first.
Other Perks in the Revision:
Decreased testing time (arguable)
Simplified administration & scoring
1 supplemental subtest for each index
Dividing & Reorganizing the Manual
Prettier pictures and new items
Process Scores!!!
Block Design: non bonus time items (can do comparison too)
Digit Span: Forward vs Backward (& max digits scoring)
Cancellation: Random vs Structured
Clinical Utility and Validity
Norms: 2,200 children (11 age groups)
16 special group studies
Linking Studies
WIAT-II (N=550)
CMS, 110 cases, (in progress)
Adaptive Behav. Assess. System-II (N=200)
Bar-ON EQ (N=200)
Gifted Rating Scale (N=240)
Administration Guidelines
Familiarize yourself
New subtests
New items
New scoring (even for old tests BD)
Supplemental Subtests
Extra = dont add into the Index scores

Substitute = add it into Index scores

1/Index: Only 1 substitution allowed

when deriving any Index Score
2/FSIQ: Only 2 total substitutions
allowed when deriving FSIQ
Prorating dont do it
Avoid prorating if at all possible
VCI & PRI can be prorated if 2/3
contributing subtest scaled scores are valid
WMI & PSI cannot be prorated unless
supplemental subtests were administered
(but Full Scale IQ cannot be derived if you
do this)
Interpretation of the
WISC-IV Profile
Scores are the same:

Subtest Scaled Scores:

Mean = 10, SD = 3
IQ and Index Scores:
Mean = 100, SD = 15
Individuals Rank Compared to
Normative Group
Qualitative Descriptions (same)

Score Classification
130 and above Very Superior
120129 Superior
110119 High Average
90109 Average
8089 Low Average
7079 Borderline
69 and below Extremely Low
When interpreting
consider 3 things:
1. Score Differences
A statistically significant difference between
scores refers to the likelihood that obtaining
such a difference by chance is very low if the
true difference between the scores is 0. The
level of significance reflects the level of
confidence you can have that the difference is
a true difference ( 0.15 or 0.05).

The use of the 0.05 level of significance has

been suggested for most testing purposes
(Kaufman and Lichtenberger, 1999)
2. Standard Error
The difference between scores required for
significance is computed from the standard
error of measurement of the difference.
Refer to tables A.2 through A.6
Tables use estimated true score
The use of the 95% confidence interval
should be considered (Lichtenberger and Kaufman, 2004)
3. Base Rates
Cumulative Frequency tables or base rates
indicate how frequently a discrepancy of a
specific size occurred in the standardization
Index score base rates are also available by
ability level. The B.2 Tables include
80 FSIQ 89
90 FSIQ 109
110 FSIQ 119
FSIQ 120
Interpretation Recommendations
Give more weight to composite score
differences that are infrequent than to those
that are merely statistically significant

Interpret scatter among subtests carefully

(more on this later)

Include relevant process information

Reporting Full Scale IQ

Most reliable score

Report standard score, confidence
intervals & percentile rank
Include descriptive category
Interpreting the Full Scale
ScoreWhere Scatter Comes in
Does the full scale IQ represent a unitary
Examine Index discrepancies using statistical
significance and base rate comparisons
Examine Subtest scatter (Table B.6)
Variability among subtest scores is common
Does not necessarily indicate cognitive problem
More on subtest scatter
Assess frequency of a subtest scatter before
assuming it is unusual or important (Table B.6)
Over half of all children exhibit scatter of up to
7 points among the 10 Core subtests
When all 15 subtests are administered, well
over a third of children exhibit scatter of up to 9
Interpreting the Full Scale Score
Interpret the Full Scale IQ if it represents a
unitary construct of cognitive abilities
If the Full Scale IQ is not unitary then focus
on subtests scores
Interpreting Index Scores
1. Enter the various index standard scores on the
Analysis page from the Summary page.
2. Calculate the difference between scores.
3. Use Table B.1 to identify Critical Value by age.
4. Use Table B.2 to identify the Base Rate.
Interpreting Index Scores
Are differences among index scores
Statistical significance
Base Rates
If there is statistical significance and a low
base rate then interpret differences among
Interpreting Index Scores
Does index represent a unitary construct?
Evaluate scatter among subtests (Table B.6)
If the index is unitary, then interpret
If index is not unitary, discuss scatter
Interpreting Subtest Scores
1. Complete subtest strengths & weaknesses section.
2. Calculate the subtest mean (all subtests, VCI or PRI subtests)
3. Use Table B.5 to identify critical value.
4. Use Table B.6 for base rates.
Interpreting Process Scores

Complete the Process Analysis section

1. entering scaled scores
2. finding the difference
3. look up the critical values in Table B.9
4. Look up the base rates in Table B.10.
Supplemental Information
Remaining slides were taken from other
available presentations for your reference.
VCI Index Description
Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI)
Similarities, Comprehension, and Vocabulary subtests
Requires verbal conceptualization, stored knowledge
access and oral expression
Child must answer orally presented questions that
assess common-sense reasoning, reasoning out or
retrieving word associations, and the ability to describe
the nature or meaning of words.
Verbal expression required (length of response varies)
PRI Index Description
Perceptual Reasoning Index
Matrix Reasoning, Picture Concepts, and Block Design
Requires visual perception and organization and
reasoning with visually presented, nonverbal material
to solve the kinds of problems that are NOT school
BD also requires visual-motor coordination and the
ability to apply all skills in a quick, efficient manner.
The highest scores reflect both accurate and very quick
WMI Index Description
Working Memory Index
Composed of Letter-Number Sequencing and Digit
Requires working memory processes applied to the
manipulation of orally presented verbal sequences
Note that Digits Forward only requires initial encoding
and a verbal response as do the initial items on LNS
PSI Index Description
Processing Speed Index
Coding and Symbol Search
Requires visual perception and organization, visual
scanning, and the efficient production of multiple motor
These tasks require executive control of attention and
sustained effort for a 2-minute period of time while
working with visual material as quickly as possible
Performance on Coding is also dependent on paired-
associative learning

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