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Port security is an issue which due to

the recent upsurge in terrorist activity
has been much in focus.
Terrorism is only once security concern
which ports have to consider.
Others concerns include, smuggling,
stowaways,aslyum seekers,illegal
immigrants,sabotage theft and
pilferage of cargo
The port provides an entry and exit
point to a nation state. Certain
statutory bodies have an interest in
being present in order to ensure the
demands of society are met. The
three most important are Customs,
Immigration and Port Health
Customs. The role of Customs is to
ensure control is exercised over the
export and import of goods moving
across its national borders. Customs
also maintain a statistical record of
the nations exports and imports
allowing governmental assessment
of the nation's balance of payments.
All ships are required to report to Customs prior to
entry and request clearance before departure. On
entry into a port the following must be declared.
general information about the ship, its voyage and
details of ships stores. The ship's Master and each
crew member must declare certain goods, for
example the number of cigarettes in their
possession, A declaration of cargo carried is
required and this can be undertaken by submitting
the ship's manifest or
using a computerised inventory control system
approved by Customs.

Immigration Control is exercised

by the Immigration of the
The purpose the Department is to
prevent illegal immigration and they
will need to know crew and
passenger names before permitting
leave to enter the country.
Problems can arise when a crew
member or passenger has to be
landed for medical reasons, when a
crew member deserts the ship, and
when a ship arrives in port with
shipwrecked seamen onboard.
Stowaways are treated as illegal
immigrants and dealing with them is
the prerogative of the country where
arrival takes place.
Port Health control is exercised at the
shipss arrival and port of departure.
Prior to entry the ship's Master is
required to declare any case of
infectious disease has occurred.
The Port Health Authority may require
the ship to anchor in safe or convenient
place in order for a medical inspection
to take place and before free pratique
The port is a focal point for many
support businesses including ship's
Agents , shipping lines and freight
forwarders. Increasingly the port is
developing businesses which add
value to cargoes prior to distribution
to the port hinterland.
The ship's Agent is appointed by a Shipowner to
represent its interests as a local representative. The ship
agent's local knowledge will ensure that the activities of
the ship are effectively expedited. For the work involved
the ship's Agent will receive a fee, in addition to being
reimbursed for additional expenses incurred.
the activities of the ship's Agent commence before the
ships arrival and involve informing and providing specific
information to customs, immigration and port health of
the expected arrival. The berth will be booked in
advance and importer and exporter of cargo will be
informed. Tugs and Pilots will be ordered. While in port
the ship's Agent will deal with a wide range of activities
to support the ship's Master, Including crew matters,
victuals, spare parts, cargo interests and surveys.
A listing of port users includes
organisations involved with bunker
supply, import and export activity,
marine engineering, cargo
distribution and trucking, chandlery,
rigging, and ship survey, towage and
salvage, ship repair, terminal
operation, mechanical handling
equipment, stevedoring , rail freight,
warehousing and storage.
Trade unions which represent port workers at a
local level respond globally to threats in order to
maintain their rights and benefits. More than one
hundred and seventy trade unions representing
400,000 port workers are represented by the
International Transport Workers Federation
(ITF) who seeks consultation with port employers
to resolve difficulties created by change. The ITF
has a specialised Dockers Section which supports
port workers in their desire to establish stable and
fulfilling employment, decent incomes and working
conditions, health and safety in the workplace and
the freedom from discrimination and corruption.

Discuss why a port activity is described as being

Demand Driven'?
Briefly explain the differences between (i) a
Landlord port (ii) a Tool port (iii) a Service port
and (iv) a Private port. Give an example of each
List the activities associated with Marine and
Engineering functional areas of a port. State the
four main activities of a port in which
Performance Indicators can be effectively used.
What is the value of using Port Performance
Indicators to port managers?
State the benchmarks which may be used
to evaluate a Port Performance Indicator.
Expand the abbreviations (i) ISM (ii) ISPS
(iii) ISO (iv) VTS (v) PFSP
What are the security risks associated
with port operations?
List the potential impact of port dredging
operations on the environment and state
how the impact can be reduced
Having completed Chapter Three attempt
ONE of the following questions and
submit your essay to your Tutor.
Critically discuss the organisation of port
management in meeting the needs of its
customers. OR
Explain how operational port performance
can be measured. Discuss any
weaknesses in the methods you describe.

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