Exponents, Radicals and Algebraic Expressions

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Exponents, Radicals and Algebraic

Exponential notation
• Definition of a for a positive integer n (the
exponent) and real number a (the base):
Non-positive Exponents
• Provided a is nonzero, we can also define an
when n is zero or negative:
Laws of Exponents
• Here a and b are real numbers and m and
n are integers:
More Examples and a Theorem
3 5
8x y
• Here is how to simplify 1 2
4x y
• Simplify 3 3 8 4
16 x y z :

2 3 5
3a b 6a b
Rationalizing a Denominator
• Means rewriting a fraction so that the
denominator contains no radicals.
• Some special cases:
• Rationalize the denominators of
and of 5
Rational Exponents
• Definition and examples:
 2 x   3x 5 / 6 

Simplify  y1/ 2   y1/ 3  :

   
Length of a Halibut
The length weight relationship for pacific halibut
can be approximated by the formula L  0.463 w
where w is in kilograms and L is in meters. The
largest documented halibut weighed 230 kilograms.
Estimate its length.
Algebraic Expressions
• The result of applying
– Additions,
– Subtractions,
– Multiplications,
– Divisions,
– Powers, or
– Taking roots
to any collection of variables and/or real
Special Types of Algebraic
• If x is a variable, then a…
– Monomial in x is an expression of the form axn ,
– Binomial in x is a sum of two monomials,
– Trinomial in x is a sum of three monomials, and a
– Polynomial in x is a sum of any number of monomials
in x :
• Each expression akxk in the sum above is a term of the polynomial.
• The coefficient ak of the highest power of x is called the leading coefficient of the
Multiplying Polynomials
Polynomials With Two or More Variables
• A polynomial in two variables, say x and y, is a finite sum of terms, each of the
form axmyk for some real number a and nonnegative integers m and k.
• An example is
3x4y + 2x3y5 + 7x2 - 4xy + 8y – 5.
• Other polynomials may involve three or more variables.

• The products listed in this following chart occur so frequently they deserve
special attention:
• Factoring is the process of expressing a sum of terms as a product. For example, since
x2 – 9 = (x + 3)(x – 3), the polynomials x + 3 and x – 3 are factors of x2 – 9 .
• To factor a polynomial means to express it as a product of irreducible polynomials

Factoring Formulas
Factoring by Grouping

• If a sum contains four or more terms, it may be possible to group the terms
in a suitable manner and then find a factorization by using distributive
• Examples:
Fractional and Rational
• A fractional expression is a quotient of two
algebraic expressions.
• A rational expression is a quotient p/q of two
polynomials p and q .
• Thus, every rational expression is a fractional
expression, but not vice versa.
Domain and Examples
• The domain of a rational expression p/q
consists of all real numbers except those that
make the denominator zero…
– …since division by zero is never allowed!
• Examples:
Products and Quotients of Rational
• Rational expressions are multiplied and
divided just as ordinary fractions are.
• Two examples:
Solution for Example (a)
• Note that the simplified form makes it
much easier to tell the values of x for
which the given expression equals zero.
• Simplify 2 3 5
3a b 6a b

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