Engineering Mathematics I EMF 0014

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Engineering Mathematics I

EMF 0014

• Name: Brahim Belhaouari Samir
– PhD in Mathematic 2006, Switzerland
– Master in Telecommunication 2000, France
– Joined UTP in October 2007
– Before joining UTP worked as a lecturer in EPFL
Lausanne, Switzerland
– Email:
– Phone 017 519 00 32
– Office: 20-03-26
– Phone: 7686

– Anything else you want to know?

Why Study Mathematics

The study of mathematics can satisfy a wide range of interests and

abilities. It develops the imagination. It trains in clear and logical

Science Without Mathematics
• While it is possible to do science without
mathematics, it is much more difficult to
understand the results. Without mathematics,
science is reduced to simply cataloging
observations and phenomena

Design and Production of Cars
• In the car industry, the model of a car
can be made using CAD which
describes the Geometry of the car
through mathematical Expressions
which display the model of car on
computer screen.

• The model can be tested through

simulations by solving various
differential equations.

• The data obtained from CAD can be

used in automated production

Navigation: From Stars to GPS
• It is now possible to find out
where you are. You can even
discover which way you are
moving and how fast. These
measurements of position and
velocity come from GPS (the
Global Positioning System). A
handheld GPS receiver gives
your position on the earth within
80 meters, and usually better,
by measuring the range to four
or more satellites. To achieve
centimeter accuracy we need
careful mathematics.
• GPS is based on a simple
Mathematical principle: if we
know our distance to three
points in space then we can
compute our position.

Course Description- EMF0014

This course covers fundamentals of mathematics,

functions, polynomials and rational functions,
exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric
functions of real numbers, trigonometric functions of
angles, analytic trigonometry and analytic geometry.

• Learning Outcomes

• At the end of the course, students should be able to:

• Find zeros and points of intersection in two – dimensional graphs and
• Solve application problem of rational functions and inequalities.
• Express relationship between specific exponential and logarithmic
functions and model exponential functions.
• Apply basic trigonometric identities, formulae and equations and in solving
trigonometric functions.
• Sketch and find the equation for circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola.
• Solve oblique triangles using law of sine and cosine and use De Moivre’s
theorem in solving trigonometric form of complex number.

Important Reminders

• Attendance:
• Attendance for lectures AND tutorials is COMPULSORY. Students with
poor attendance will be given a warning letter. If the attendance of a
student continues to be poor, then he/she will be barred from the final
examination. This means an immediate F grade is given.
• Absenteeism from lecture/tutorial session must be justified to the
lecturer/tutor. In case of absentees due to sickness, a Medical Certificate is
required and in the case of other commitment (student activities, family
matters, etc) an authorization letter from the relevant personnel is required.
• Tests would not be replaced due to absenteeism UNLESS the supporting
document is shown.
• Quizzes sessions would not be replaced under any circumstances
• Students who are absent minimum of FIVE (5) lecture or minimum of
TWO (2) tutorial sessions without any supporting documents will be
BARRED from taking the final exam.

Assignments & Quizzes

Your lecturer will prepare the questions. Remember also

plagiarism is an offence. Substantial marks will be
deducted if students are found to do so. Quizzes will be
given during lecture session, which is worth for fifteen
minutes each.

Learning Assessment

The final grade is based on:

Assessment Task % Contribution

Assignments 15

Quizzes 15

Tests 30

Final Exam 40
TOTAL 100%

Textbook / References

• Swokowski, E. W: Precalculus, Eleventh Edition,

2007, Brooks/Cole.
• Stewart, J, Precalculus, 4th Ed., 1998, Brooks/Cole.
• L. Bostock, S. Chandler, Mathematics : The Core
Course for A-Level, First Edition, 1981, Stanley
Thornes Ltd.
• College Algebra, Raymond A. Burnett, Michael
R.Ziegler, Fifth Edition, 1993, McGraw-Hill
International Editions


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