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People of the State of

California v. Orenthal
James Simpson
In 1994, O.J. Simpson former NFL
player, winner of the Heisman Trophy,
and actor was accused of murdering
his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and
her friend Ronald Goldman.
The trial lasted from January to October 1995.
Simpson's defense
attorneys, pictured
here (from left to
right), were Robert
Shapiro, Johnnie
Cochran Jr., Robert
Kardashian, F. Lee
Bailey, and Gerald

Marcia Clark
(left) was the
prosecutor in
the case and
Darden (right)
was an
The boudieswere found outside of
Nicole'scondominium in theBrentwood area of
Los Angeles.
The O.J. Simpson car chase
e d a n
e g ai n
a s
The c dented
r e c e
un p
f m e di a
o u n to
am n.
te n ti o

Here is Johnnie Cochran

surrounded by a swarm of
Brian Kaelin
Nicole Brown Simpson's sister testified in court
Denise Brown testified in court.

a n,
u h rm
ark F tive in
M tec s,
d e el e
a A ng uring
Los fied d
test ial..
e tr Rosa Lopez, a
for Simpson's
neighbor, was
a defense
witness in the
The prosecution asked Simpson to try on a pair of
extra-large gloves that matched the same glove found
at the crime scene.
The verdict alo pso
law ngsi n
Members of d
an yers e
O.J. Simpson's d
aft Co Bail
family reacting no er he hran ey
to the verdict. ve gui arin
rdi lty gt
c t. he

Ron Goldman's family

reacting to Simpson's
not guilty verdict.

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